Reformer - Fundamental Flashcards
Parallel Heels
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral spine position, legs parallel, heels placed on footbar, hip width apart - Resistance: medium to heavy
Movement: Exhale: Straighten legs, Inhale: Bend legs, return to start position
Muscle Focus: Hip extensors, knee extensors
Objectives: Hip extensor control, knee extensor strength, ankle and foot control, pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Initiate movement with hip extensors, keep feet dorsiflexed and stable as if standing on floor, straighten legs completely (avoiding hyperextension), maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
Parallel Toes
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral spine position, legs parallel, heels placed on footbar, hip width apart - Resistance: medium to heavy
Movement: Exhale: Straighten legs, Inhale: Bend legs, return to start position
Muscle Focus: Hip extensors, knee extensors
Objectives: Hip extensor control, knee extensor strength, ankle and foot control, pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Initiate movement with hip extensors, establish plantar flexion when knees are straight, keep heels stable moving around ankle joint, straighten legs completely (avoiding hyperextension), maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
V-Position Toes
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral position, hips externally rotated, toes placed on footbar, heels together, small v-position - Resistance: medium to heavy
Movement: Exhale: Straighten legs, Inhale: Bend legs, return to start position
Muscle Focus: Hip extensors, knee extensors
Objectives: Hip extensor control, knee extensor strength, ankle and foot control, pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Initiate movement with hip extensors, engage hip adductors, establish plantar flexion when legs are straight, keep heels squeezing together and stable, straighten legs completely (avoiding hyperextension), maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
Open V-Position Heels
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral spine position, hips externally rotated, heels placed on outside edge of footbar, wide V position - Resistance: medium to heavy
Movement: Exhale: Straighten legs, Inhale: Bend legs, return to start position
Muscle focus: Hip extensors, knee extensors
Objectives: Hip extensor control, knee extensor strength, ankle and foot strength, hip adductor control, pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Initiate movement with hip extensors, engage hip adductors, keep feet dorsiflexed and stable as if standing on floor, straighten legs completely (avoiding hyperextension), maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
Open V-Position Toes
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral spine position, hips externally rotated, toes placed on outside edge of footbar, wide V position - Resistance: medium to heavy
Movement: Exhale: Straighten legs, Inhale: Bend legs, return to start position
Muscle focus: Hip extensors, knee extensors
Objectives: Hip extensor control, knee extensor strength, ankle and foot control, hip adductor control, pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Initiate movement with hip extensors, straighten legs completely (avoiding hyper extension), engage hip adductors, establish plantar flexion when legs are straight, keep heels stable moving around ankle joint, maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
Calf Raises
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral spine position, legs straight and parallel, toes placed on footbar, feet hip width apart and plantarflexed - Resistance: medium to heavy
Movement: Inhale: Lower heels, Exhale: Lift heels, return to start position
Muscle focus: Ankle-foot plantar flexors, ankle-foot dorsiflexors
Objectives: Ankle-foot plantar flexor strength, ankle-foot dorsiflexor control, pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Lower heels with control, use full range of motion of ankle joint, maintain straight legs (avoiding hyperextension), maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral spine position, legs straight and parallel, toes placed on footbar, feet hip width apart and plantarflexed - Resistance: medium to heavy
Movement: Inhale: Lower one heel and lift simultaneously, switch Exhale: Lower one heel and lift simultaneously, switch, Final Exhale: Lift both heels, return to start position
Muscle focus: Ankle-foot plantar flexors, ankle-foot dorsiflexors
Objectives: Ankle-foot plantar flexor strength, ankle-foot dorsiflexor control, pelvic lumbar stabilization
Cues: Work both feet equally in full range of motion, straighten legs and plantar flex feet completely between each repetition, maintain pelvic lumbar stabilization
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Single Leg Heel
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Single Leg Toes
Supine Series
Block: Foot Work
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Hundred Prep
Block: Abdominal Work
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Hip Supine Series
Block: Hip Work
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Circles Down
Hip Supine Series
Block: Hip Work
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Circles Up
Hip Supine Series
Block: Hip Work
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Hip Supine Series
Block: Hip Work
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Lunge Standing
Hamstring Stretch Group
Block: Stretches
Level: Fundamental
Muscle Focus:
Bottom Lift
Block: Spinal Articulation
Level: Fundamental
Setup: Lying supine in neutral spine position, legs parallel, hip width apart, toes placed on footbar, knees bent, arms by sides, headrest down
Movement: Exhale: Roll spine up, Inhale: Pause, Exhale: Roll Spine Down, Inhale: Pause
Muscle Focus: Spinal flexors, hip extensors
Objectives: Spinal articulation, hip extensor control
Cues: Foot position is same as Parallel Toes in footwork, keep heels still, adductors engaged and legs parallel, minimize movement of carriage when rolling up and down, articulate through each vertebra as spine rolls up and down
Bottom Lift w/ Extension
Block: Spinal Articulation
Level: Fundamental
Full Body Integration: Scooter Round Back
Knee Stretch Group
Level: Fundamental
Full Body Integration: Scooter Flat Back
Knee Stretch Group
Level: Fundamental
Armwork: Extension
Arms Supine Series
Level: Fundamental
Armwork: Adduction
Arm Supine Series
Level: Fundamental
Armwork: Circles Up
Arm Supine Series
Level: Fundamental