Eschatology Flashcards
Paschal Candle
Known as Easter candle. Used at easter vigil and baptisms (told to keep light of christ burning in you when given it) and funerals (deceased has joined light of christ)
Easter vigil
Every year at E.V, Parish gets new paschal candle. Candle starts outside church with lights off, bless fire and light candle, priest scratches alpha and omega signs, carried into church, congregation will renew baptismal promises
Michaelangelo’s last judgement
Painting depicts the time when Christ judges all people and decides whether to reward or condemn them. Overall message is for christians to prepare for God’s final judgement in best way to avoid consequences
The Last Day
The end of time when the earth will be destroyed and all people will come to face God’s judgement
The current belief is that once you die you can be buried into the ground. This is because we believe we will be resurrected body and soul
Cremation was banned until 1960 due to the belief that Genesis 3:19 taught that the body should be allowed to decay naturally
Quote against cremation
“You are dust, and to dust you shall return” Genesis 3:19
Remembrance garden
Where urns of cremated ashes of a person are kept to make sure the remains of the person are treated with respect
Indicates location of earthly remains of person who has died as a sign of respect. May have R.I.P, a cross to indicate belief in Jesus, angel carved to represent idea that everyone has a guardian angel
Erected over burial place of important person. Can be prominent. Catholic Church allows important people to be buried inside Church, while usually people are buried in grounds of church
The study of what will take place at the end of time, includes topics like death, judgement, heaven and hell
Four last things
Term for what christians believe all people will have to encounter at the end of their earthly existence; death, judgement, heaven and hell
After death, person is taken to be judged by God. Will have to tell all about their deeds and failures in life. In presence of full love of God, people accept responsibility and are aware for how little they have failed to fulfil God’s plan
Place of eternal happiness in presence of God where all believers are aware of love of God removes worries and people rejoice their love with God
For christians, hell is the state of separation from God
Quote for hell
“Hell is the condition of ever lasting separation from God” Youcat 161
A cleansing process rather than a place, in which the effects of sin are removed so that the person can feel happy in the safe presence of God
Quote for purgatory
“The lord looks at us full of love - and we experience burning shame and painful remorse” Youcat 159
Particular judgement
The time when a person is judged by God after they die and has to accept responsibility for their actions when alive
Final Judgement
Sometimes called the last judgement; when Christ comes at the end of time and the whole of creation is judged
Parable of the rich man and Lazarus
Unites image of both heaven and hell. Story is a warning about hard-heartedness that can come from wealth and fame. Lack of warmth condemns rich to Hades (hell): hell is depicted through rich mens plea for water in torment.
Cosmic reconciliation
Paul shows how death of Jesus restores the relationship between humanity and God. Jesus’ death also restores harmony of all creation
Quote for cosmic reconciliation
“He is the head of the body, the Church, he is the beginning, the firstborn of the dead” Colossians 1:15-20
Julian of Norwich
Was severely ill and was given last rites. She had a series of revelations over 5 hours- ‘showings’ - followed by another the next day. She recovered and dedicated her life to prayer in solidarity in which she dictated her writings to a scribe
Three parts of the church
Church militant - people on earth who are struggling against temptation of evil and sin
Church suffering - the souls of the faithful who are in purgatory
The church glorious - the faithful who are enjoying the happiness in heaven
Church’s teaching about end of time
Second Vatican Council explained that we must live by the same standards and values as Christ did, and perform good deeds on earth to prepare for christ’s glory at the end of time
Last rites
Prayers and blessings that take place when a person is approaching death. Include anointing of the sick, last confession, last communion, and commendation of the dying
Anointing of the sick
One of the sacrements that gives healing strength and forgiveness. The dying ashes for forgiveness of sins, priest asks for strength of holy spirit
Commendation of the dying
Short service that’s focused on reception of the dying’s last communion called Viaticum. Dying person may hold cross to share in christ’s death, baptismal promises are renewed, short passage from Bible may be read, dying person will receive viaticum
The funerals reflect the Catholic belief about after life. Usually involves the following stages: reception of the body, requiem, and the committal
Means rest in latin. Comes from prayer ‘eternal rest give unto them o lord’. Another name for ‘the funeral mass’. Whole mass is centred around praying that deceased is in presence of God in heaven, with sins forgiven
At end of funeral, priest says prayer asking for the deceased’s sins to be forgiven. Coffin sprinkled with holy water as sign of baptism. Priest waves burning incense smoke over coffin(rising smoke represents prayers of faithful being offered to God on behalf of deceased)
Sanctity of life
The belief that all life is holy, as it’s created and loved by God so no human life should ever be misused or abused
Care for the dying
Catholic care for the dying includes idea of maintaining the rights and dignity of the individual and the provision of palliative care in hospices
Many sick christians accept their suffering as a way in sharing in suffering of Jesus. Suffering is integral part of being human. Catholics are against the unnatural ending of life
Michelangelo’s Last judgement: symbolism of The Seven Angels
They’re blowing trumpets, end of world is announced, followed by Gods judgement
Michelangelo’s Last judgement: symbolism of The Saints
Near Jesus. Holding instruments used for own tortures and deaths. Have perfect bodies to reflect Jesus’ promise that those who stand firm to him will be saved (Mark 13:13)
Michelangelo’s Last judgement: symbolism of The faithful
The dead are being raised for Judgement in presence of Christ
Michelangelo’s Last judgement: symbolism of The condemned
Michelangelo shows some people who are in destined for hell. These people express their despair for future and the looks on their faces and the way they hold their bodies
Ways in which resurrection changes people’s beliefs about eschatology
1) After resurrection of Jesus, Christians thought end of world was near and Jesus’ resurrection would be quickly followed by all people being taken into God’s presence
2) As time passed Christians realised they had to prepare for death and final judgement by living in the life of resurrection on earth, resisting evil, and having holy spirit guide them
Christians believe death is transition to a new phase of life: eternal life without limitations of earthly body. Should not be feared
How Jesus’ resurrection ensures cosmic reconciliation
Through his death and resurrection, Jesus has destroyed the power of sin and death disrupted God’s perfect creation
Julian of Norwich teaching about cosmic reconciliation
“It was necessary that there should be sin; but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well” Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Lord 32
What happens at the grave crematorium
“Our Father” is said which reflects belief that the dead was a child of God and is now received back into his loving care. Grave of coffin sprinkled with Holy Water. Prayers reflect hope that deceased will quickly gain eternal happiness in heaven