Outline the right realist theory of crime
Right realists believe people are naturally selfish and therefore naturally inclined towards criminal interests so rather than search for causes we should search for a means of control. They believe crime undermines social congestion and destroys communities.
Outline the underclass theory (RR)
Charles Murray argues that in civilised society lies a deviant underclass who have their own values and these values are passed in through socialisation through generations. They lack moral values such as family therefore many family’s lack parental disaplime as they are single parent. Marsland claims this underclass arises from welfare dependency.
Outline the rational choice theory (RR)
Clarke argues that choice to commit crime is based on rational calculation of the consequences. So, if the rewards of a crime are more than the risks then criminals are more likely to offend.
Outline the routine activity theory (RR)
Remain argues that in order for a crime to occur there must be a motivated offender, a target and an absence of authority. If one of these things are tackled then a crime cannot be commited
Outline the zero tolerance theory
Wilson and Kelly (broken window thesis)
Evalate the RR view on crime
Addresses immediate causes and provides policies for resulting opportunities for crime
Overstates rationality of crime
What three things do lea and young claim working class crime revolves around (LR)
Relative deprivation
Outline relative deprivation (LR)
Relative deprivation refers to how someone feels in relation to others. For example working class youth feel relatively deprived compared to middle class youth and they have no power over it so in persist of materialistic interests they Persue crime.
Outline marginalisation
They have no power to resolve their situation so are marginalised. This frustrates them and the resentment towards mainstream society may lead to the formation of deviant subcultures etc
Outline subculture (LR)
Due to marginalisation and relative deprivation criminal subcultures are formed to reach materialistic goals met by society
Outline late modernity and crime (LR)
Young argues that in late modern society the problem of working class crime is due to: harsher welfare policies, destabilisation of family and community life therefore the concept of right and wrong which are implemented through family and community are confused.