Community Property Flashcards
California CP basic Presumption
o California is a community property state. All real or personal property, including earned wages, acquired during the marriage while domiciled in CA is presumed to be community property, regardless of which spouse’s name is on the title.
o Separate property is property acquired: (a) before marriage or after separation, (b) by gift, will, or inheritance, (c) by separate funds, or (d) profits earned from separate property.
o Where the asset is unclear, courts will trace the funds used to purchase a property to determine whether it is community property or not.
o When 1 spouse dies during the marriage OR on the date of separation, all CP is divided equally between the spouses, and spouses SP remains his own.
o With these basic principles in mind, each item of property will be examined.
o [only add this line if there was property acquired outside of CA] Quasi Community Property is property acquired by either spouse while living in a NON-CP state that would have been considered community property had the spouse been domiciled in California when the property was first acquired. It retains its separate property nature and may be transferred. However, the property will be treated like community property upon divorce OR if during the marriage the purchasing spouse dies and title is still in his name, the surviving spouse will get HALF interest in the property.
o [only add if putative spouses] Quasi Marital Property is property acquired during a void or voidable marriage, which would have been treated as CP or QCP if the marriage had been valid.
Community Property
What is the status between the parties at the time EACH item was acquired?
End of Economic Community: death or date of separation (intent + consistent conduct)
Valid Married/Domestic Partnership - CP
Invalid Marriage: Putative spouse – QMP
Unmarried living together – Contract Law
* CP law does NOT apply, CA will apply general contract principles according to Marvin. Courts should enforce EXPRESS contracts between non-married partners, UNLESS it is based on only sexual services. If no express contract, then an Implied contract may be proven based on the parties behaviour or agreement.
(1 spouse will argue tracing, 1 spouse will argue implied contract)
- Transmutations
After 1985, writing + adversely affected signed and consented + clearly declare change in ownership.
o Exception: A personal gift from 1 spouse to the other will be considered SP IF (1) the gift is used solely by receiving spouse AND (2) its of insubstantial value relative to the lifestyle of the parties
Under Lucas, all property aquired in joint title is presumed to be community property.
- Title presumptions
o Special Married Woman Presumption = title married wife name only + acquired before 1975
o CP funds used to buy property is presumed CP (rebut by: written transmutation or gift to other spouses evidencing title in other spouses name)
o Jointly Titled Property is presumed CP — NO tracing allowed, unless it’s a joint bank account
- Pre-Marital Agreement
avoid CP laws if: writing + both sign + not invalid: involuntary, unconscionable, promote divorce
o Presumed Involuntary rebut: (1) 7+ days to review, (2) no duress, fraud, undue influence, and (3) represented by lawyer or advised to seek counsel advice or separate waiver: fully informed of terms/rights/obligations and proficient in the language
o Unconscionable = terms unfair OR before signing unknown extent of other spouses property
o Defenses: Estoppel if fully performed or Latches
Spousal Support = A pre-nuptial agreement is unconscionable with respect to spousal support when the party challenging it was not represented by independent legal counsel or the provision is unconscionable at the time of enforcement.
- End of Marital Community
The marital economic community begins upon marriage, and ends at either permanent physical separation, divorce, or death of a spouse.
Date of separation (intent + consistent conduct) complete final break
o SP business enhanced by value of CP funds or labor
Pereira = favors CP. where spouses personal skills are the primary reason for the business growth
* CP interest = fair market value of the business at the time of divorce – SP interest
* SP interest = value of SP business at the time of marriage + (value at time of marriage x 10% fair rate of return x # of years SP business was operating during marriage)
VanCamp = favors SP, where the very character of the business is the primary reason for growth
* SP interest = fair market value of the business at the time of divorce – CP interest
* CP interest = annual fair market value salary during marriage – annual family expenses paid with business earnings - salary actuall paid out each year x # of years SP business was operating during marriage
o Real Property bought with SP then CP used to pay it off
Under Moore, when CP funds are used to pay down the mortgage on a spouses SP property that was bought before the marriage with title taken in only that spouses name, the Community is entitled to a dollar for dollar reimbursement for the money that was spent towards the mortgage AND they will obtain a pro-rata share in the appreciation value increase of the property.
o CP to other SP
Split courts: presumed a gift, unless agreement OR community is entitled to reimbursement
o CP to your own SP
value increase or cost of improvement
o Using your SP for CP or the other spouses SP
DIP only
Down Payment
Principal reduction only
o Joint Title end in Divorce:
o Joint Title end in Death:
reimburse SP for DIP, unless contrary writing [not joint bank account]
Lucas SP used is presumed a gift to the community, unless otherwise agreed
o Personal Injury
- arise during marriage + by 3rd party = CP,
- upon divorce it is SP, unless interest of justice not to
- If a cause of action is against a spouse, it is separate property.
o Pension/ Retire/Bond/Stocks
earned before and during marriage = time rule for CP interest; rest is SP
CP interest % = # of years married while pension earned / total # of years pension was earned for
CP interest % = # of years employed during marriage / total # of years employed till option vests
Henry purchased shares of stock before his marriage to Wilma and kept these shares in a brokerage account. These shares were thus Henry’s separate property b/c he acquired them before marriage. The shares in the account paid him an annual cash
dividend of $3,000, which he deposited into a savings account in his name alone. The cash dividends are also Henry’s separate property b/c all rents and profits garnered from separate property are separate property as well
If a stock option is awarded during the marriage, then the community has an interest in it. This is b/c stock options are considered incentive compensation, meaning that they
reward work currently going on. Therefore, if a stock option is awarded during marriage it is based at least in part upon past and present work in the hope that the employee will keep
up the good job. Where the spouse is awarded the stock option during the marriage but exercisability occurs after the date of separation, a special formula must be used to extract
the community’s interest.
o Severance
CP = replaces retirement benefits earned during the marriage OR SP = future lost compensation
o Credit/Loans
taken out during marriage= CP, unless lenders primary intent was the spouses SP as collateral
o Workers’ compensation
CP = meant to replace earnings during marriage OR SP = future earnings
o Bonuses
CP = reward work completed during marriage;
SP = reward work after date of separation
o Education/Training
degree = SP;
CP reimbursed for funds used IF education enhanced earning capacity
Defenses: community substantially benefited from the education presumed after 10 years, other spouse also used CP for education expenses, or education lowered the need for spousal support
Whole life Insurance:
Term life Insurance:
o Whole life Insurance: lifetime benefit + accumulates in cash value = uses Buy in rule (proportional % x value)
o Term life Insurance: death benefit coverage for specified term = last to pay premium due each term controls
Business & Professional Goodwill
o Business & Professional Goodwill- intangible value of the business reputation beyond skill or asset value
CP = Generated by community labor
market value method (price of goodwill in sale of business)
capitalization of excess earnings (PV of the future stream of income that goodwill developed during marriage)
o Federal Preemption
SP designated solely to 1 spouse: Federal pension, military life insurance, social security benefits, US savings bond, Disability Benefits
- Creditor Rights
o CP = always liable for before or during
- Before marriage debt: Non- Debtor can shield
o Non-Debtor = necessaries for maintenance of life during marriage or common necessaries for life before divorce (essential expenses)
Order of Debt Satisfaction
- Debts (about what, when incurred, who is liable, order of satisfaction, any reimbursement available)
o Child and Spousal support =CP reimbursed only if SP was available at that time
o Medical Bills =SP only reimbursed if CP or SP had the money available at that time
o Reimbursement required if the initial estate who is supposed to pay was NOT fully exhausted
Order of Debt Satisfaction
o Torts: was he acting for the benefit of the community?
o Community interest: CP first then SP
o Separate interest: SP first then CP
- Property earned before the marriage
- acquired after permanent separationis
- wages earned before marriage and paid during marriage
Property earned before the marriage or acquired after permanent separation is separate property. Wages earned before marriage but received during the marriage are the earner’s separate property unless she takes some action to change the character of the earnings.
Quasi-community property
Quasi-community property is property acquired by either spouse that would have been community property had the spouse been domiciled in California at the time of acquisition. Quasi-community property that is separate property in the non-community property state remains separate property until the death of the property-holder spouse.
At death, the surviving spouse takes one-half of the decedent’s quasi-community property.
community business operates during separation
If a community business operates during separation and appreciates in value, a court will apply reverse Pereiraor reverse Van Camp to apportion the community property and separate property interests.
Joint Savings Account
Contents of a commingled bank account are presumably community property, absent an agreement otherwise; however, the presumption may be overcome by tracing to one spouse’s separate property.
Co- Mingled Account
**Co-Mingled Account **
* Available community funds are presumed to have been used to pay for family expenses. Absent a reimbursement agreement, a gift is presumed when separate funds are used to pay for family expenses.
* SP spouse can NOT conclude that ALL the remaining funds in the co-mingled account is his SP, just because the TOTAL family expenses were MORE than the TOTAL in the Co-mingled account.
Tracing = A spouse may trace his or her separate property by either direct or exhaustion tracing.
* Direct Tracing = A spouse may recover separate property when, at the time the asset was purchased, (1) separate funds were available and (2) the separate property proponent intended those separate funds to be used to purchase a separate property asset.
* Exhaustion = A spouse may recover separate property when, at the time the asset was purchased, community funds in the account had been exhausted to pay for family expenses.
Remedy for Breach
Anon-breaching spouse has a claim against the other for a breach that impairs the non-breaching party’s interest in the community estate. A court may award the non-breaching spouse a larger portion of community property.
* Fiduciary Duty between spouses
* Presumption of Undue Influence
In transactions between spouses there is an imposed duty to act in the highest good faith and fair dealing of each spouse.
A rebuttable presumption of undue influence arises when 1 spouse gains an advantage over the other in a property transaction. The advantaged spouse bears the burden of proof to show the disadvantaged party made the decision voluntarily with all the material facts.