REDO END OF UNIT TEST Chapter 7 (13 exam questions) The Regulatory Advice Process Flashcards
What was the main aim of the National Strategy for Financial Capability?
What body was responsible for it?
What is the Money Guidance Service?
It was established following the Retail Distribution Review
It provides impartial and free information and guidance on budgeting, saving and borrowing, amongst other thing. The review found there was a lack of this.
NOTE: It is now called the ‘Money Advise Service’ after name changes. IT does not give advise even though its name suggests otherwise but has now joined as part of The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)
What is the The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)?
Now called MoneyHelper
Was formed by merging TPAS (The Pensions Advisory Service), Pension Wise and the MAS (Money Advice Service) to provide a more streamlined approach as there is 1 clear option for receiving free and impartial generic help
Helps in 5 main areas. These are:
All firms must be able to show consistently that fair treatment of customers is at the heart of their business model.
What was this introduced by?
What must firms do specifically to achieve this?
This requirement came about from ‘Fair Treatment of Customers’ initiative from the FCA
Specifically firms must: (see image)
How do the FCA define vulnerable customers?
What did the The Retail Distribution Review (RDR) introduce?
Led to huge changes in the advise sector
Increased the minimum qualification level required for financial advisors from level 3 (A-level) to level 4 (diploma)
Advisors can no longer charge commission. Instead they are remunerated through an ‘advise fee’. This was to remove commission bias.
Introduced two distinct types of advise:
- Independent (offered by whole of market advisers/ IFAs)
- Restricted (Offered by single and multi-tied advisers.)
Tell me the difference between restricted advise and independent advise
Based on a comprehensive analysis of the client’s situation and the market in terms of suitable products and providers.
This is offered by whole of market advisers/ IFAs.
Also based on a comprehensive analysis of the client’s situation, but the choice of both product and provider is limited.
This is offered by both single and multi-tied advisers.
What did the Sandler Review introduce?
S in Sandler = Stakeholder
This brought in a range of stakeholder products to allow consumers to be able to invest in simple, low-cost products.
They were aimed at consumers on low incomes.
NOT a great success, with take-up rates being very low against expectations.
Stakeholder products can be offered with ‘basic advise’
What is basic advise?
Advisers follow a basic advice process. They require no professional qualifications to give advice on stakeholder products.
it makes the product cheaper and easily accessible which is the whole idea of stakeholder products
How basic advise differs:
Full disclosure is not required.
No full fact find… KYC rules are replaced with a series of questions known as ‘decision trees’
The suitability report has been replaced with a simpler ‘recommendation summary’
Recommendations must be suitable, not the ‘most suitable’
A key features document must be provided (still the same)
Stakeholder products are split into three groups: Outline and Explain
What is charging structure and minimum premium amounts for the respective products
LEARN THIS!!! As exam questions involving stakeholder products will likely be based on this
What is a lifestyle fund?
Why does it not suit ‘risk adverse’ clients
Is a type of pension arrangement
It is a pre-programmed fund switch, usually 5 years before the client’s selected retirement date where the fund moves from higher-risk to lower-risk assets,
This is to avoid the effects that a last-minute fall in investment value could have on retirement income.
The client cannot be ‘risk-averse’ as the lifestyle fund will be heavily equity based at the start. It is a way of managing risk, not avoiding it.
What is the Financial Advice Market Review (FAMR)?
Published by the Treasury and the FCA.
Made several recommendations (read 7.1 of chapter 7)
The Financial Advice Working Group (FAWG) is responsible for actioning and taking forward FAMR recommendations.
following the RDR, there are two types of advice: what are they
Offered by IFA’s (also known as whole of market advisors)
Offered by multi-tied and single-tied advisors
Single-tied and Multi-tied advisors offer restricted advise
IFA’s (also known as whole of market advisors) offer independent advise
They all must equally treat their customers with skill and diligence, but there are a few differences between each type. Explain what this is
If an IFA has no suitable recommendation, what must they do?
They must recommend the best product and provider for their client no matter what
This differs to singlie and mulit
Clients are categorised into groups for investment business.
Retail Clients
Elective Professional Clients
‘Per Se’ Elective Clients
Eligible Counterparties
What are Retail Clients?
Retail Clients -
Anyone who is not a professional client or an eligible counter party
Most common type of client
Offered highest level of disclosure and protection
Clients are categorised into groups for investment business.
Retail Clients
Elective Professional Clients
‘Per Se’ Elective Clients
Eligible Counterparties
What are Elective Professional Clients?
They are deemed ‘professional’ due to their knowledge and experience
Before being deemed as a professional client their knowledge must be checked
It is checked through 2 ways:
Qualitive - Where their feelings, experience and knowledge is assessed
Quantitative - This involves assessing previous transaction history and investment value held if firm is subject to MIFID
An industry expert or a financial advisor could be classed as an elective professional client
Clients are categorised into groups for investment business.
Retail Clients
Elective Professional Clients
‘Per Se’ Elective Clients
Eligible Counterparties
What are ‘Per Se’ Elective Clients?
Deemed professional simply due to the nature of their role, business model and organisation. Not necessary their knowledge like with elective professional clients
No further analysis is required for ‘Per Se’ Clients (differs to elective professional clients where it is required) as by their nature it is satisfied they have greater understanding than a retail client
Examples of Per Se clients are:
Banks, governments, investment firms, any FCA authorised firms and so on
Clients are categorised into groups for investment business.
Retail Clients
Elective Professional Clients
‘Per Se’ Elective Clients
Eligible Counterparties
What are Eligible Counterparties?
Have the least level of protection and disclosure
How does ICOBS rules classify clients? In other words, how do the insurance industry classify their clients?
How does MCOB class clients?
The insurance industry class their clients as:
Consumers: Real people (so not a corporation) who are not ‘in the trade’ of the business being transacted.
Commercial customers: Anyone who is not deemed to be a consumer.
Customers: This is the collective term used when referring to both Consumers and Commercial Customers.
NOTE: This contrasts to the investment industry where clients are classed as either: Retail Clients, Elective Professional Clients, ‘Per Se’ Elective Clients or Eligible Counterparties
NOTE 2: MCOB classifies EVERYONE as customers
Some of the ways a financial adviser can give advise is: Execution only, Best Execution, Limited advise, Non advise
Tell me about each
An adviser may come across an individual who is an ’insistent client’
What is this and what important task must the advisor do if they are met with this types of client
This is where the client insists on a different course of action from the one recommended by the financial adviser in the original suitability report.
If this occurs, a second letter should be issued, reiterating the original advice. Only then, if the client still insists, should the business be completed.
IMPORTANT: Signed documentation (detailing the fact that their actions are against the advice of the firm) must be obtained before the advisor fulfils whatever their request is.
Many firms do not like insistent clients, as they view it as high-risk and going against Principle 1: Integrity.
What is fiduciary duty?
What is a fiduciary?
Fiduciary duty describes the highest standard of care
It means the firm cannot have a conflict of interest, firms cannot charge for complaints against itself, firms cannot receive inducements from product providers and it cannot offer inducements, firms CANNOT claim to be independent when they are not and so on
The person who has a fiduciary duty is called the fiduciary, and the person to whom he owes the duty, is typically referred to as the principal or the beneficiary.
What is a disclosure of interest
It is a form that an advisor may need use if they are a conflict of interest between two clients
For examples, dealing with both parties during a divorce.