Reform + Control 1962-66 15. Social Change Flashcards
How did life change for People in school?
- In 1956 less than 50% of children were in school, 20yrs later over 96% were
- In each district there were ‘key schools’ which prepared the best teachers and students for high roles in the PRC
- During the GLF child mortality rates were high not only due to starvation but due to accidents with machinery in fields
How did life change or women and families at this time?
- New CCP propaganda emphasised their domestic roles
- Slogan ‘longer, later, fewer’ was used to restrict family size and increase birth control
- In Hebei Provence cadres
claimed 70% of the pop were using contraception
What was life like for university students?
- Remoulded to more stem subjects due to demand of specialists
- Due to Sino-Soviet Split there was no longer the opportunity to go to USSR to learn
- Early 1960s ‘learn from the peasant’s movement’ due to lack of employment
How did the CCP monitor Children and indoctrinate them?
- The young pioneer’s youth group was set up for children ages from 6-14 to monitor their peers and control others
- Propaganda and PLA
How was Culture controlled between 1962-66?
Censorship and control:
- Crackdown on western influences and book publishers had to send work of to be approved
- In Shantou 1953 300,000 books were burned in 3 days
- Western influences, nightclubs, jazz and Hollywood films were banned which was overseen by a drama reform committee
- CCP officials like Jiang Quing didn’t feel like opera reflected the revolutionary reality of culture, she said it should portray class heroes, so she made her own
- Opposed by the ministry of culture but she did persuade the party to form a 5-man group to control the culture
- Film was used as propaganda and in the 1960s 603 feature films were released
- Mobile projection units were created to allow peasants to view free of charge
- During the HFC there was a brief outpour of films criticising the party
What were the policies towards Daoism and Buddhism groups between 1962-66?
Daoism and Buddhism - Withdrawal from the sect’s campaign arrested and executed those who didn’t withdraw from their religion and priests were sent to laogais
- In later 1950s monasteries were destroyed and turned into prisons; monks forced to work
- 1959 Tibetan revolt saw the Dalai lama flee to India and the Panchen lama take over, however he criticised the famine and blamed Mao so was arrested in 1962
What were the policies towards Muslims between 1962-66?
- Lived in northwest China and were supressed after revolts by the PLA
-As part of the 1953 Chinese Islamic Association children that were taught in Mosques began attending state schools - Han Chinese people were encouraged to move north-western for population balance
What were the policies towards Christianity between 1962-66?
- Placed under suspicion due to western imperialism influence when missionaries in 1950s were exiled, churches stripped of symbols, sacred objects, training of priests was banned.
- Study sessions for members of Christian congregations to reform ‘themselves’
- Didn’t stamp out Christianity but did reduce by 1.7million