Creation Flashcards
The one who makes things and brings things about
The act by which God brought the universe into being
Genesis 1
The 1st story of creation (common one)
Genesis 2
The second story of creation in which God personally creates humans
Common messages between genesis stories
1) God made everything
2) Everything that God made is good
3) Humans are the high point of God’s creation
Quote for Genesis 2
“Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the became a living being”
Almighty, having unlimited power, a quality of God
God having unlimited knowledge
All-loving, or infinitely good
Adam + Eve
The first man and woman. Adam was made from the mud and breathed life into Adam whilst Eve was made from Adam’s rib
Michaelangelo Buonaretti (1475-1564) was a famous Italian painter and sculptor
Creation of Adam
Part of the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome which shows God giving life to Adam
Free will
Belief that God gives people the opportunity to make decisions for themselves
The idea that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God
Sanctity of life
All life is Holy as it is created and loved by God; human life should not be misused or abused
Christian Holy Book of worship
A lesson/teaching
Old testament
Stories of the bible before Jesus was born
New testament
Stories of the Bible after Jesus’ birth
History books
These show God guided his people and how the people often refused to listen. Help later generations avoid same mistakes eg. Joshua, Ruth
Wisdom Books
Including prayers, psalms, books of advice and poems which show people how to use God-given talents to do what is right, in order to be able to stay close to God eg. Psalms, Ecclesiastes
Law Books
The first five books which show how the Jews became the people of God eg. Genesis, Exodus
Prophetic books
Containing the words of inspired figures who were sent by God to teach people about how God is active in the world eg. Moses, Ezekial, Jeremiah
Good news. 4 books which summarise Jesus’ life and teachings. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The Acts of the Apostles
(A continuation of the Gospel of Luke)which tell of some of the events in the early church up to about 60CE
The epistles
(Letters) which show Christians how to live by Jesus’ teachings and what it means to be a Christian
The book of revelation
An apocalyptic book written by John featuring his own mystical visions, which some Christians believe describe the end of the world. A prophecy
The teaching authority of the Catholic Church, exercised by the Pope and the bishops
A story that intends to convey a deep truth or message but not in a literal way
Sacred Scripture
The Holy writings of a religion that are believed to be inspired by God
Someone who believes the Bible is a factual record that describes events exactly as the happened; fundamentalists believe that the Bible is divinely inspired and without error
Natural law
Moral principles and values that are considered to be inherent to all humans
Natural law - Primary Precepts
Preservation of life. Reproduction. Education. Civil society. Worship God
Relying or depending on each other as a change to one thing affects other things as well
The official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales. The aim of CAFOD is to work with the poorest peoplemto achieve a more just world
Only using natural resources at a rate at which they can be replaced
Interpreting Genesis creation stories quotes
“The Big Bang… does not contradict the divine act of creating, but rather requires it” - Pope Francis in 2014
“The right way to read sacred scriptures is to read it prayerfully” - Youcat 16