Issue Spotting Flashcards
Issue Spot Sentence for:
**Aarti Makes Fried Dumplings. Mom Can’t Pick Up Because Dad Wants Thai Right Now. **
* Applicable Law
* Merchants
* Formation
* Defenses
* Modifications
* Condition vs. Promise
* Parole Evidence Rule
* UCC - firm offer, confirmatory memo, tender, cure
* Breach
* Discharge of Performance
* Warranty
* Third Party - Delegation, Assignment, incidental, intended
* Remedies
* Novation
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Can Rationally Reasonably Expect Damages
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Equitable Remedies
**Rarely Ria Remembers Eating Cold Lasagna To Imagine Past Poorness. **
- Recission
- Reformation
- Replevin
- Ejectment
- Constructive Trust
- Lien
- Injunction - Preliminary
- Permanent Injunction
- Performance Specific
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Community Property
Gaurav Realizes Eating Pasta Stale Tastes Too Tough, Although Chandani Is Saying Don’t Over Do it.
- General Presumption
- Realtionship Status
- End of Marital Community
- Pre-Marital Agreement
- Source of funds
- Title Presumptions
- Transmutation
- Tracing
- Absolute Management and Control
- Contributions
- Improvements
- Special Rules
- Debt
- Order of distrubtion
- Distribution
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Nitin Called Vin “Crappy Parent” Really Rudely. Really Can’t Deny Because Its Real
* Not passing through probate list
* Conflict Laws
* Valid Will
* Components of a will
* Presumptions
* Revocation
* Republication
* Revival of a will
* Classification of gifts
* Distribution
* Bars to succession
* Intestate Distribution
* Remedies for wrongful condut
Issue Spot Sentence for:
**Very Calmly Tejal Built A Dog Maze Randomly **
* Valid Trust
* Challenge the Validity
* Types of Trusts
* Beneficiary Rights
* Administration powers of Trustee
* Duty’s of Trustee
* Modification and Termination
* Remedies
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Professional Responsibility
**Lawyers Will Always Call Special Clients, So Frankly Dhansukh Can Calmy And Patiently Sit **
* Loyalty
* Withdrawl
* Attorney Client Privilege + Work product Doctrine
* Communicate
* Special Duty of Prosecution and Trial Publicity
* Confidentiality
* Safekeeping of Property
* Fairness
* Diligence
* Competence and Care
* Avoid fee Misunderstandings
* Public and Profession
* Supervise
Issue Spot Sentence for:
**Courts Really Don’t Want Open Challenges So It’s Really Beneficial Not Prejudicial As Sandip Unduly Declared. **
* CA Prop 8
* Relevance - Logical + Legal
* Duty of: Public policy, judge, jury
* Witness Competence/Personal Knowlege
* Opions: Expert or Lay
* Character Evidence
* Substantial Similar Occurences
* Impeachment
* Rehab Witness Creditibility
* Bolster Credibility
* Non-Hearsay
* 4 Priors - Exclusion
* Admissions - Exclusion
* Spontaneous - Exception
* Unavailable - STD - Exception
* Documents - Excpetion
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Criminal Law
Emily Is An Alcoholic That Definitely Lies
* Elements of a Crime
* Incomplete Crimes
* Accomplice
* Against the Person Crimes
* Theft Crimes
* Defenses
* Lying Crimes
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Crim Pro: 4th amendment
**Suraj Saw Om Very Excitedly Eat Every Apple **
* State Action
* Standing
* Occurence of a search or seizure
* Valid Warrant
* Execueted Warrant Properly
* Exclusionary Rule
* Warrant Exception
* Apply Exclusionary Rule
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Crim Pro: 5th Amend
Can I Make Us Some Delicious Salad, Enchilada, Ice-cream?
* Custodial
* Interrogation
* Miranda Warnings
* Unequivocally invoked the right
* Right to no Self-Incrimination
* Due Process - Line Ups + Confession
* Standing
* Exclusionary Rule
* Impeachment use is allowed
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Crim Pro: 6th Amendment
**Raj Is Staring So We Jointly Confronted Him To Stop Just Staring **
* Right to Effective Counsel
* Insufficient Counsel
* Substitute Counsel
* Self-Represent
* Waiver
* Joint - Defendants
* Confrontation Clause
* Hearing Preliminary if no PC
* Testimonal
* Severance of Joint Trial
* Right to Jury
* Right to Speedy Trial
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Exclusionary Rule
Sai Fusses If Full Poopy Diaper
* Standing
* Fruits of the Poisonous Tree
* Independent Source
* Good Faith Warrant Exception
* Purged Taint
* Inevitable Discovery
Issue Spot Word for:
* Strict Liability
* Products Liability
* Intentional Tort
* Negligence
* Privacy and Defamation
* Other Torts
* Remedies
* Third Party
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Real Property - Has land been aquired?
Can Wally Willfully Make A Dj Recording?
* Contract Valid = SOF, PIP, Merger, Equitable Conversion
* Will = valid will, ademption, exoneration
* Warranty = Implied Warranty of Marketable Title
* Mortgage
* Adverse Possession
* Deed
* Recording Act
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Real Property -Who has an interest in the property?
It Feels Really Tough When All People Feel Sad
* Interest Type
* Future Interst
* Restraints on alienation or RAP
* Types of Joint Ownership
* Waste
* Accounting
* Partition
* Fixtures MARIA
* Sublease or Assignment
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Real Property - Land Use
**Emma Can Search Within Lawful Zone for Luke to Demand Profits. **
* Easement
* Real Covenants
* Equitable Servitudes
* Water Rights
* Lateral and Subjacent Support
* Zoning Ordinance
* License
* Defenses
* Profits a Prendre
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Real Property - Easements
Continue To Seriously Make Everything Triple Safe Remarkably to END CRAMPS
* Creation
* Type
* Scope
* Maintenance and Repair
* End of it - End Cramps
* Transferability
* Shelter Doctrine
* Recording Acts
Issue Spot Sentence for:
Real Property - Real Covenants + Equitable Servitudes
Bharat Buys Nothing Today with his DREAM CC WITCH is Common
* Burden Run - WITCH VaN
* Benefit Run - WITC - V (drop HaN solo)
* Notice - All 3 types
* Termination - Dream CC
* Common Scheme or Plan
Equitable Servitude = remove the privity requirements + Injunctive Relief