Recombinant DNA technology- BP Flashcards
What is genetic engineering?
changing the genetic make-up of an organism’s DNA by adding or removing a gene
the DNA becomes Recombinant
the Organism becomes Genetically Modified (Transgenic)
why do we genetically engineer animals?
to give them additional characteristics
so they can make useful products (proteins)
Examples of genetic engineering in animals?
additional characteristics:
add gene for disease resistance
add gene for growth hormone for growth
making useful products:
use to produce anti-thrombin = protein used to make blood clot (people with certain genetic disease may not produce), use milk producing animal to produce, add gene for anti-thrombin next to milk producing gene in animal, therefore anti-thrombin protein will be made in the milk (easily extracted)
why do we genetically engineer plants?
to give them additional characteristics
so they can make useful products (proteins)
Examples of genetic engineering in plants?
Additional characteristics:
add gene for disease resistance
add gene for pest resistance
add gene for pesticide resistance
add gene to promote growth for high yield
produce genetically modified tomatoes = prevented from softening therefore remain hardened (easy for storage and transport), involves preventing formation of softening enzyme, a gene is added that is complementary to the the softening enzyme gene, so its mRNA will bind to the mRNA of the softening enzyme preventing translation of the softening enzyme Making useful products:
use to make golden rice (rice that contains beta-carotene, a pre-cursor to vitamin A to treat malnutrition deficiency)
use to make protein raw material for polymers
why do we genetically engineer bacteria?
so they can make useful products (proteins)
Genetically engineering bacteria?
to make useful proteins e,g, Insulin
used to use animal sources (problems = limited supply, infection risk, immunorejection)
involves adding human insulin gene to a plasmid, then inserting this into a bacteria = the bacteria now has the gene/code to produce the human insulin protein
involves 5 steps =
1. Isolation
2. Insertion
3. Transformation
4. Identification
5. Growth/Cloning
what is isolation in terms of genetically engineering bacteria?
either by Reverse Transcriptase or Restriction Endonuclease or Gene Machine
what is insertion in terms of genetically engineering bacteria?
cut plasmid using the same RE from isolation stage
leaves complementary sticky ends
join human insulin gene with plasmid via the sticky ends
use DNA Ligase to join the sugar-phosphate backbone
= Recombinant plasmid (carrying human insulin gene)
what is transformation in terms of genetically engineering bacteria?
mix recombinant plasmid with bacteria
add Calcium ions and heat shock
bacteria will become permeable and take up the recombinant plasmid
= Genetically Modified Bacteria (carrying recombinant plasmid with human insulin gene)
what is identification in terms of genetically engineering bacteria?
identify which of the bacteria have taken up the recombinant plasmid and of these which ones have accepted the new gene (human insulin gene)
steps of identification in terms of genetically engineering bacteria?
step 1:
- choose a plasmid that carries an Ampicillin Resistance Gene
- means that when Ampicillin is added only the bacteria that have taken up the recombinant plasmid will survive (as they will have obtained the ampicillin resistance gene)
step 2:
- use gene markers (antibiotic resistant, fluorescent, enzyme) to identify which of the remaining bacteria have accepted the human insulin gene
- the human insulin gene will be placed in the middle of these gene markers
- if the bacteria accepts the human insulin gene they will reject the gene marker & if the bacteria rejects the human insulin gene they will accept the gene marker
antibiotic resistant = tetracycline resistance gene lost if human insulin gene accepted, so bacteria no longer resistant to tetracycline, add tetracycline by replica plating (on another plate that carries a few of the bacteria from each colony in their same position), the ones that die are the ones that we want, identify on original plate
fluorescent = fluorescent gene lost if human insulin gene accepted, so identify bacteria showing no fluorescence
enzyme = enzyme gene lost if human insulin gene accepted, therefore add colourless substrate, where there is no colour change select those bacteria (as enzyme not made to breakdown colourless substrate for colour change)
end result = Genetically Modified Bacteria
what is growth/cloning in terms of genetically engineering bacteria?
grow genetically modified bacteria (carrying human insulin gene)
they will produce the protein (human insulin)
What is PCR?
- polymerase chain reaction
- used to replicate DNA artificially
Polymerase Chain Reaction vs Semi-Conservative Replication?
PCR can only replicate short DNA fragments, SCR can replicate whole DNA
PCR use 95°C , SCR uses DNA Helicase
PCR uses primers, SCR does not require primers
In-vitro vs In-vivo method of DNA Replication?
In-vitro = PCR
In-vivo = using bacteria to replicate DNA (add DNA fragment to the plasmid, then replicate the bacteria to make many copies of DNA fragment)
benefits of in-vitro = more rapid, less complex
benefits of in-vivo = more accurate (less mutations), less chance of contamination
What is a DNA Probe?
short single stranded section of DNA
has a specific base sequence, so it binds to complementary genes
is radioactively/fluorescently labelled
if gene is present in DNA, DNA probe will bind to it and show up be radioactivity/fluorescence
what is genetic screening?
analyse an individual’s DNA for the presence of a particular gene (e.g. mutated allele)
use DNA Probes (single stranded section of DNA, complementary to a particular gene, is radioactively labelled)
What is genetic fingerprinting?
used to produce a unique ‘fingerprint’ of an individual’s DNA (produces a specific banding pattern)
used in forensics and paternity testing
involves analysing the individual’s introns (non-coding DNA)
introns contain repetitive sequences called variable number tandem repeats (VNTR)
the number and length of the VNTR are unique for each individual organism
involves 5 steps:
1. Extraction
2. Digestion
3. Separation
4. Hybridisation
5. Development
What is extraction?
extracting the individual’s DNA
What is digestion in terms of genetic fingerprinting?
- cutting the DNA down into fragments
- Use restriction enzymes that cut outside the VNTR (leaves the VNTR of the introns)
What is separation in terms of genetic fingerprinting?
- separate out the DNA fragments by gel electrophoresis
- add alkali to make the separated fragments single stranded
- transfer the fragments to a nylon membrane by Southern Blotting
- add UV light so the DNA fragments set
What is hybridisation in terms of genetic fingerprinting?
add radioactively labelled DNA Probes complementary to the DNA fragments
What is development in terms of genetic fingerprinting?
add photographic film and take an x-ray to produce the banding pattern picture
What is genome sequencing?
determining base sequence of a genome (full set of DNA)
uses Whole-Genome Shotgun (WGS) to cut DNA into smaller sections to be sequenced
Bioinformatics is the science by which the information is collected and analysed
uses = supports phylogenetic classification, identify genes related to diseases
What is a proteome?
full set of proteins produced by a certain genome
what is the function of reverse transcriptase in the isolation of a gene?
-enzyme found in virus,
- converts RNA into DNA
- obtain mRNA for insulin
- the RT will convert it into cDNA (single stranded complementary DNA)
- DNA Nucleotides and DNA Polymerase added to make it double stranded
What is the role of restriction endonuclease in the isolation of a gene?
- enzyme found in bacteria
- cuts DNA at certain base sequences (called recognition sites) by breaking bond between sugar and phosphate
- can cut straight or staggered
- staggered used in genetic engineering as it leaves exposed bases called ‘sticky ends’
- [cuts staggered at 6 base pair palindromes, were the 6 bases read forward are identical to 6 bases read backward on both strands]
what is the role of the gene machine in the isolation of a gene?
- build DNA base sequence from known Amino Acid Sequence of the Protein (uses oligosacchairdes)
- end result = Isolated Human Insulin Gene
steps of genetic screening?
-obtain individuals DNA
-make it single stranded
- add the specific DNA Probe for the gene to be screened for
- if the gene is present the DNA Probe will bind
- will show up as radioactivity on an X-ray film
steps of PCR
1- heat to 95oC, hydrogen bonds break, double strand separates, left with 2 template strands
2- cool to 55oC, primers bind (short single stranded sections of DNA) to start of each template strand, prevents the templates from rejoining and allows DNA Polymerase to bind to build the new strand
3- heat to 72oC, DNA nucleotides attach to complementary bases, DNA Polymerase joins sugar-phosphate backbone of the new strands
= 2 copies of DNA (each made of 1 original strand, 1 new strand)