real Property Flashcards

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Assuming the mortgage vs buying subject to


Assuming: buyer becomes primarily liable and OG guy is secondarily liable (creditor becomes an intended 3rd party beneficiary)

Subject to: OG guy is primarily liable only not the new Buyer

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Chattel = personal property that is movable and not permanently attached to the property

Fixture = a chattel that has become SO attach to the property it is now an irremovable part of the property

1) Method of attachment = firmly imbedded or permanently attached
2) adaptability = peculiarly adapted or fitted
3) removal = would destroy the chattel or damage the premises
4) intention = objective intent of person that attached it at the time
5) agreement = purchase, lease, mortgage

Landlord Tenant w/ Agreement
* Agreement of the landlord and tenant is CONTROLLING and will allow tenant to take anything she added if the agreement says so
* If No agreement then tenant can remove chattel unless it will substantially damage the property or would destroy the chattel
* Must remove before end of lease and duty to repair for any damage caused

It is presumed that chattels used in trade or business are intended NOT to be fixed and thus, they may be removed before the end of the lease, unless there is a contrary agreement

Trespasser = automatically loses anything they attach (good faither trespasser recover value add)

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Recording Act

“Subsequent purchaser for value or good faith, without notice unless is recorded”


Recording Act = Recording acts change the common law rule of first in time, first in right, can protect the interests of subsequent purchasers in certain circumstances, and allow a subsequent purchaser to keep the property subject to the recording statute

Notice Statute = This means the Subsequent BFP that pays value and takes the property WITHOUT notice at the time they PAID will WIN!! NO recording needed

Race-Notice = without notice + FIRST recorded

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Equitable Servitude

Common Development Scheme


**An injunction against breaching a covenant may be obtained by enforcing the covenant as an equitable servitude. Differs from a restrictive covenant in that the relief is an injunction. **

1) a writing that complies with SOF
2) intent of the original parties that the covenant would exist to bind future holders
3) touches and concerns the land (make the land more useful or valuable to the benefitted party)
Burden = 4) Notice: actual, inquiry, record
Common Development Scheme** = even if the scheme is not in the deed, court will imply a covenant IF:
1) at the time sales began within a particular subdivision developers intended all parcels within it be developed according to the terms of the restrictive covenant. Evidence can be: recorded plat, general pattern of prior restrictions, early buyers orally represent
2) Owner of the subject lot must have had notice of the restition in the deeed of the other buyers in the subdivision
Actual direct knowlege
Inquiry = neighborhood appears to conform to the restrictions
Constructive = prior deeds within the chain of title

Defenses = equity court NOT bound to enforce if in good conscience it can NOT
* Unclean Hands = person asserting violated a similar restriction on his own land
* Acquiescence = benefitted party did not object to a violation by 1 burdened party, may be deemed abandoned as to all other burdened parties, UNLESS violation is SO distant from the complaintant that it did not really affect his property
* Estoppel
* Latches = failure to sue within a reasonable time
* Changed Neighborhood Conditions = SO significant since servitude created it will be inequitable to enforce, and instead just pay damages
- Inconsistent zoning around the property is NOT dispositive, but good evidence
- Entering wedge = if parcel is apart of a subdivison at the outer edge, then lifting the restiction will NOT be allowed if it would create a domino effect within the ENTIRE division

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Real Covenants


**A real covenant is a non-possessory interest in land that obligates the holder to either do something or refrain from doing something. The promises “run with the land” so future purchasers or holders of the land may be burdenes by it or may be able to enforce it. It differs from equitable servitude, in that monetary damages is its only remedy. **

**Burden to run with the land: **
1) a writing that complies with SOF
2) intent of the original parties that the covenant would exist to bind future holders
3) touches and concerns the land (make the land more useful or valuable to the benefitted party)
4) horizontal privity = original promising parties share an interest in the land apart from the covenant
5) vertical privity = successor now hold the SAME whole interest as the OG party did when promise first made
5) Notice: actual, inquiry, record

Benefit to run with the land = drop HaN solo - NO horizontal privity needed and NO notice is needed

Termination = DREAM CC

Covenants that run with the land = lease duration, termination clauses, pay rent, pay tax, repairs, supply heat, maintenance obligations, any covenant in the lease that touches and concerns the land

Horizontal = developer/purchaser, landlord/tenant, easement holder, grantor/grantee, mortgagor/mortgagee

Vertical = grantor/grantee, landlord/tenant, buyer/seller, assignor/assignee

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Equitable Conversion


Upon the signing of a contract for the sale of land, the risk of loss shifts to the buyer where the buyer holds equitable title and the seller only holds legal title until he receives the money.
* Any destruction of the property that is not due to the fault of either party will not decrease the contract price and buyer will be required to pay the full amount still, UNLESS there is an agreement to the contrary.
* If the buyer or seller dies, the contract WILL STILL REMAIN effective

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In Gross


Appurtenant = one benefiting the holder of the easement, where it benfits the dominant tenement in their use and enjoyment of their land and burdens the servient tenement.
–> It passes automatically with a transfer of the dominant tenement
–> the burden is perpetual so its binding on all subsequent transferees as long as the transferees have notice of it.

***If NOT properly recorded it might NOT be binding on all future successors

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Implied in every land sale contract is an implied warranty to convey marketable title. At the time of closing, the contract will merge with the deed, and the buyer can then ONLY sue on the deed and NOT the contract itself.

Before Closing = implied warranty for marketable title

After Closing = Breach of a covenant that was given in the warranty deed. like quiet enjoyment or encumbrances

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  • What are the 2 types of Redemption during foreclosure? When does EACH apply?
  • Mortgagee’s restrictions on Pre-Payments

**Equitable Right of Redemption **
* Allows an owner BEFORE the foreclosure sale happens to pay off the property with interest and get it back
* THIS right can NOT be waived. It is IMPLIED in all mortgage deals

Statutory Right of Redemption
* Only available in half the states AND Allows an owner and sometimes a junior lien holder AFTER the foreclosure to pay the price that the property was sold for at the foreclosure sale to get the property back.

Pre-Payments = a mortgagee CAN restrict the right to a pre payment FULLY or partially. If the note says NOTHING about pre-payment then it is NOT allowed. There can be a FEE for pre-payment.

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Profit a Prendre


Profit = a nonpossessory interest in land that entitles the holder of the profit to enter on the servient tenament and take something off the land (mineral, timer, oil, hunt animals)

Appurtenant = if the profit exists to serve the dominant estate then it can ONLY be transferred along with the dominant estate
Example: “for the benefit of the resort”

In gross = does NOT exist to serve the dominant estate THEN it can be assigned or transferred seperate from the estate
* Exclusive Right = transfer to however many ppl he wants
* Non-Exclusive = only 1 person or joint group not taking more than OG share

Creation = PINED

SOLE RIGHT language in contract = only profit can have the resources, not even the owner

Implied affirmative easement to go onto the other persons land to obtain the materials

Termination = Misuse or END CRAMPS

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Adverse Possession of Title vs. Prescription Easement


**Adverse Possession allows someone to aquire title of someone elses land and bars the owner from legal ejectment. **
1) open and notorious (sufficient to put the owner or community on notice of the possession)
2) hostile (no true owner permission)
3) continuous (used in a way that the actual owner would use it)
4) Actual = only title to the land actually occupied
5) Exclusive = not sharing w/ owner or public

**Prescription Easement **= is a NON-exclusive right to use the land which does NOT preclude the owner of the land from also still using it (utility line or a road)

Tacking = adding seperate periods togeted to make the full statutory period if privity between EACH successive holder bydescent, devise, deed purporting to convey title

Constructive AP = allows title to ENTIRE land, not just portion actually used if: reasonable proportion was open and notoriously used + land pieces are adjacent + owned by same owner + color of title = a doc on its face gives title, but for unapparent reasons is invalid (invalid deed or will)

Property Line Dispute = agreement of the adjoining landowners of a fixed line, but its NOT the true line. Courts will fix ownership to the agreed line IF:
1) original uncertaininty about true line
2) agreed line established by agreement
3) lengthy acquiescene in the agreed line by adjoining owners/successors

  • State of mind does NOT matter
  • If first you get consent, then MUST community Hostility
  • NOT VALID = owner/tenant staying past lease/sale
  • No gov land can be AP
  • Leasing to a tenant during the AP period is VALID
  • Date will NOT start if when it FIRST began the owner was = insane, in prison, future interest holder takes over, or a minor. It will START after recovery, or after 20 years, whichever shorter
  • Equitable servitudes will STILL be VALID if AP did NOT break them during their SOL period
  • AP title is NOT marketible, unless action to Quiet Title w/ proof courts can see AP took place
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Types of Security Interests


* Mortgage = when a mortgagee gives a loan to a person in consideration (exchange) for a security interest in that persons property or the property of another then a Mortgage is created. Mortgagee essentially holds the title, until all the terms of the agreement have been met, at which point he will then transfer the title back, failure to will allow Mortgagee to seek a court ordered foreclosure.

Equitable Mortgage = is an absolute deed to the lender with a separate promise of reconveyance of the land to the borrower when the debt is paid.

Deed of Trust = is a deed given to a third-party trustee by a debtor who holds the deed until the loan is paid in full. If the loan is not paid in full, the trustee can either obtain a court order for a foreclosure sale on the property or sell the property for herself at public option.

**Land Sale Contract **= In a land sale contract, a debtor makes arrangements and signs a contract with a seller/lender, but the lender retains title to the property until the loan is paid in full.

The Recording Statutes protect Mortgagees, but NOT lien holders.

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Tenants in Common

Joint Right of Survivorship
Tenancy by the entirety


Tenants in Common = each share an undivided interest in ALL of the land, but the percentage of their interest can be different and there is NO right of survivorship. ADD
* no need to pay rent, unless wrongfull ouster another
* rent from a 3rd party MUST be shared with out of possession co-tenant
* exploiting the land that reduce land value, MUST share profit with out of possession co-tenant
* Co-tenant in SOLE possession = if they pay the taxes/mortgages only reimbursed for amount that exceeds property rental value
* Compel Contribution = pay more then fair share for necessary repairs + notifies others before doing OR out of possession tenant pays taxes/ mortgages
* in a foreclosure sale if 1 co-tenant pays the full amoun the has a right to contribution BUT he does not get the whole place unless there is failure to pay that contribution
* Improvements = Upon partition CAN recover increase in value OR deduct from any profit owed to others. Liable for any decrease in property.
* Waste = co-tenants can sue each other
* Encumberance = only on your share

Joint Right of Survivorship = Created whenre there is CLEAR express intent “right of survivorship” AND created within the 4 unities of: time, title, interest, and possession. Otherwise, presumed to be TIC.
* Time = interest at the same time is created
* Title = interest created in the same instrument
* Interest = same equal shares
* Possession = all have EQUAL UNDIVIDED interest in the WHOLE
* Costs = all costs shared equally
* Termination and becomes TIC = unilateraly action by 1 JT
* Lien Theory (MAJ) = 1 JT puts a mortgage does NOT sever JT, unless actual foreclosure occurs
* Title Theory (min) = severs JT

**Tenancy by the entirety **= presumed in a conveyance to married couple as long as the 4 unities are present. Automatic IMPLIED right of survivorship. NEITHER spouse can UNILATERALLY convey their interest.
* JOINT creditors CAN reach the property, BUT Creditors of 1 spouse can NOT, UNLESS federal tax lien.
* Termination = death, mutual written agreement, official divorce, federal tax lien, joint creditor foreclosure

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Types of Tenancy Periods


Tenancy for Years = lease for a fixed period of time (could be less than a year) that will AUTOMATICALLY terminate on the end date WITHOUT notice. SOF requires a writing if over 1 year.

Periodic Tenancy = AUTOMATICALLY continues in equal intervals (month to month) until written notice is delivered.
* Creation = express agreement, implied if rent is paid at set intervals and no end date on lease, invalid lease, holdover tenant who remains after lease and L accepts the rent
* Notice = in writing 1 FULL interval in advance
* Year to Year = annual rent, payable monthly annum
* A commercial lease for multiple years will turn into a periodic tenancy year to year if they continue to stay
* if the landlord gives the tenant a rent increase notice BEFORE the term expires, then that NEW rent amount will BIND the tenant for the renewal period

Tenancy at sufference = tenant wrongfully still posses the property past expiration of valid lease.
* Options = evict or impose reasonable new periodic tenancy
* Unreasonable = seasonal, sick, not T fault, few hours/clothes

At will = no fixed period and terminated by either party at any time
* modernly = notice required
* creation = express or implied by rent payment period or implied by tenant taking possession with permission and no specific start date
* termination = either party, death, tenant waste, tenant assignment, L transfer title, L leases to 3rd party

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Rule Against Perpetuities applys when?

Exceptions when it doesnt apply?


**RAP applies if the rights will NOT vest within 21 years AFTER the death of a life in being that was alive at the time the interest was created. Modernly, most states use the wait and see rule **

RAP does NOT apply to rights that have vested already

Applies to = 3rd party executory interests, first right of refusal that is NOT in a contract (unless it says “lifetime”), options, contingent remainder, class gifts, powers of appointment

Does not apply to = reversion to grantor, right of re-entry, vested remainder, automatic reverter, first right of refusal within a signed purchase agreement when the person has a life estate (even if this right is later transferred to a third party), if the person has a tenancy for years then it must be executed before the end of the lease and can NOT be transffered to another third party.

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How does a Real Covenant + Equitable Servitude Terminate?


* Destruction
* Release
* Estoppel
* Abandonment
* Merger
* Condemnation
* Changed Conditions = conditions have changes so significantly the purpose of the covenant is impossible to accomplish

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What are the different Property Interests?


*** Fee Simple Absolute **= Present Possessory estate that does NOT terminate. It is freely alienable, devisable, and descendible.

* Fee Simple Determinable = Created with EXPRESS durational language like: so long as, while, during, or until. The conveyance will last forerver, but will AUTOMATICALLY terminate if a specified condition occurs. The grantor retains “a possibility of reverter.” While it is freely ADD, it is ALWAYS subject to the condition.

*Fee Simple Subject to Condition Subsequent = created with CLEAR conditional language like: provided that, on condition that, but if . The creator MUST EXPRESSLY reserve his right of re-entry. Should the condition occur, the grantee will STILL retain possession until the Grantor Exercises his right of re-entry. This right AND the right of re-entry are freely ADD, but ALWAYS subject to the condition. RAP does NOT apply even if the Right of Re-entry is transferred to a 3rd party.

Fee Simple Subject to an Executory interest = is where if the specified condition occured the property will automatically go to a 3rd person. This interest is restricted by RAP.

**RAP application **
* Determinable Fee = grantor will have possibility of reverter
* Condition Subsequent = grantee has fee simple absolute
* Later Transfer of Right of re-entry to a third party = RAP does NOT apply as long as it occurs within the lifetime of a life in being

Life Estate = present possessory interest that lasts until the end of that persons lifetime (or pur autre vie). Upon death, the property will go to the identified remainder, or revert back to the grantor. LE has a duty NOT to commit waste.
- Life estate pur autre vie - life estate is given measured by the life of another
-LE can keep ALL the profits
LE must pay = property taxes, interest on the mortgage, maintenance repairs (required to pay up to the limit of the income that was actually produced by the property or that could reasonably have been produced)
- If the principal payments are also due then the LE and the Remainder will each pay their present value interest of that amount


Restraints on Alienation

  • Promissory and Forfeiture restrains on alienation, where the grantor can terminate the estate if transfer is attempted are VOID, UNLESS for a limited time and reasonable purpose
  • Life Estate = Restraints are allowed.
  • Spendthrift Trust = allows FULL restraint on alienation



Landlord or Remainder can sue tenant or life estate holder

* Affirmative Waste = intentional or negligent acts that cause a property value to decrease or exploits the lands natural resources, UNLESS necessary to maintain property, express consent, or history of being used for its resources (open minds doc)
* Ameliorative Waste = any change or act that INCREASES the property value without consent of future interest holder. Modernly, this is allowed with either: consent OR substantial change in the neighborhoos making the property unreasonably unproductive or useless
* Permissive Waste = failure to maintain the property or reasonably protect property (LE up to the extent of income made from the prop or rental value if living there)


Future Interests


* Possibility of Reverty = is a condition occurs from a Fee Simple Determinable
*** Right of Re-entry **= expressly made for a Fee Simple Condition Subsequent
* Reversion = grantor retains this when they transfer to a LE or LE for Years
* Indefeasible vested remainder = automatically will get possession after the prior estate NATURALLY ends and not subject to an condition precedents. It is created within the same instrument as the prior estate. It is ADD. It can NEVER come after one of the FEES.
* Vested Remainder subject to condition subsequent = will automatically get possession after the prior estate ends, BUT will fully lose it if a certain condition subsequent occurs
* VR subject to open = remainder is left open to a group of takers and at least 1 is capable of taking. Will remain open till no new members can be created. Rule of conveinces will close the class to new members once at least 1 member is eligible and claims their share.
* Contingent Remainder = subject to a condition precedent or unascertained class
* Alternative contingent remainder = backup if the first fails.

** Executory Interest** = future interest in a third party that takes effect by cutting short an interest. NEVER will come after an LE. ALWAYS after a fee. Can NOT sue for waste.
* Shifting = cuts shorts the prior interest of someone OTHER than the grantor
* Springing = cuts short the grantors interest

  • Rule of Destructibility
  • Shelleys Merger Rule
  • Doctrine of Worthier Title
  • Estoppel by Deed

*** Rule of Destructibility **= CL, a contingent remainder would be terminated if not satisfied when the preceding estate ended. MODERNLY, if the condition is not satisfied the property would revert back to the grantor/heirs AND grantee would have a SPRINGING executory interest
* Shelleys Merger Rule = CL, if grantor gave a LE to grantee and the remainder to grantees heirs it would MERGE into grantee getting Fee Simple Absolute. MODERNLY, Grantee gets LE, heirs get contingent remainder, and grantor has reversion.
* Doctrine of Worthier Title = grantor conveys LE to a third person, and remainder to his heirs, the remainder would be VOID and grantor would hold reversion when the LE ended.

**Estoppel by Deed **= Estoppel by deed is a doctrine that precludes a person from arguing in court a position counter to what that person stated in a previous deed. frequently where someone deeded property they did not own, and later, they are involved in a dispute involving that property. If the grantor obtains the title at some point it will automatically transfer to the person it was previously deeded to, unless it was already sold to an innocent BFP



  • JT or Tenants in Common can seek partition either judicial or voluntary that is a PHYSICAL division of the land
  • if not feasible, property will be sold and proceeds apportioned
  • contractual provision prohibity parition = allowed for a reasonable time
  • Right to accounting = taxes, necessary repair, improvement, payments in excess of their share


  • All co-tenants have EQUAL rights to the ENTIRE property. An outster occurs when 1 co-tenant EXCLUDES another co-tenant from the property.
  • Remedy = sue to recover possession and damages
  • Damages = fair rental value of the property for the time denied access

Landlord Tenant Duty


* Duty to make ordinary repairs necessary to maintain premises and return property in same condition, minus wear and tear + limited by warranty of habitability
* Not commit Waste, including notify L if you can NOT handle the repair
* Pay Rent as agreed
* No continuous illegal purpose in property
* liable to 3rd partys who get injured EVEN if L promised to fix

* Retaliatory Eviction = within 180 days of reporting

  • **Implied right to quiet use and enjoyment without interference ** = All Land Contracts have an implied right that the person in possession has a right to quiet use and enjoyment of the premises without disturbance.
  • Actual eviction = wrongfully excludes tenant from ENTIRE property. terminates duty to pay
  • Parital eviction = physically excluded from PART of the property. terminates duty to pay. By non-landlord, then only pay reasonable value of possesed portion
  • Constructive Eviction = Landlords action/inaction makes it unsuitable for occupancy, allows T to terminate lease + seek damages
    1) L or agent breached duty to tenant
    2) breach substantially and materially deprived T of use and enjoyment
    3) T gave notice to L and reasonable time to fix
    4) after reasonable time T VACATED the premises.
  • Implied warranty of habitability = implied in ALL residential leases requiring L to provide property that is FIT for basic human needs. Can NOT be modified. T gave notice to L and reasonable time to fix. Breach of this warranty allows tenant to:
    1) move out and terminate lease under constructive eviction
    2) make repairs and offseet costs against future rent owed
    3) reduce rent to fair market value with the defect
    4) remain in possession, pay full rent, and seek damages against landlord
  • latent defect
  • furnished short term dwelling less than 3 months
  • common areas treat like Invitee
  • negligent repairs
  • negligence per se for housing code violations
  • public use = should know of dangerous condition + reason to know T may admit public early (short term lease) + failure to repair. Liable for public invited for that purpose who enter building

Option to Purchase Property

  • Option to purchase property in a lease agreement is considered a SEPERATE contract that is a continuing offer to sell the land at a specific price in exchange for consideration. The consideration within the lease to pay rents or other acts is sufficient consideration and no other independent consideration is needed.
  • Valid Option = writeen agreement that satisfies SOF, property description, fixed period of tiem, states price, signed
  • Expires at the END of the lease, unless otherwise stated
  • Remedies = specific performance OR damages

Landlord Remdies

  • sue for the money owed
  • if lease has terms that allows termination for breach then you can terminate lease
  • unlawful detainer statute = no rent paid then L can evict and NO counterclaims can be raised
  • Landlord Lien = lien on personal premises found on property for tenant and sublessess

Unjustifiable abandons:
* Accept the surrend + sue for damages and accured rent OR Reject the surrenter (courts look at L actions)
* Duty to Mitigate (majority) = try to re-rent the place
* Minority/CL = ignore, no dute to mitigate, ONLY can sue for PAST rent because tenant might come back


Civil Rights Act

Fair Housing Act

Discrimination Ads

Disability Laws


* Civil Rights = no racial or ethnic discrimination in sale or rental of property

Fair Housing Act = no race, color, religion, origin, gender, disability, family status, pregant discrimination in sale, rental, or financing of property
* Exception: owner occupied + 4 units or less + only 1 person in each unit
* Exception: owner owns 3 homes or less and sells or rents the home

Discrimination Ads = make or publish ad w/ preferance for one of the above groups

Disability = L MUST make reasonable accomodations at the TENANTS cost + L MUST make reasonable accomodations in their policies for EQUAL oppurtunity




Licensee = gives the right to the holder to go on the land of the Licensor, like a delivery person or social guest. This right does NOT create any non-possessory interest and it is FREELY revokable and NOT transferable.

Termination at will = notice, conduct obstructing use, deathy, sale of the place
* Revoking a License is NOT wrongful in Real Property, BUT may be a breach of contract

* Irrevocable
1) Estoppel = invalid easement OR licensee spends substantial money/labor and will remain till he receives sufficient benefit of reimbursement
2) Purchaser of Chattel = reasonable time + manner
3) Tenant re-enter to get his stuff
4) Future interest holder to inspect no waste

Concert Ticket = License and can be revoked

Invalid Easement = License


Terminating an Easement


* Estoppel = (1) easement holder by conduct/assertion that he will no longer enforce it, (2) servient owner reasonably relies, (3) and materially changed her position SOLELY based on easement holder and no other reason
* Necessity = when necessity is over
* Desctruction = involuntary destruction of where the easement is located
* Condemnation = taking of the servient estate by emminent domain
* Release = if more than 1 year MUST be in writing otherwise invalid, unless Estoppel
* Abandonment = physcial action that shows clear intent to never use the easement again. Non-use is NOT enough.
* Merger of Ownership = title of both estates merged by the same owner and will NOT revive if split again
* Prescription = interruption of the easement for the statutory period + ON + H + C
* Specific term/condition stated for it to terminate


Easement Scope and Maintance and Repair


**Scope = depends on how it was created and intent of the original parties. Any specific will govern. **
* Present + Future Needs = court assumes the easement will meet the present + future needs of the Dominant Estate due to normal and forseeable development
* Overuse/Misuse = unreasonable interferences with the use of the servient estate will result in an injunction and/or damages but does NOT terminate the easement (courts will only allow it to terminate if there is no other adequate legal remedy)
* Servient Estate = can use her land however, but can NOT unreasonably interefere with easement, profit, covenant, or servitude

Maintenace and Repair
- Servient estate NOT required to repair
- Dominant estate IMPLIED right to repair + maintain
- BOTH USE IT = repair costs apportioned based on use


Easement Creation



1) open and notorious (visible use)
2) Hostile (without owner consent)
3) Continuous Use
4) Actual use

Implication based on prior use:
1) land was 1 large parcel owned by the same person
2) land is now severed
3) before severance, the use existed + apparent + continuous
4) such use is reasonably necessary for the dominant estate owner to use and enjoy his property (cost/difficult for alternative or price reduced already for this)
Exceptions: Profit, unless misue of materials/resources OR Subdivision Plat to use streets shown in map to access their lot

**Necessity **
1. land originally 1 large parcel owned by the same person
2. land is then severed
3. easement is strictly necessary because there are no other VIABLE options (land locked parcel)

1) written if more than 1 year per SOF
2) Servient estate must sign
3) Grantor Reservation allowed for ONLY himself for specific purpose

Implied Mutual Cross Easement of Support = shared wall or driveway located on BOTH properties + NO agreement, THEN courts treat it as belonging to each owner to the extent it exists on their property. Neither party can UNILATERALLY destroy the easement.

VALID = underground or non-visible use if upon inspection it could be discovered with a surface connection (pipe, electrical line)

Necessity Easement upon termination does NOT become a Prescription, but upon termination the timer will START


Type of Easement


An easement creates a non-possessory right to use someone elses land to beneffit either an individual (in gross) or that benefits physical use and enoyment of ones own land (appurtenant)

Affirmative easement = gives right to enter for a specific reason
Negative easement = prevent landowner from doing something on his own land he would otherwise be legally allowed to do

In Gross = using someone elses land to solely benefit an individual that is not tied to the land. Is not transferable, unless economic or commercial purpose.

Appurtenant = using someone elses land that benefits physical use and enjoyment of ones own land. The dominant estate is the benefitting land and the servient estate is the burdened land thats providing the benefit.
* Benefit Transfer = the benfits run with the land so any future transfers of the property AUTOMATICALLY are entitled to the easement benefit EVEN IF it was NOT in the deed
* Burden Transfer = the burden runs with the land so anyone who takes possession takes it subject to the easement, including heirs and donees.
* BFP = require notice actual knowlege, constructive if recorded in public records, OR Inquiry - reasonable person would ask about facts they knew or could have obtained by inspecting the property.


Land Sale Contract


Valid Contract
1) any type of writing with the essential terms
2) description
3) price
4) parties identified
5) signed by the party being charged
Exception to allow Specific Performance if: 2/3** = possession, substantial improvement, partial payment

**Material vs. Minor Breach **
* perform within reasonable time (2 months)
* Failure to tender performance = breach of contract and will be liable for any incidental damages (interest + taxes)
* Time is of the essence is a material breach if = contract expressly says, circumstances indicate thats the party’s intention, or at some point 1 party give notice that it is

Implied Promises = If breached, Buyer must notify before closing to give seller time to cure
1) Marketable title = free from reasonable doubt and seller is selling what he purports it to be; ONLY buyer can waive this
2) Residential Sales - Sellers Duty to disclose = Any defects that can NOT be reasonably discovered by the buyer including if it substantially affects the value of the residence, impacts health/safety of resident, affects the desirability, make no material false statements
3) New Construction = Quality in Construction

**Merger **= upon closing the Deed and the Land Sale contract merge. Any failure to give notice is waived at that point, and buyer can only sue on The deed


Title Insurance


Title Insurance = insures a good record of title on the property exists as of the policy start date and agreed to defend record title if litigated
* Owner Policy = ONLY protects the owner, heirs, devisees and does NOT run with the land
* Lender Policy = Follows any assignment of the mortgage loan




Valid Deed = pass legal title to the grantee upon lawful execution and proper delivery
1) writing with words of PRESENT intent to convey the land
2) signed by grantor
3) identify the parties
4) property identifiable based on description
5) Delivery - PRESENT intent to be bound by the conveyance and reliqunish control, even if NOT physcially transferred yet
6) Acceptance = presumed, unless rejected

**Invalid Intent **= reserved the right to revoke OR gives instructions to only deliver after his death

Conditional Deed = oral conditions upon delivery NOT allowed to grantee and stricken. oral conditions to escrow holder are VALID

* Void - deed will be set aside= forged, not delivered, issued to non-existent grantee, fraud in the execution, grantee already dead

*** Voidable - **set aside, unless already passed to BFP = minor executes it, lack capacity, fraud, duress, mistake, duty breach

Land can be conveyed by deed without a land sale contract if: intent to convey + valid deed + delivered + accepted


Inter vivo Gift of Real Property


1) Donative Intent = Courts examine whether the grantor intended to pass title; no physical transfer of a deed is required

**2) Delivery **= Recording a deed raises a presumption of delivery, even if the Grantee is unaware of the deed. If a grantor conditions delivery with an oral condition, a plurality of jurisdictions ignore the oral condition and consider delivery complete. If the grantor dies and the deed is still in the grantor’s possession, there is a presumption of no delivery, which the grantee may rebut

3) Acceptance = acceptance is presumed.


Warranty Deeds


** General Warranty Deed **= warrants against title defect created by grantor AND ALL prior title holders
Special Warranty Deed ** (default rule)= warrants only from the time grantor took possession
** Quit Claim Deed **= grantor is conveying whatever interest he actually has, even if there is no interest
Estoppel by Deed **= grantor attempts to convey an estate he does NOT own, but later obtains title, it will automatically go to the grantee, UNLESS quit claim deed or if grantor already sold to innocent new BFP

Present Covenants = breach at the time of sale when deed is conveyed
1) seisin = owns what he purports he owns (title + possession)
2) Right to convey = power and authority (title sufficient)
3) Against Encumbrences = no mortgage, lien, easement, use restriction (visible + non-visible)

**Future Covenants **= Run with the land + breached when grantee possession is disturbed
1) warranty of title = G defend any lawful reasonable claim of title by 3rd party + compensate for loss
2) quiet enjoyment = no disturbance in possession or enjoyment by 3rd party lawful claim to title
3) further assurances = any future reasonable and necessary acts to perfect title if needed


3 types of Notice in real property


**Actual Notice **
A buyer has actual notice when the buyer is expressly informed of an interest or encumbrance on the land (e.g., it is written in the deed or the buyer is verbally informed).

Inquiry Notice
Inquiry notice exists when a buyer physically inspects the land and can see the appearance of an encumbrance (e.g., an easement) on the land.

Record Notice
An individual gains notice via record when a document exists that is duly recorded in the buyer’s direct chain of title.




Foreclosure = the idea is that the NEW buyer takes the property as it was when the OLD buyer bought the property subject to the intial mortgage the old buyer used to buy the property and any other senior interests. All junior interests must be attached to the foreclosure, otherwise they will REMAIN on the property.

*** Lien **= when a creditor gives a loan to a person in consideration (exchange) for ALL their property and not a specific interest in a particular property then a lien is created.

**Priority **= Generally, payment from a foreclosure are made in the following order: (1) costs of foreclosure, (2) mortgage that was foreclosed on, (3) junior interests in order of priority, and (4) remainder to mortgagor. Junior lien holder CAN seek deffiency judgments personally against the debtor.


Priorities on Mortgages
2 funds rule/Marshalling


Generally, where multiple mortgages exist on a single property, priority is allocated based on the common law rule of first in time, first in right; however, priority may be changed by the terms of an applicable recording statute, by contract, or if a certain type of mortgage exists.

Priority Changed by Contract = A senior mortgagor may agree to subordinate to a junior mortgagor.

Purchase Money Mortgage = a mortgage taken out to buy the property. A purchase money mortgage will receive priority over other mortgages that were executed prior to the purchase money mortgage even if the earlier mortgage is recorded first. Further, a purchase money mortgage given by the seller takes priority over a purchase money mortgage given by a third-party lender (bank).

Change in Senior Mortgage = if a mortgagor does anything to increase the amount of a senior mortgage (e.g., borrow more money or increase the interest rate), the senior mortgage loses priority to junior mortgages to the extent of the change

**Failure to Record **= If the first mortgagee does not record the mortgage, and a subsequent mortgagee records, pays value for the property, and takes the property without any notice of the first mortgagee’s mortgage, the subsequent mortgage will take priority.

Marshalling/ 2 funds rule = When a SENIOR creditor has an interest in 2 DIFFERENT funds available to satisfy a debt. It requires the creditor to look for satisfaction in the lien that does NOT have the junior interest holder FIRST, so the junior can preserve his share. Then if the FIRST is not sufficient, the Senior can tap into the SECOND.

If there is just ONE mortgage over ONE 100 acre piece of land, THEN this rule does NOT apply and the SENIOR creditor CAN foreclose on the ENTIRE land


Lateral Support
Subjacent Support


A landowner has a right to lateral support. An adjoining landowner who withdraws lateral support is strictly liable for damages caused by any subsidence if the land is in its natural condition. If the land has been improved (e.g., by buildings), the adoining owner will be strictly liable if the land would have collapsed in its natural state, if NOT then the adjoining landowner is may be liable only thorough negligence

Subjacent support = something is removed from below the surface of the land.

All landowners have a right for the land adjacent to them to laterally support their land.

If an adjoins landowner does something on his land that withdraws this support he will be liable to the neighbor if it causes subsidence (cave in) due to the withdrawal

Natural state= strictly liable
Improved = if the improvement was not there and the land was in its natural state would the same damage have occurred ?
—-> if not then seek a negligence claim


Luquidated Damages in Land Sale Contract


A liquidated damages clause is enforceable so long as the amount is reasonable (i.e., not greater than 15% of the purchase price).


Water Rights

  • using surface water = an owner may use all he wants
  • 3 ways to get rid of surface water
    1) common enemy = cast water onto neighbors land
    2) natural flow theory = owner strict liability for interfering with the natural flow
    3) reasonable use doctrine = allows owner to act reasonably

Riparian Rights = waterfront streams and lakes that abut property
* Reasonable Use theory = each riparian owner may use as must water as he reasonbly needs. courts consider the purpose and extent of use
* prior appropriation doctrine (CA) = owner must obtain a permit to use the water and priority of use is determined by the permit date

Ground Water = owner may make reasonable use of ground water drawn from his property