Chapter 10 (5 questions) Ethics And Professional Standard Flashcards
What are ethics?
Ethics relate to standards of behaviour
It is part of ALL financial services. For example, The APER Principles and SM&CR rules all help to encourage ethical behaviours.
Following rules only doesn’t necessarily make you ethical
What did The Bribery Act 2010 introduce
The act is aimed at enhancing free and fair competition, and reducing bribery in all companies, not just financial services. (ie more ethical)
Introduced 3 new offences:
Offering, promising or giving a financial or other advantage, intending to bring about improper performance (‘Giving a bung’ basically).
Bribery of a foreign public official.
Failure of a firm to prevent bribery.
What is whistleblowing?
‘a person who raises a concern about a wrongdoing in their workplace’.
There is more protection in place for whistle blowers and companies must have written policy. FCA actively encourages whistleblowing as part of its forward looking approach. More ethical
Summary of 10.1
What was the Aldermanbury Declaration?
Where the general insurance sector signed up to a common set of professional standards in relation to knowledge and conduct, therefore making them more ethical
If ethics are embedded in a firm or a behaviour is embedded in the firm what does this mean?
‘Embedding’ means that the ethics/behaviour/whatever else it is, are practised at all levels of a business and are ‘business as usual’.
The ‘tone at the top’ and ‘walking the talk’ plays a major part in setting and reinforcing any of these behaviours
Different levels of ethics
Why are disclaimers frowned upon by the FCA
They are an easy get out clause for individuals/firms/markets to display poor and unethical behaviour
What is Dilemma Resolution?
How does it work
Its a process used to help staff resolve ethical issues that are proving difficult to resolve or understand.
For example, a staff member may not understand why its unethical to speak to customers in the way they do (THIS IS A BAD EXAMPLE)
It’s basically a series of questions that can help focus on solving the ethical dilemma.
Questions could be:
Are the outcomes ‘good’ ?
Would the decision stand up to public scrutiny in the light of day?
Would you be proud / happy to be associated with the decision?
and so on
Its up to firms to solve these kind of issues because there are not really any set rules if the individual is following the rules but still be unethical. Its outside the scope of the FCA handbook
Summary of 10.2
What is Dilemma Resolution Model
It helps resolve ethical issues
Evaluating ethics is difficult, and often other factors need to be considered
What are some key measurable signs that a firm is showing unethical behaviour
The following MI could highlight issues