Redemption Flashcards
The Church
The Holy people of God also called the body of Christ, among whom Christ is present and active
A church
A building in which Christians worship
The place of sacrifice where the offering of the mass is made to God. All of the furniture pointing to the altar shows that the pinnacle of worship is the altar
Stations of the cross
A series of 14 images that remind Catholics of Jesus’ final journey to the cross through prayer
The reading stand which the Bible readings are given and the word of Gos is proclaimed. Usually in a prominent place so everyone else can see.
The place in the Church where the consecrated hosts are kept. At the front of the church so people can see it and people bow/kneel before taking their seats.
A representation of Jesus on the cross on which he died. Reminds us of Jesus’ suffering and salvation and it tries to help us feel grateful
Restoring the relationship between people and God through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus
Execution by being fixed up onto the cross
Jesus coming back from the dead to save humanity from their sins
Jesus returns to heaven body and soul
When Jesus returns to heaven, this opens up the door for humans to join him. This is the resurrection of creation.
Making up for the wrongs done by other people to bring humans back into a relationship with God
Freedom from sin, and from the eternal separation from God that is brought about by sin.
God’s free gift of his unconditional love to the believer
The voice of God in their heart and soul guiding each person to make the right choices
The Mass
A re-enactment and celebration of Jesus’ death, through which humans are freed from their sins and their relationship with God is restored
People present bread and wine to God as a sign of thanksgiving
Eucharistic prayer
At the consecration, the words of Jesus at the last supper are repeated over the bread and wine
Our Father
Through Christ’s redemption, believers are allowed to call God ‘Father’. At this point they say the ‘our father’
Sharing in a meal that unites people with each other and with christ
Words of Institution
When the priest says the words of Jesus from the Last Supper
Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)
Latin word for first part of prayer that is said shortly before communion.
Blessed sacrament
A term that refers to the consecrated bread and wine
Eucharistic adoration
Catholics believe that Jesus is truly present in the consecrated bread and wine, called the blessed sacrament, so they treat the eucharist with great reverence and respect
Meaning ‘blessing’ a service at which the blessed sacrament is exposed and Catholics worship christ in the sacrament
A large holder in which a large host is placed upright so people might see it and worship before the blessed sacrament
A branch of Christianity mainly, but not entirely, practised in eastern europe.
Believe that Christ is received spiritually during communion
Christians who do not follow rules laid down by a central authority but are organised at a local level; the bible forms a central part of their worships
Cycle of humanity from creation, fall, incarnation to restoration
Creation - genesis story of God creating universe and human beings being given free will
Fall - Adam and Eve choosing to sin so our bond with God is broken
Incarnation - Jesus comes down as God in human form
Restoration - Jesus dies on cross to save our sins
How is the death of Jesus related to redemption
Death on cross fulfilled old testament prophecies. Blood and water flowed from Jesus’ side - water symbolic of water of baptism and blood of wine. Significance: the sacrifice of one individual pays the price for humanities sins
Explain how resurrection is related to redemption
First people who Jesus don’t recognise him eg. Road to Emaiah story and Martha and Mary visit his tomb and say Jesus looks heavenly whilst still human. Significance: By resurrecting Jesus, body and soul, the human Jesus defeats the death given to us by Adam and Eve.
Explain how ascension relates to redemption
Occurs 40 days after Easter Sunday. He sends disciples to spread word of God and 10 days later, Holy Spirit enters them at Pentecost. Significance: Jesus returning to heaven opens door for humans to join him which is the restoration of creation
Salvation as past present and future
Past - Salvation has come through death and resurrection of Jesus
Present - some believe salvation is an ongoing process and need to be guided by Holy Spirit
Future - Final victory of God’s grace will come at end of time, when God’s kingdom is established at full point
Explain metaphors St Irenaus uses to explain redemption
Adam and Eve rejecting God broke humanity and God’s bond through fruit of tree. Redemption - tree of cross - Jesus dies to fix bond
Explain metaphors used by St Anselm to explain redemption
God’s honour is denied through sin. Gods justice is required by death of Jesus
How should conscience be educated
Law of God helps to guide people. Church teachings are infallibly guided by the presence of the Holy Spirit so cant be ignored
Quotes from Catholic church about conscience
“There he is alone with God, whose voice echoes in his depths. In a wonderful manner conscience reveals that law which is fulfilled by love and neighbour” - Gaudium et Spes 16
“Conscience is the inner voice in a man” Youcat 295