Evidence Flashcards
When are police reports allowed to be offered?
Must be factual findings and can be used in a Civil case or against a government agency case.
Police reports of matters observed by police can NOT be used against criminal defendants (CA has no limitation)
Best/Secondary Evidence Rule
NOT hearsay = print outs of machine created data that was not a result of human assertion.
- If a person is testifying completely from the knowledge they obtained from writing, recording, or photo they MUST provide that document to the court because that document is the BEST evidence NOT the person testifying.
- This rule does NOT apply if the witness has personal knowledge of it from memory or memory refreshed, if the writing is a collateral matter, public record, or voluminous record
- An exact photocopy duplicate may be presented instead of the original unless the authenticity of the original is in dispute.
- if no duplicate is available:
1) Proponent offering the alternative evidence MUST show that the original/copy is unavailable at NO FAULT of their own (lost, destroyed, exclusive control of other side, or other side already submitted it)
2) THEN the court will allow alternative evidence, like a person to testify to the contents as secondary evidence
Voluminious Record
1) summary, chart, or calculation can be admitted as SUBSTANTIVE evidence if they are being used to prove the contents of underlying voluminious writing, recordings, or photos that would have independently been admissible, but can not be conveinetly examined in court
2) AND prior to the introduction in trial the documents were made available to the opposing side so if they wanted to they could examine and copy the documents
Judicial Notice
Judicial Notice operates as a substitute for proof as to facts that are matters of common knowledge in the community or are capable of certain verification through easily accessible, well-established sources. The court MAY take judicial notice on their own or if a party motions for it.
Criminal Case = jury MAY but is NOT required to accept the fact as noticed
Civil Case = jury MUST accept the fact as noticed
CA = jury MUST accept the fact as noticed
When is character evidence allowed in a civil case vs. Criminal Case?
Generally, character evidence is not allowed to show propensity, meaning how a person likely acted during the events of the current case. However, character evidence will be allowed if: (a) character is an essential element of the case “at issue” OR (b) for non-propensity purposes, like to show habit.
Character is at issue in CHEWED all 3 types of evidence can be used
C = Child Custody
H = Hiring Negligently
E - Entrustment negligent
W - wrongful death suit
E - exception for FRE: specific acts of sex assault and child molestation to show propensity in civil cases
D - Defamation/Slander (reduce damages for poor reputation + prove defense of truth of the statement)
**Criminal Case: ** = Most courts hold, evidence that defendant is a law abiding character is a pertinent trait and is admissible in any criminal prosecution. Generally, the criminal defendant must first “open the door” with witness testimony regarding the person’s reputation or the witness’s opinion about a relevant character trait in the case. Once the door is open, the prosecution can rebut the SAME trait with their own reputation or opinion witness.
**EXCEPTION **= a prosecutor can open the door first if: (a) in a sexual assault case, (b) child molestation case, (c) domestic violence case, (d) defendant testifies putting his truthfullness at issue, and (e) if defendant attacks victim with a VIOLENT character trait, then prosecution can attack defendent with the same VIOLENT trait (CA: also elder abuse)
Defendant can first open the door with ALL 3 types when character is an essential element of the crime or defense at issue (self defense, entrapment)
When character is only a pertinent trait then only reputation or opinion evidence is allowed (robbery, fraud)
Prior Recollection Recorded
the witness is on the stand and he can not recall and even after looking at the writing, he can still not remember. then he can READ the writing into evidence IF:
1) first-hand knowledge + fresh memory of the event at the time it was recorded
2) vouches the record is accurate
3) read into evidence ONLY
Opponents may admit the writing to impeach or substantively.
Then Existing Present State of Mind
Declarant is making a statement about their OWN present state of mind, mental, emotional, or physical condition AT THAT TIME is admissible to show the condition, state of mind, intent, alibi, plan, motive, design, mental emotional feeling, pain, and bodily health that existed AT THAT TIME
However, statements of memory, belief, or past state of mind to prove something they remembered or believed are not admissible, unless related to a will.
I couldnt have killed her I was going to LA
I couldnt have killed her because I loved her
I am suffering pain/headache right now
NOT VALID = going the next day to apoligize for yesterdays accident
Medical diagnosis treatment
Medical diagnosis treatment: A past or present statement made for the purpose of medical diagnosis or treatment is admissible. The cause of the condition may be included if its pertinent to the treatment, otherwise, it will be excluded along with any statements of fault.
—> Under CA, only a child abuse victims less than 12 years old
If a third person helped obtain the treatment, then they can make the statement.
Present Sense Impression:
CA: contemporaneous statement
Present Sense Impression: Under FRE, Declarants statement describing an event as he was observing it OR immediately thereafter. A few minutes after the event is within the period allowed for this exception to apply.
In CA, a contemporaneous statement is only admissible, if the declarant is giving a play by play explanation of his OWN conduct, without even a one second delay.
Excited Utterance:
(CA- Spontaneous Statement)
Excited Utterance: A statement (1) relating to a startling event or condition, (2) while the declarant was personally under the stress of the excitement caused by the event. A slight delay between the event and statement is allowed.
(CA- Spontaneous Statement)
Look for !!!!
Jury vs. Judge
Judge determines whether the evidence is admissible and questions regarding the law
Example: hospital records, expert opinion, impending death of a dying declarant,
Jury determines how much weight should be given to the evidence
Examples: 3rd party was D’s agent or not in signing a contract,
- Authentication = Evidence must be authenticated meaning it is what it purports to be before it is admitted, unless it is a self-authenticating certified document.
- Telephone Calls = listener recognizes the speakers voice, the speaker has knowledge of certain facts that ONLY a particular person would have, OR the speaker identified themself
- Writings = only enough evidence to support a jury finding that the evidence is genuine is required, even if the evidence is circumstantial.
- Handwriting = A person with personal knowledge of the writers handwriting OR trier of fact or expert could compare the writing to another similar writing to see if the handwriting is similar
- Reply Letter doctrine = evidence that it was written in response to a communication sent to the claimed author, where the contents of the letter make it unlikely it was written by anyone other than the claimed author
- Report = custodian of the record or another qualified witness can testify to the identity of the record and the method of its preparation, unless the custodian certifies in writing the document is what it purports to be
Lay Opinion
- Must be based on a layperson’s perception and not require specialized knowledge.
- A voice may be identified by the opinion of anyone who has heard the voice.
- Under the CEC, a lay opinion may be based on specialized knowledge.
Outer Hearsay -
The report itself
Business Record
Official Public Record
All document hearsay exceptions: (1) must be relevant, (2) must be authenticated, (3) must have sponsering witness
(B) Business Records: A business record can be admissible if made in the regular course of business or to show it is missing by laying the proper foundation for admitting it. A records custodian with personal knowlege of the record can testify OR certify in writing that the:
(1) record of conditions, opinions, diagnosis, or events (CA- does not allow opinions and diagnosis)
(2)Timely made at or near the time of the matter
(3) Record normally and usually made in the regular course of their business (habit)
(4) Usual business duty of the person to make such an entry
(5) made with information from a person that had first hand knowlege
(6) Party opponent does NOT show it lacks trustworthiness because of the conditions it was made in
(C) Learned Treatise:
(1) only can be read into evidence if
(2) brought to the attention of the expert on direct as a basis for reliance or cross exam
(3) reliable treatise based on any expert testimony or jduges deems it to be under judicial notice
Under CA, to prove generally known facts, historical works, science books, art books, and published maps/charts are admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule IF created by an indifferent person between the parties
(D) Family history: statements of fact concerning the family history (family bible) with a sponsering witness to testify.
(E) Public Records:
1) Public Official duty to report or make the record
2) made at or near time of event described
3) sources of info AND circumstances surrounding it indicate its trustworthy
(F) Ancient Document: more than 20 years old (CA: 30) + same condition + no suspicion + expected place
Abscense of a business record and public record = can also be shown
Expert Opinion
HQ sent a Crab with a CRAPE to give an expert opinion
Expert opinion is admissible if:
(1) Helpful to jury = helpful to the jury to better understand a complicated issue that they can not figure out on their own. They CAN share their opinion about an ultimate issue in the case, BUT can NOT give an opinion on the defendant’s mental state in a criminal case if it’s a required element of the crime or defense.
(2) Qualified: the expert is qualified to share this opinion based on knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education
(3) Reasonably certain as to the correctness
(4) reliable methods and principles used for opinion - CRAPE
(5) application of those methods and principles to the opinion
(6) based on sufficient facts or data: personal knowlege, hypo, observations of prior witnesses
Under the FRE Daubert/Kumho standard, courts look at the following to determine whether to admit expert testimony:
(a) Confirmed testing and can be retested
(b) Reviewed by peers and published
(c) Accepted generally in that fields profession
(d) Proper standard and controls used and maintained
(e) Error rate is low
Under the CA KellY/Frye method, the opinion must be based on generally accepted principles by experts in the field.
Present Recollection Refreshed
(1) Show a witness on the stand ANY item, even if inadmissible if they
(2) can not recall on the stand in order to
(3) Refresh the witnesses memory to stimulate his memory
(4) about something they had
(5) personal knowlege about
(6) Entirely from memory they must then testify.
Opposing Party has:
(1) Right to inspect the item
(2) Admit any portions even if inadmissible
(3) Cross examine witness on it
(4) Even if its inadmissible because Best Evidence Rule and Hearsay rules do NOT apply
(5) Stricken testimony for failure to produce writing in criminal case; judge will issue appropriate order in civil case
Under FRE, if the person uses the report to refresh her memory BEFORE testifying, the court MAY allow the defendant to examin if justice so requires. However, if she uses the report to refresh her memory DURING the testimony, then the court MUST allow the defendant to review the report.
Under CA, court MUST allow the person to see the report either way.
- Statement Against Interest
- Former Testimony
- Dying Declaration
Statement Against Interest
1) unavailable person
2) makes a statement against financial, business, or penal interest (CA: social)
3) with personal knowlege of the facts
4) aware it was against his interest at the time
5) no motive to misrepresent supported by corroborating circumstances that indicate its trustworthiness
6) criminal case - confrontation clause issue
Dying Declaration
1. ONLY for Homicide or civil case (no attempted-murder)
2. Declarant must be unavailable (CA: dead)
3. believe death is imminent
4. about cause of the death
Note in CA, a dying declaration is admissible in any kind of case, civil or criminal, where it is relevant to show what killed the victim. Additionally, unlike the FRE, in CA the declarant must actually be dead to be unavailable.
Former/Prior Testimony
(1) declarant is unavailable,
(2) statement was made under oath
(3) the party who the statement is being used against was a party in the previous trial,
(4) the same issues are involved, and
(5) the parties who it is offered against had the same motive and oppurtunity to cross examine the witness in the previous trial.
(for a civil trial the parties just need to be in privity)
- Work Product Doctrine
- Consultant information
In Federal court, WPD protects ALL materials prepared by an attorney or his agents in anticipation or during litigation, unless the other party can show a substantial need + the equivalent cannot be obtained without undue hardship.
In CA, only applies to materials prepared by the attorney himself in anticipation of litigation, including an Absolute privilege of his mental impressions, research, notes, and opinions. Qualified privilege exists for other materials prepared and discoverable if a substantial need + inability to acquire elsewhere.
Consultant that wont be testifying opposing party can NOT obtain facts or opinions held by an expert retained in anticipation or during litigation purely for consulting and NOT planned to use to testify at trial, UNLESS its impracticable to obtain the information by other means.
Attorney Client Privilege
**Protects communications made for the PURPOSE of obtaining or providing LEGAL ASSISTANCE for the client that are INTENDED to be kept confidential **
* Waiver = disclosure to a third party or in the presence of a known party
* YES waiver = if a person + the lawyer go to prosecutor and REVEAL information about another D then this is NOT confidential because it was disclosed in front of the prosecutor
* NO Waiver = if a person + lawyer go to prosecutor to try and negotiate a deal for a lessor sentence IF they WERE to reveal information then this is NOT a waiver, because the actual information was NOT disclosed.
NOT privleged communication:
- purely factual communications
- clients identity
- existence of attorney client relationship
- clients legal fees and other incidentals
- attorneys fee records and bills
Double Hearsay
Hearsay is an out of court statement being offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted and WILL be INADMISSIBLE, unless it falls within an EXCEPTION to the rule.
Hearsay is generally inadmissible because the veracity of the witness at the time the statement was made cannot be tested.
Multiple hearsay is hearsay within hearsay. For the entire statement to come in, all levels of hearsay must be admissible.
FRE: Catch all Hearsay Exception
- material
- trustworthy
- more probative then other evidence that can be reasonably obtained
- in the interest of justice
- Notice to opposing party
Non- Hearsay - 4 priors
- Prior Consistent Statement = once witness has been expressly attacked then refute the idea the witness was lying
- Prior Identification = declarants statement about an earlier identification after perceiving them
- Prior/Past Recollection Recording: is an exclusion to the hearsay rule if:
(1) a witness can NOT sufficiently testify from memory,
(2) but he had firsthand knowledge and fresh memory of the events at the time it was recorded, and
(3) at that time vouches the record is accurate,
(4) witness can read the document into evidence, but the document itself will NOT be entered into evidence. Opponent may admit the writing to impeach or substantively. - Prior Inconsistent Statement to impeach only = if a witness makes a statement at trial, use of prior inconsistent statements made out of court by them will NOT be hearsay when its being used to impeach their present testimony because what is being shown is NOT that the statement is true, BUT to show the witness lacks credibility due to his inconsistent statements. A live witness MUST have the oppurtunity to explain themselves either before or after the evidence is introduced and be subject to cross before being excused + it can come in substantively as hearsay exception IF made under oath at prior trial or deposition [CA: no oath requirement]
MBE TIP = Admissible as non-hearsay, circumstantial evidence, or substantive evidence
Right to Confrontation in Evidence coming in for a criminal case against the criminal defendant
- Testimonial evidence is NOT allowed = not made during an emergency to a police officer
- Non-Testimonial is allowed = statement to the police during an emergency; statement to a family member
Demonstrative or Physical evidence IS allowed = walking with a limp, thumb prints
Standard required before inquiring into specific bad acts of honesty on cross examine
Must have a good faith belief that the event actually occured before inquiring into the act on cross
Reasoning = because the question can show two things. If the witness admits to it then it will show there is a very low bar for honesty within the community. If the witness denies it then it will show the witness might not really be plugged into the community and is a poor reputation witness.
- Past specific bad acts do not include?
- what are NOT honesty crimes?
- What are honest crimes?
Past specific bad acts does NOT include: arrests, charges, rumores, being fired, simple theft
NOT honesty crimes: larceny, robbery, burglary
YES honesty crime: forgery, perjury, embezzlement, false pre-tenses, tax fraud
leading question
A leading question is one that suggests the answer. Leading questions are always permitted on cross-examination and are not allowed on direct examination except if: 1) the witness is hostile; 2) the witness cannot adequately recall the subject matter of her testimony; or 3) the questions relate to foundational matters.
nonresponsive answer
A nonresponsive answer is one that could have been answered with a simple yes or no, but provides more information in the answer than what it asked for.
Motion to strike everything after _____.
- Calls for a Narrative:
Questions inviting the witness to narrate a series of occurrences, which may produce irrelevant or otherwise inadmissible testimony are improper.
- Asked and Answered:
The witness has already answered a substantially similar question asked by the same attorney on the same subject matter.
- Assumes Facts not in Evidence:
A question is improper where it assumes unproven facts to be true.
Here, the facts assumed are ________.
- Compound:
Any question that joins two or more questions ordinarily joined with the word “or” or the word “and” is improper.
- Argumentative:
A question is argumentative and improper if:
1) It is asked for the purpose of persuading the jury or the judge, rather than to elicit information; or
2) It calls for an argument in answer to an argument contained in the question; or
3) It calls for no new facts, but merely asks the witness to concede to inferences drawn by the examiner from proved or assumed facts.
- Calls for Speculation:
A question is improper if it invites or causes the witness to answer based on speculation instead of personal knowlege
Logical Relevance
Under the FRE, logically relevant evidence requires that the evidence being offered has a tendency to make a fact of consequence more or less probable than it would be without the evidence. Thus, for evidence to be relevant there just needs to be some probative value in establishing a fact.
CA : material fact in dispute.
Legal Relevance
FRE 403 and CEC 352
Even if the evidence offered is logically relevant, the court may choose to exclude the evidence if the probative value is substantially outweighed by the risk of undue prejudice, waste of time, or the possibility of confusing the jury.
Liability insurance:
- Liability insurance: evidence of insurance against liability is not admissible to show negligence or ability to pay a substantial judgment. However, it may be admissible to: 1) show ownership or control; 2) to impeach, or 3) as part of an admission.
Subsequent remedial conduct:
- Subsequent remedial conduct: Evidence of repairs or other precautionary measures made following an injury is not admissible to prove negligence, culpability, a defect in a product or its design, or a need for a warning or instruction. However, such evidence is permitted to: 1) prove ownership or control; 2) to rebut a claim that the precaution was not feasible; or 3) to prove that the opposing party has destroyed evidence.
o Note in CA, subsequent remedial measures are inadmissible in negligence cases, but admissible in strict products liability cases.
- Settlement offers and guilty pleas:
Evidence of compromises or offers to compromise is not admissible to prove liability for, or invalidity of, a claim that is disputed as to validity or amount. Not even direct admissions of liability during compromise negotiations are admissible. Likewise, withdrawn guilty pleas and offers to plead guilty are inadmissible.
- Mediation Proceedings: (CA only) – Statements made during the course of mediation proceedings are inadmissible in California.
- Payment or offer to pay medical expenses:
Payment of or offers to pay the injured party’s medical expenses are inadmissible. However, unlike the situation with compromise negotiations, admissions of fact accompanying offers to pay medical expenses are admissible.
o Note in CA, the offer AND any statements made in the course of the offer are inadmissible
Other Reasons to allow Character Evidence
Extrinsic evidence of other crimes or misconduct is admissible if independently relevant to some issue other than the defendant’s character, including to show:
Absent Mistake
Scheme or plan
Knowledge of fact or event
Attack the Victims Character
- The defendant may introduce reputation or opinion evidence of a bad character trait of the victim when it is relevant to show the defendant’s innocence.
- Once the defendant “opens that door” the prosecution may counter with reputation or opinion evidence of 1) the victim’s good character, or 2) the defendant’s bad character for the same trait (CA: D can open door with all 3 types, P can protect with all 3 types)
- Exception = Homicide case and defendant claims self defense case = once D opens the doors THEN prosecution can provide opinion or reputation testimony to show victim is actually a peaceful person. (CA: allows all 3 types)
To show the the defendant reasonably feared and make it more likley to prove his self-defense argument
If defendant was AWARE of a crime the Victim did BEFORE he killed them, that is also probative of the fact he reasonably was in fear of his life. Can be offered as Effect on the listener exception to hearsay.
Rape Victim’s Past Behavior - Character Evidence
Generally, In a rape case, evidence offered to prove the sexual behavior or sexual disposition of the victim is inadmissible.
* Civil case = Victim must put her reputation at issues before evidence can be admitted. All 3 types of evidence are allowed but only if the probative value of that evidence substantially outweighs any prejudicial effect. In CA: only evidence of prior sexual conduct between the same parties is allowed in civil cases
* Criminal Case = a victim’s sexual behavior is admissible to prove that someone other than the defendant is the source of semen, injury, or other physical evidence. Additionally, specific instances of sexual behavior between the victim and the accused are admissible by the prosecution for any reason and by the defense to prove consent. In CA, to prove that defendant reasonably believed the victim consented, NOT to prove she actually consented
1) First Hand knowlege
2) actually helpful to a clear understanding of his testimony OR to a determination of fact in issues
3) rationally based on the perception of the witness
4) not based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge
personal knowledge
A witness must have personal knowledge as to what she testifies to. A witness may not speculate. Speculation occurs when the witness is guessing at the answer and has no personal knowledge of the answer. A witness can only answer to what she personally knows.
Impeach by Contradiction
Impeach by Sensory or Mental Defect
Evidence may be introduced to show that the witness contradicted himself ONLY to impeach on a non-collateral matter.
Sensory or mental defect = Extrinsic Evidence OR Cross-Exam (grandma said she clearly saw the murder 100 ft away)
- Bolstering:
Generally, a party may not bolster the testimony of his witness until the witness’s credibility has been attacked.
CA = in a criminal case, under CEC and Prop 8, both the prosecutor and the defendant may bolster a witness’ credibility before it has been attacked.
Remember to STILL balance this with CEC 352
- Bias:
Evidence that a witness is biased or has an interest in the outcome of a suit tends to show that the witness has a motive to lie and is admissible with the proper foundation. Any evidence can be proffered to prove bias, but a LIVE witness MUST have the oppurtunity to explan.
Unavailable Witness
M = Memory: testify they can not remember (CA requires total memory loss)
C = Court ordered, and they still refuse (CA requires refusal out of fear)
D = Death
R = Reasonably tried to get witness but unable too
I = Illness
P = Privilege invoked
Spousal Immunity
Marital Confidential Communications
W - Witness spouse holds the right
C - Crimes only (CA allows civil and crime)
O - Option to testify or not
P - Prior and During marriage any information learned is protected
E - Ends when marriage ends (must be legally married during the trial)
B - Both spouses hold this provilege and refuse to testify in criminal and civil matters
B - Blocked: one spouse can block the other from testifying
F - Forever it will last, even after marriage
A - Acts observed that don’t convey meaning are NOT protected
D - During: information during legal marriage only is protected
Exceptions =
C - Crime committed together or fututure crimes planned
A - Abuse or another crime to your spouse
K - Kid is harmed by spouse
E - Eachother in a dispute together
Waiver is allowed if they BOTH waive it together
Proposition 8
Proposition 8 – (must discuss in criminal cases)
Proposition 8 is part of the California Constitution at is the victims bill of rights in a criminal case. Under Prop 8, all relevant evidence is admissible in California criminal cases unless the evidence falls within an exemption.
Exemptions from Prop 8:
* Hearsay rules: Thus, in criminal cases, inadmissible hearsay remains inadmissible unless an exception applies.
* Privileges
* Exclusionary rule
* Legal Relevance- Judge still has discretion to exclude evidence is probative value is substantially outweighed by prejudicial effect.
* Rape shield: Although Prop. 8 allows for all relevant evidence to be admissible, it does not affect the exclusion of evidence of the complainant’s sexual history in a rape or sexual assault case.
* Best Evidence Rule
* Character: In CA, defendant must also open the door first in order for prosecution to bring in character evidence
Impeach with Character Evidence of specific acts and crimes
**FRE rules: **
* Specific bad HONEST act = can be asked on cross exam ONLY and MUST accept the answer no EE
* General Felony = less than 10 years old and subject to balancing. (D= POP; witness=Soup) Can be brought on Cross or EE
* Honest Crime conviction for felony or misdemeanor = less than years and court can NOT exclude. Can be brought on Cross or EE
**California Rules = ** + impeachment value is not substantially outweighed by its dangers
* CA: Criminal Case = Felony or misdemeanor of moral turpitude convictions. OR under Prop 8 either on cross or EE bad acts involving moral turpitude
* CA: Civil Case = felony convictions involving moral turpitude
Balancing = by introducing evidence of the defendants conviction for a violent crime, there is a risk that the jury will decide to punish the defendant because of his past crime or criminal character RATHER than the conduct at issue in the case. Thus, the court probably should exclude the evidense because of the risk of unfair prejudice.
Criminal Record:
Authentication = Certified copies of public criminal records are authenticating
FRE - Hearsay = it will come in as a public record
CA = felony conviction for impeachment is exempt from being hearsay
Moral Turpitude means crimes involving: lying, severe violence, sex crimes, extreme recklessness
NOT VALID = simple assault
Substantially Similar Occurrences
Relevance to the crime charged + balance
- Can be opinion or specific instances
- Factors:
(1) similarity of conduct;
(2) number of times;
(3) regularity of conduct;
(4) reliability of evidence - Habit of doing something (admissible) vs.
habit of being something (usually not)
Business Routine = businesses usually have standard operating procedures that can be admitted as a routine practice of the organization as circumstantial evidence to prove that the buisness likely acted in accordance with their regular practice IN THIS case. (ex: procedure for receiving and mailing documents)
- this can be proved by a witness testifying and there is NO requirement that it be corroborated.
o Custom Evidence
o False Claims
o Rebut Impossibility
o Comparable sales
o Same body party injury
o Prove condition exists = substantially similar accident/injury + caused by the same condition
Rule of Completeness
when an incomplete WRITTEN statement is introduced by one party, the adverse party may require the introduction of the remainder of the writing so in fairness the complete writing can be considered in full rather than just a snippet.
CA: extends to oral statements or acts. AND also allows the party offering the statement in the first place to offer the COMPELETE statement IF it is necessary to make the other part understood
Non Hearsay - Admissions
- Admission by Party Opponent = An admission is a statement made or act that amounts to a prior acknowledgment of a relevant fact. The statement need not be against the declarant’s interest.
- Vicarious Admission by Employee or Agent = made by (i) an authorized spokesperson or (ii) an employee of the party to the case. The statement must have been made during the time of employment and within the scope of employment.
–>California the statement by the employee is admissible only where negligent conduct of that employee is the basis for the employer’s liability under respondeat superior. - Co-Conspirator Admission = A co-conspirator’s statement may be considered a party admission of another co-conspirator if the statement was made during the course of the conspiracy and in furtherance of the conspiracy.
- Adoptive Admission = when a person does not respond and a reasonable person would normally respond if the party opponent hears the statement and remains silent (not a joke)
MBE TIP = Admissible as non-hearsay, circumstantial evidence, or substantive evidence
Non Hearsay - Other Categories
Effect on the listener or reader notice, obtained certain knowledge, emotional reaction, behaved reasonably or not.
Circumstantial evidence of Declarants state of mind
feeling, provides motive, or reasoning for the next action that was taken
Independent legal significance = contract, deed, will, tort words, defamation, crime, solicitation, conspiracy
State of a person’s reputation = defamation
Impeachment showing a discrepancy between 2 statements.
Self Incrimination in civl case vs. Criminal case
Civil case = jury is allowed to draw the interference of guilt from when the witness invokes the privilege on the stand
Criminal case = jury is NOT allowed to draw the inference of the guilt and neither lawyer can refer to it
Special CA rules
- Character evidences all 3 types for: domestic violence, elder abuse, sexual assault, child molestation
- Unavailable Past physical harm or threat made at or near time the harm.threat occured, circumstances suggest reliability, made to police, medical, written or recorded.