Real Property Flashcards
Requirements for creating joint tenancy
i) with each tenant has equal right to possess or use the property (unity of possession),
(ii) each tenant having an equal interest in the property (unity of interest),
(iii) at the same time (unity of time),
(iv) and in the same instrument.
Requirements for creating joint tenancy
i) with each tenant has equal right to possess or use the property (unity of possession),
(ii) each tenant having an equal interest in the property (unity of interest),
(iii) at the same time (unity of time),
(iv) and in the same instrument.
Easement by prescription elements
continuous, actual, open, and hostile use for a specific period (20 years in Virginia).
Fee tail
Va has abolished fee tail…interest previously classified as fee tail is converted to a fee simple
Are future interests transferrable?
Yes, all future interests are fully alienable
SOl for cases of possibility of reverter or reentry
10 yrs
What happens when contingent remainder is still contingent when preceding estate is terminated?
It is not destroyed but remains an executory interest until contingency occurs
Rule in Shelly’s case
abolished in va
Va has adopted RAP
Joint tenancy
Must explicitly state “with right of survivorship.”
Occurs where two or more persons own property with the right of survivorship. On the death of a joint tenant, that person’s interest terminates and the surviving joint tenants’ interests are accordingly increased. Where there is only one surviving joint tenant, that person owns the property outright upon the death of the other joint tenants.
Murder/voluntary manslaughter by joint tenant of another joint tenant results in
killer being treated as having predeceased victim
spouses may own real or personal property as tenants by the entirety for as long as
they are married
To create a tenancy by entirety, couple’s interest must be described as
“joint tenancy w right of survivorshup” and individuals described as “a married couple”
Does a right of survivorship exists in tenancy by entirety if not explicitly reserved?
On divorce, tenancy by entirety is converted to
tenancy in common
A deed conveying a tenancy by entirety w words of survivorship to parties who are not married creates a
joint tenancy w right of survivorship
Improvements made by co-tenant
co-tenant is entitled to compensation for improvements made to jointly held property when that property is partitioned
A ct may order partition of property if it considers the following
i) evidence of the collective duration of ownership or possession of any portion of the property by a party and one or more predecessors in title or in possession of the property who are or were related to the party
ii) a party’s sentimental attachment to any portion of the property
iii) lawful use being made of any portion of the property by a party and degree to which the party would be harmed if the party could not continue the same use of such portion of the property
iv) degree to which a party has contributed to the physical improvement, maintenance, or upkeep of any portion of the property; and
v) any other relevant factor
Virginia Fair Housing Law prohibits discrimination on basis of
elderliness, sexual orientation, gender identity, and military status, or source of funds, including military benefits
Landlord’s duty to notify re increase in rent
landlord who owns more than 4 dwelling units must provide written notice to any tenant who has the option to renew a rental agreement of any increase in rent during the subsequent rental agreement term.
Notice must be provided no less than 60 days before end of rental term agreement
Duty to Pay Rent—Tenant’s Defense
tenant may assert defense of codition existed on leased premises that was serious threat to life, health, or safety of occupants.
To prove safety defense tenant must prove
i) prior to commencement of action, landlord was served w a written notice of the condition by tendant but landlord has refused or failed to remedy the same within reasonable time;
ii) tenant, if in possession, has paid into ct amount of rent found by ct to be due and unpaid
Landlord may answer defense by establishing alleged conditions
i) do not exist
ii) have been remedies
iii) were caused by tenant
iv) tenant unreasonably refused entry by landlord for purposes of correcting conditions
Landlord cannot charge fee for late payment of rent unless the charge
i) is provided for in a written rental agreement and
ii) does not exceed 10% of periodic rent or 10% of balance due, whichever is less
if tenant unjustifiably abandoned leasehold, then tenant is treated as having
made an offer to surrender his rights under the lease
Landlord’s duty to Mitigate
w respect to residential lease, landlord has duty to mitigate damages
Does not have such duty in commercial leases when tenant abandons leased premises during the term of lease
Landlord’s duty to give possession
w respect to residental lease, landlord must give tenant actual possession
w respect to commercial, landlord is only required to give legal possession (title?)
If landlord willfully fails to deliver possession of dwelling unit to tenant, rent abates until possession is delivered and tenant may
i) terminate lease upon at least 5 days’ written notice to landlord; or
ii) demand performance of rental agreement by landlord
Landlord must make reasonable repairs of premises if
i) condition in dwelling unit that constitutes noncompliance w the rental agreement or law, or condition constitutes a fire hazard or serious threat to life, health, or safety, and
ii) tenant provides notice of condition in writing, landlord must make repairs w in 14 days of receiving notice
Warranty of Habituality
landlord must
i) comply w requirements of applicable building and housing codes materially affecting health and safety
ii) make all repairs and do whatever is necessary to put and keep premises in a fit and habitable condition
iii) keep all common areas shared by two or more multifamily dwelling units clean and structurally safe;
iv) maintain in good faith and safe working order and condition all electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventialting, air conditioning and other facilities and appliances, including elevators, supplied or required to be supplied by him
v) maintain premises in such condition as to prevent mold
vi) supply running water and reasonale amounts of hot water at all times and reasonable air conditioning if provded and heat in season except when dwelling unit is so constructed that heat, air conditioning or hot water is generated by an installation within the exclusive control of tennat or supplied by a direct public utility connection;
vii) maintain carbon monoxide alarms
If a landlord willfully or negligently fails to supply heat, running water, hot water, electricity, gas, or other essential services, then the tenant must
serve written notice on landlord identifying the breach and give landlord a reasonable time to cure
essential services: if landlord fails to correct deficiency within a reasonable time, tenant may
i) recover damages based on diminution in fair rental value of dwelling unit; or
ii) move into substitute housing , in which case tenant is excused from paying rent for period of landlord’s noncompliance
If, at the beginning of the tenancy, a condition exists in a dwelling unit that constitutes a fire hazard or serious threat to life, health, or safety (including an infestation of rodents or a lack of heat, hot or cold running water, electricity, or adequate sewage disposal facilities), the tenant is entitled to
terminate rental agreement and receive full refund of all deposits and rent paid to landlord, so long as tenant provides landlord w written notice of intent to terminate the rental agreement within 7 days of date on which tenant was to have taken possession of unit
Unless landlord asserts lessee’s termination was unjustified, landlord must refund all deposits and rent paid by tenant to tenant within
i) 15 biz days following day on which termination notice is delivered to the landlord or
ii) tenant vacates dwelling unit, whichever is first
Landlord may demand up to ___ months security deposit
2 months
How long does landlord have to provide itemized list of any deductions or charges taken from the security deposit, and balances owed to tenant
45 days
Dual agent serves as
buyer and seller of real property…Va permits this
Equal dignities rule requires
K to pay a commission to real estate agent/broker to be IN WRITING bc underlying K to sell real property must be in writing
Defense of Part Performance to agreement not complying w SOF, D must show
i) agreement was certain and definite in its terms
ii) acts proved in part performance “refer to, result from, or were made in pursuance of agreement” and
iii) refusal to execute K would constitue fraud upon the party
Oral modification of K subject to SOF
VA does not permit oral modification of K subject to SOF
There is an implied warranty of fintness in sale of any dwelling except
Implied warranty of fitness of dwellings provides that
dwelling is free of structural defects and fit for habitality
Warranty of dwelling’s fitness extends for
1 yr and there is a 2 yr sol for filing suit once defect is discovered
If there is a breach of dwelling’s fitness, buyer must
give notice to seller, who then has a reasonable time (6 months) to cure defect.
Implied warranty for structural defects for condos extends for
2 years
seller of a residence has a duty to disclose
all known material physical defects to the buyer. Defect must not be readily observable or known to buyer. To be material defect must substantially affect value of residence, impact health or safety of a resident or affect desirability of residence to the buyer.
Virginia effectively requires the seller of residential real property to inform the buyer of
caveat emptor rule
Caveat emptor notice must include statement that
“The owner makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the real property or any improvements thereon . . . and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary, including obtaining a home inspection.”