Kingdom Of God Flashcards
A person on a religious journey, which reflects the journey through life to heaven
A journey by a believer to a holy site for religious reasons; an act of worship and devotion
The 40 days before easter; during which Christians reflect on the suffering of Jesus
Location of pilgrimages
Rome (Vatican), Lourdes (France)
Places of pilgrimage
Walsingham (England), Jerusalem (where Jesus lived)
Dramatised prayer
A form of prayer that includes actions like moving from one place to another or acting out the intention of the prayer
Kingdom of God
Also called the Reign of God, where all people live as God intends
The Lord’s prayer
The prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus, also known as the ‘Our Father’
To help create justice, Christians should live in a way that respects the rights of others. They should also take action to help change the systems in the world that allows injustice to continue. Helping to uphold justice will help spread the Kingdom of God on earth
Christians should all make efforts to establish peace and harmony in the world this includes supporting organisations that work for justice and unity. Christians believe that this will lead to the peace of God’s kingdom being experienced on earth
Breaks down the barriers that exist between people. This helps peace and justice to spread which helps the kingdom of God to grow
Hierarchy of the church
A ranking system that gives structure to the church
The head of the Catholic church, successor to St Peter
Primary role is to elect the next Pope
Advise the Pope on different matters, in charge of the church in the area called a diasis
Preach the gospel, assist the priest, can baptise, marry, and lead funerals
Lay People/ the Laity
You are baptised into the body of Christ
Second Vatican Council
A series of important gatherings of all the Catholic Bishops between 1962-1965 which updated many catholic teachings
Dei Verbum
Vatican II led to groups of lay people gathering to study scripture together, and reading the Bible became a normal part of life for committed catholics
Lemen gentium
After Vatican II document, Church emphasised more clearly that it the vocation of everyone take part in mission of the church in service of the world
Sacrosanctum concilium
Vatican II document meant Altar was moved so Priest faced congregation so that in turn the symbolic actions of sacrifice and of sacred banquet could be more visible
Gaudium et Spes
Vatican II made it clearer that in order to serve the kingdom the church had to be involved in social issues. Catholics agencies such as Cathode grew in awareness of their responsibility to not only respond to suffering but to address it’s causes
Immaculate conception
Teaches that Mary, the mother of Christ was conceived without sin and her conception was then immaculate. Mary’s sinless conception is the reason why Catholics refer to Mary as ‘full of grace’
The name of the prayer Mary said when Elizabeth greeted her during her visit
Apostolic succession
The power of the apostles passed on to the next generation of bishops
Four Marks of the church
In the Nicene Creed, we profess “we believe in one Holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church”: these are the four marks of the church. They are inseparable and intrinsically linked to each other
The teaching authority of the Catholic church exercised by the Pope and bishops
Pontifical Church
When the teachings of the church are presented by the Pope
Conciliar church
When the authority of the magisterium is expressed through the pope in the council
St Vincent de Paul society (SVP)
International Catholic charity dedicated to going out into local community to help those in need
A calling by God for a person to go along a particular calling in life. Following the call from God will enable people to be totally haply within themselves and with the world
Vocation - Priesthood
A priest gives his life to God as one service to the people. The priest takes a promise a celibacy to commit himself fully to God. The promises of obedience are not easy and his life shows the presence of the Kingdom of God in the community
Vocation - family life
A married couple make a commitment to each other for life which is a sign to each other and to the commitment that love is strong in them. Catholic parents try to show love and obedience to each other and to their children, helping the kingdom of God spread on earth
Vocation - religious life
This could be living as a monk, nun, religious brother or sister who centre their life around God through prayer. Through the work of the will of God, they share the love of God and express the Kingdom values
Why people go on pilgrimage
People often go to confession as a form of pilgrimage as a further sign of their sorrow and desire to change. Also, pilgrimages symbolise life as all christians are travelling on their journey towards God
How praying the stations of the cross link to Jesus’ journey to calvary
Christians can embark on the journey with Jesus by praying the stations of the cross
“Les Miserables” being example of mission and evangelism
Priest shows charity and forgiveness to Jean val Jean to save him from life of sin and poverty. This goes on to spread the belief of God as Jean val Jean goes on to use the money to start a business, and help the poor and destitute, which shows that anyone can spread and follow the beliefs of God
How the lord’s prayer links with the kingdom of God
“Thy kingdom come” - when people pray for God’s kingdom to come, they are looking forward to final establishment of God’s rule and accepting role of God in their hearts
Importance of Mary
Willing acceptance of will of God allowed incarnation to take place. Just before death, Jesus entrusted Mary to beloved disciple, who is a symbol of all followers of Jesus. She was perfect disciple
Importance of Magnificat
Praises God for his greatness. God has fulfilled promise he made to people of Israel. Trust shown as she still believes in God despite accusations of adultery
Catholic social teaching
This is made up of human beings, and that God loves all people. This love needs to be shown in the way the Church supports the weakest or poorest members of society. Catholics should not let their fellow human beings suffer
Quote on catholic social teaching
“Nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in their hearts” Gaudium et Spes 1