recombinant DNA technology exam questions Flashcards
suggest why the polasmids were injected into the eggs of silkworms rather than the silk worms (2)
-gene gets into all cells of silkworms
-so gets into cells that make silk
suggest why the scientist used a market gene and why they used the EGFP gene (2)
-not all cells will take up gene
-silkworms that have taken up gene will glow
suggest 2 reasons why it was important that the sipider gene was expressed only in the silk glands of the silkworm (2)
so protein can be harvested
fibres in other cells might cause harm.
explain why primer A3 and primer A4 only bind to specific DNA fragments
-specific base sequence
-which is complimentary
the scientist wanted to kjnow on which chromosome the gene will alleles r and r was located. From the flies with genotype RR, they obtaianed cells that were in mitosis and added a labelled DNA probe specific for allele R. They then looked at the cells under an optical microscope.
Explain why they usesd cells that were in mitosis (2)
-chromosomes visible
-can see which chromosomes DNA probe attached to.
the scientists concluded that the resistance of the flies the insectide is partly due to incerased activity of PM but other factors are also involved.
Explain how these data support this conclusion (4)
the desired gene in the diagram was from an insect., In stage 6 the plant containing the gene was able to use it to synthesise an insect protein.
the plaant is able to synthesise the insect protein
explain why this is possible
genetic code is universal
DNA of insect is transcribed
can be translated.
explain why this DNA probe will only detect allele A
probe is complimentary to allele A and binds by forming hydrogen bonds
gives out green light.
explain the curve for person H
more probe binds
DNA doubles each cycle
so light doubles.
the rats were not fed for ta least 6 hours before their blood gluc0ose concentration was measured. Explain why (1)
glucose would affect the results
research workers have suggested that treating diabetes in humans by this ethod of gene therapy would be better than injecting insulin. Evaluate this suggestion (4)
avoids injections
longer term treatment
less restricted diet
rats are different to humans
long term side effects not know
the jellyfish gene attach3ed to teh humanf actor IX gene codes for a proteint aht gllows green under flurescent light. Explain the purpose of attaching this gene. (2)
-acts as a marker gene- shows that jellfish gene has been taken up by cells.
-only embryos which show fluorescence have taken up gene.
the promoter DNA from sheep causes transcript0n of genes coding for proteins fouond in sheep milk,
Suggest the advantage of using this promoter DNA.
-gene only expressed in mammory glands
-do not need to kill sheep
use your knowledge of enzymes to explain why restriction enzymes only cut the DNA at specific sites (2)
-different lengths of DNA have differnet base sequences
-results in different shape
what is the role of a vector?
carries genes into a cell
describe the role of restirciton endonucleases in the formation of plasmids that contain donor dna (3)
cut open plasmid
cut donor DNA and plasmid with same enzyme
that cut at same DNA base sequence
the gene was injected into isoalted cells of the crop plant.
these cells were then cloned and new plants grown from the cloned cells
explain the advantage of inserting the gene into isolated plant cells rather than direclty into cells within a whole plant (3)
-isolated cells divide by mitosis
-to produce many plants
-all cells in plant produce toxin
explain how the use of a gene probe could enable the presence of a mutant allele of the cystic fibrosis gene to be detected (4)
DNA probe will attach
to one DNA strand
due to complimentary base pairing
-radioactivity detected on film
Sheep have been genetically engineered to produce alpha-1-antitrypsin which is used to treat cystic fibrosis. Use your knowledge of this process to explain one argument for and one against using sheep in this way (2)
can produce large quantities
against- long term effects not known
what is meant by gene therapy?
introducing a healthy gene
) The ADA gene is inserted into a virus. Give two advantages of using a virus in gene therapy (2)
-can carry gene into cell
-can be replicated
ndividuals who have been treated by this method of gene therapy do not pass on the ADA gene to their children. Explain why. (1)
gene is not in gametes
Explain why treatment of ADA deficiency by gene therapy must be repeated at regular intervals, whereas a single bone marrow transplant can provide a permanent cure.
t lymphcytes don’t reproduce
bone marrow provide continuous supply
what is the role of a primer?
enables replication to start
Give two ways in which the polymerase chain reaction differs from the process of transcription.
-uses RNA polymerase
-uses RNA nucleotides- uracil
Whole potato plants can be produced from genetically identical potato cells grown in a tissue culture. Use your knowledge of genes to suggest how different cells, such as leaf and root cells, can develop from genetically identical cells. (2)
differnet genes expressed
producing different proteins