Professional Responsibility Flashcards
Duty of Subordinate Lawyer
independent obligation to comply with the rules, even when acting at the direction of a supervisor. When faced with questionable instructions, he MUST voice his concerns about the instruction
-> if there is an arguable question of law or duty, then the subordinate lawyer may rely on the supervising attorneys reasonable resoulution
- Settlement offers
- When can a lawyer settle aggregate claims?
Must communicate
1) significant oral offers
2) ANY written offer (email, writing, letter)
Aggregate Claims
With informed written consent of each client.
Contingency fee Agreement
W = writing
A = all expenses to be deducted from the fee
T = timing of when lawyer gets his cut, either before or after fees deducted
C = client signs
H = how the lawyers fees were calcultated includings the percentage if settlement or trial
CA also requires:
F = final copy provided to client
A = Any expenses not included that client must pay directly
N = negotiable and not a set fee must be in agreement
G = good lawyer must sign
not for criminal cases or domestic relation cases (ca: recovery of post judgment amount for child/spousal support)
Under the ABA, a lawyer must charge a reasonable fee.
Under CA, a lawyer must not charge a fee that is unconscionable or illegal.
Factors to consider whether a fee is ethical or not include: time, difficulty, experience, work performed and result achieved, preclusion of other employment, and CA also looks at if the fee is proportional to the performance, sophistication of the client, and overreaching in setting the fee.
Duty to report another lawyer
lawyer knows the other lawyer violated ethical rules that raises a substantial question about their honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer
CA - credible evidence to know
3) the conduct is a criminal act or involves dishonesty, fraud, or misappropriating funds
4) report without undue delay that it wont materially damage client or law firm
5) inform bar
CA - Self Report
1) felony charge or convicted of serious crime
2) civilly liable for fraud or duty breach
3) sanctioned for $1k+, but not for discovery
4) within 1 year sued for malpractice 3 times or more
5) court judgment against you for malpractice
Regular Fee Agreement
Under the ABA, a written fee agreement is not required, unless it is a contingency agreement, however, the lawyer must communicate the fee to the clients. Further, while it is not required it is best practice to have a written agreement.
Under CA, all agreements must be in writing and must indicate the method for calculating the fees, the lawyer and client responsibilities, and the nature of the services to be performed.
A writing is not required if the agreement is for less than $1000, the client is corporation, a pre-existing relationship exists where the attorney has done similar work and the client know what fee to expect, informed consent followed by a writing to waive the agreement, or in an emergency.
Sharing fees
Under the ABA and CA, a lawyer may not share their fee with a non-lawyer, unless it is for a death benefit, retirement benefit, or to purchase a practice.
Fees may be split between lawyers if the client is informed, gives consent in writing, the fee is proportional to the amount of work done, the total fee is not increased by the split, and the total fee is reasonable.
CA differs in that they require a written agreement between the lawyers, written disclosure to the client, and the fee must not be unconscionable.
duty to communicate
Under the ABA and CA, a lawyer owes a duty to communicate to their clients any significant updates about their case, when their consent is required, provide information necessary so they can make informed decisions.
Duty of Diligence and Care
Under ABA, A lawyer must act with reasonable diligence, promptness, and care in representing their client. A lawyer must diligently pursue a case to completion. Under CA, a lawyer must not intentionally, repeatedly, recklessly, or with gross negligence fail to act with reasonable diligence in representing their client.
Duty of Competence
A lawyer must provide competent representation to their client requiring legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness, and preparation necessary to effectively represent the client, including staying abreast of changes in the law and its practice, mental, physical, and emotional ability. In CA, a lawyer is only subject to discipline if they intentionally, recklessly, act with gross negligence, or repeatedly fail to perform legal services with competence.
A lawyer that is unfamiliar with the area of law can still take on the case if they associate with a lawyer that is competent in his own right or is able to sufficiently acquire the knowledge and skills before performance is necessary.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest arises when the new clients interests are directly adverse with another clients interests or there is a significant risk that the lawyers ability to represent the new client is materially limited by another client, former client, third party, or by personal interests. Despite a conflict, a lawyer may still represent the client if he reasonably (subjectively and objectively) believes he can represent the client with diligence and competence, it is not prohibited by law, the clients are not against one another in the same litigation or transaction, and under the ABA informed consent followed by a writing is received and under CA informed written consent included written disclosure and written consent. California further differs in that it does not have the reasonably believed language and has the “no risk limitation” which requires a lawyer to send written disclosure of any potential or actual conflict when it involves a lawyer or someone within his firm who has or knows of a relationship with the other party or a witness or knows or reasonable should know of a relationship that exists with the opposing sides lawyer.
Duty of Loyalty
A lawyer owes the duty of loyalty to his client by putting the client’s interests before any interest of his own and avoiding conflicts of interests.
Duty to Report Professional Misconduct
1) lawyer knows
2) the other lawyer violated the ethical rules
3) that raises a substantial question
4) as to their honest, trust, fitness as a lawyer
1) lawyer knows of credible evidence
2) of conduct that raises a substantial question
3) as to their honest, trust, fitness as a lawyer
4) conduct is criminal, dishonest, or misappropriation of funds
5) without undue delay
CA - must self report
1) charged with felony
2) convicted of serious crime
3) civilly liable for dishonest act, duty breach
4) disciplined or sanctioned more than $1k (not discovery)
5) 3 malpractice within year
Business Transactions between lawyer and client
F = fair and reasonable terms
U = clients understands the terms
N = Needs to be in writing with written client consent
D = Disclosure of all terms
S = client encouraged to seek independent counsel and given the oppurtunity to do so
Permissive Withdrawal
Mandatory Withdrawal
M = must get court permission if lawsuit has been filed
U = using legal services to commit a crime or continue a crim
S = some reasonable warning given to client, but fails to substantially fufull an obligation
T = the client is making it unreasonably difficult
Y = You have good cause
B = burden financially is unreasonable
A= client insists on taking action that L finds repugnant or fundamentally disagrees with
D = Damage wont be materially caused by withdrawal
G = client insists on taking taking an action or defenses that is lacking good faith and is unwarranted
L = likely violate ethical rule if continute to represent
A = actual consent from client with knowlege
R = really can not work with co-counsel + best interest of client to withdraw
E = effective representation is difficult due to mental or physcial condition
Mandatory - MID MUSH
M = must get court persmission if lawsuit had been filed
I = it will result in ethics rule violation
D = Discharged or terminated
M = materially limited representation by mental or physical condition ABA
U = unreasonably difficult representation by mental or physical condiction CA
S = Seeks or persists in using the lawyers services to commit a crime, despite lawyer trying ABA
H = harrasing or maliciously injuring a person its the purpose of bringing an action without probable cause CA
Duty of Withdrawl
R = reasonable notice to seek cancel
R = return property and documents
R = refund fees
After a lawsuit has been filed, the lawyer MUST obtain the court’s approval to withdraw.
- Duty of Confidentiality
- Confidential Disclosure is allowed when
- Inadvertant Disclosure
A lawyer has a duty to maintain the confidentiality of all information relating to the representation of a client. This duty is broader than the attorney-client privilege, and extends to all information conveyed between the lawyer and client/potential client, regardless of whether the client requested that the information be kept confidential or whether the use of the information will damage the client.
C = consent informed
O = ordered by the court
L = legal fee recovery
D = defend in malpractice suit
S = substantial financial loss will result + where the lawyers services were used + prevent fraud or crime
A = advice from other legal person to comply with ethical rules
D = Death or substnatial harm prevention
G = good faith attempt to counsel client to change course
I = if reasonable inform client of ability or decision to deisclose
R = Reasonably believe disclosure is necessary to prevent crim
L = likely result in death or substantial harm to a person
Inadvertant Disclosure
ABA: Lawyer has a duty to notify opposing counsel of any documents accidentally received.
CA: Must do three things:
1) Refrain from examining materials any more than necessary to determine if privileged;
2) Immediately notify the sender;
3) Proceed to resolve the situation.
*NOT required to return the documents under ABA or CA.
When is a Lawyer-Client Relationship formed?
A person seeks legal advice from a lawyer;
The lawyer either:
Manifests consent to provide services; OR
Fails to manifest a lack of consent and knows the person would reasonably rely on the lawyer to provide legal services.
*In CA, the reasonable perception of a purported client may determine if such person is deemed a client of the lawyer.
Scope of Lawyer and Client Relationship
Generally, a client controls the goals and objectives of the representation while the lawyer controls the means and tactical descisions in how to achieve those goals and objectives, BUT must consult with the client as to the means he plans to use.
Client includes substantive descisions like = settlement offers, plead guilty, testify, waive a jury trial in criminal matter
Lawyer can limit scope if:
It’s reasonable under the circumstances; AND
The client gives informed consent.
Duty to Safeguard Property
Lawyer must hold property of a client separate from the lawyer’s own property. Funds must be kept in a separate Attorney Trust Account.
In addition, a lawyer MUST return client property upon request or at the end of representation.
*In CA, a client case file cannot be withheld for the purpose of getting paid.
When is a lawyer NOT allowed to represent a client due to a Former Client Conflict of Interest?
Unless the former client gives informed consent, the lawyer CANNOT:
Represent another client in the same or substantially related matter,
When the person’s interests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client.
*Lawyer also CANNOT represent a client of their previous firm if: (1) the above 2 factors are present, AND (2) he acquired confidential info material to the former client matter.
Generally, a conflict of interest is imputed to the entire firm, and all lawyers in the firm are disqualified from the representation.
When is this NOT the case?
The conflict is purely personal and doesn’t materially limit the representation; OR
It arises out of association with the lawyer’s previous firm and the lawyer is properly screened.
When is a former Government Lawyer not allowed to work on a matter?
If the govt. lawyer worked personally and substantially on a matter, he CANNOT work on that same matter at a private firm unless:
the government agency consents in writing.
BUT, the conflict will NOT be imputed to the rest of the firm if: (1) the lawyer is properly screened; AND (2) prompt written notice is given to the govt. agency.
May a lawyer own and operate a business separate from the practice of law?
However, he must be careful to not engage in a business that would pose a conflict of interest with his clients.
When can a lawyer acquire a proprietary interest in the cause of action or subject matter of litigation?
When the interest is:
A lien authorized by law to secure the lawyer’s fee/expenses; OR
A contingency fee in a civil case.
*In CA, there is no similar rule.
Loans to Clients
(ABA vs. CA)
Financial Assistance to the client is ONLY allowed for
1) advanced litigation costs in a contingency case
2) advancing indigent clients litigation costs
3) paying a third party with client consent
4) after the lawyer is retained, a personal loan to the client with a written promise to repay it that will not be a conflict of interest and complies with the business transactions rule.
When may a lawyer advance an indigent client’s litigation expenses?
When the lawyer can later recover the expenses as part of his contingency fee.
When may a third-party pay a client’s legal fees?
The client gives informed consent (need informed written consent in CA);
There is no interference with the lawyer’s independence of professional judgement; AND
The information related to the representation remains confidential.
May a lawyer serve as a board member for an Organization he represents?
But, he must do so effectively AND without jeopardizing his ethical duties to the organization as his client.
*He will be held to a higher standard in his knowledge of company matters.
Contracts Limiting a Lawyer’s Liability
ABA: Contract is permitted if the client is independently represented in making the agreement.
CA: Lawyer CANNOT contract to limit prospective liability (for malpractice).
ABA & CA: Lawyer CANNOT settle a claim for malpractice liability UNLESS: (a) client has independent lawyer; OR (b) the client is informed in writing that they may seek the advice of an independent lawyer (and is given an opportunity to do so).
Sexual Relations with Clients
Under both ABA & CA, a lawyer CANNOT engage in consensual sexual relations with a client UNLESS the relationship existed before the representation.
*In CA, a lawyer’s spouse or registered domestic partner are specifically excluded from the definition of “current client”.
Who does the attorney represent when retained by an Organization?
What action may a lawyer take when representing an organization, and is aware of a matter that violates a law, legal obligation, or will result in substantial injury to the organization?
The Organization is the client, and lawyer MUST act in its best interest.
*The lawyer generally DOES NOT represent the officers, directors, or managers of the organization individually (unless otherwise agreed).
Lawyer MAY refer the matter to higher authorities within the organization.
ABA: Permits disclosure to an outside source if there is a clear violation of law AND it’s needed to prevent substantial injury.
CA: Outside disclosure generally NOT allowed. Only permits disclosure to an outside source to prevent death or substantial bodily harm [see Confidential Info rule].
Duty of Candor
To knowingly:
- Make a false statement of fact/law;
- fail to correct a false statement of material fact or law;
- Fail to disclose known controlling legal authority (unless opposing counsel does so); OR
- Offer or use evidence that the lawyer knows to be false.
In CA, disclosure of confidential information is prohibited (absent consent of the client).
When a criminal defendant wants to testify on his own behalf (and lawyer knows he will commit perjury), what MUST the lawyer do?
- Try to persuade client to not commit perjury;
- Attempt to withdraw from the case; AND
- If attempt to withdraw is unsuccessful, then:
ABA: Lawyer must tell the court (including confidential info, if necessary).
CA: Allow defendant to testify in narrative fashion (cannot disclose confidential info to the court).
frivolous positions
It prohibits:
Filing frivolous claims, defenses, arguments, or positions with the Court.
*A good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law is NOT deemed frivolous.
In CA, the rule also specifically prohibits actions, defenses, positions, and appeals that lack probable cause AND are intended to harass or maliciously injure.
Under what circumstances can a lawyer request a person (other than a client) to refrain from giving information to another party?
The other party is a relative, employee, or other agent of the client; AND
The lawyer reasonably believes that silence will not adversely affect the person’s interests.
When is a lawyer permitted to pay a witness?
Expenses reasonably incurred (i.e. travel, hotel);
Reasonable compensation for loss of time; OR
Reasonable fee to an expert witness.
*CANNOT offer an unlawful inducement to a witness or make payments contingent upon the content of the testimony or outcome of the case.
Lawyer as Witness Rule
A lawyer CANNOT act as trial counsel when likely to be a necessary witness, unless:
it relates to an uncontested issue;
it relates to the nature/value of legal services rendered in case;
the lawyer’s disqualification would create a substantial hardship on the client [ABA only]; OR
lawyer has obtained informed written consent of the client [CA only].
When can a lawyer (that knows a person is represented by counsel in a matter) speak to that person regarding that matter?
Lawyer has permission from the other person’s lawyer;
*Even if the represented person agrees, it is still a violation without the permission of their lawyer.
Authorized by law or court order; OR
Communications with a public official, board committee or body [CA only].
Trial publicity
A lawyer participating in an investigation/litigation CANNOT make statements to the public which:
he knows (or should know),
will be disseminated by means of public communication; AND
will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing the case or influencing jurors.
To protect the client from substantial undue prejudice.
Of the claim, offense, defense, or identity of persons (unless prohibited by law).
Regarding information in a public record.
To inform the public of an ongoing investigation.
Requesting assistance in obtaining evidence.
Warning of danger.
Of certain information in a criminal case.
What type of evidence MUST a Prosecutor disclose to the Defendant?
Prosecutors MUST disclose any exculpatory or mitigating evidence.
(The evidence must be provided within a sufficient time to allow the defendant to prepare for trial.)
What are the requirements for
Advertising Legal Services?
Advertising is permitted in all formats if it:
1. Is not false or misleading;
2. Identifies at least one lawyer or law firm;
3. Does not hold out a lawyer to be a specialist, unless the lawyer is certified as such; AND
4. [CA only] clearly includes the word “Advertisement”, unless it’s apparent that the communication is an advertisement.
A lawyer CANNOT solicit a person for professional employment by in person, live telephone, or real time electronic contact when a significant motive is for pecuniary gain,
UNLESS the person:
is a lawyer;
has a family, close personal, or prior professional relationship with the lawyer; OR
routinely uses the type of legal services offered for business purposes [ABA only].
When CAN a lawyer pay another person/entity for recommending the lawyer’s services?
A lawyer may:
Pay reasonable costs of permitted advertisements;
Pay usual charges of a legal service plan or approved lawyer referral service;
Pay for a law practice; OR
Give nominal gifts as an expression of appreciation – not intended/expected to be compensation for recommending the lawyer’s services.
Can a lawyer enter into a business deal with a non-lawyer?
However, non-lawyers CANNOT be partners, shareholders, or officers in a law firm or business that involves the practice of law.
What is Professional Misconduct?
It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
1. Violate ethical rules [or an attempt to – ABA only];
2. Commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer;
3. Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation;
4. Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice;
5. State/imply an ability to improperly influence a govt. agency or official
6. Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in a violation of ethical rules or other law.
Reporting of Ethical Violations
ABA = MUST report another lawyer/judge when:
the lawyer knows,
the other lawyer/judge violated an ethical rule,
that raises a substantial question,
as to their honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer/judge.
CA = MUST report another lawyer if:
Lawyer knows of credible evidence,
That a lawyer’s conduct raises a substantial question as to that lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer,
The conduct is either (a) a criminal act, or (b) involves dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or reckless/intentional misrepresentation or misappropriation of funds/property.
If triggered, then must report (1) without undue delay, (2) to State Bar or Tribunal with power to investigate.
Exception # 1: Seeking Counsel – If a lawyer seeks counsel from another lawyer when ethical conduct is in question.
Exception # 2: Protected Information – (a) info obtained while lawyer is participating in a substance use or mental health program; (b) confidential client info; (c) info protected by mediation confidentiality; (d) privileged information; and/or (e) confidential info obtained under the California Attorney Diversion and Assistance Act.
Threatening the other side of criminal prosecution
ABA = attorney may use the threat of criminal prosecution in settlement negotiations against the opposing client if the attorney believes the prosecution is well founded and it relates to the claims itself
CA = threats cannot be used to obtain an advantage in a CIVIL DISPUTE by threatening to present criminal, administrative, or disciplinary charge. Nor can it be used to try to settle a claim by the attorney stating or implying that the criminal or administrative action will be pursued unless the opposing party agrees to the settle, however, they CAN threaten to bring civil action
- Also, If the lawyer believes in good faith that the actions violate a law, they CAN say that if the action continues they will report it.
Duty to Supervise
Unauthorized Practice of Law
- Supervising lawyer and partners of the firm have a duty to supervise non-lawyers and must make reasonable efforts that a non-lawyers conduct is compatible with the lawyers obligations, including instruction and supervision concerning the ethical aspects of their employment.
- A lawyer is responsible for the assistants work product and will be responsible for an ethical violation if:
1) order the conduct
2) ratifies it with knowledge of the specific conduct invovled
3) knows of the conduct at a time where the consequences can be avoided AND has managerial authority over the firm or is a direct supervisor of the person.
**Unauthorized Practice of law **
Under CA and ABA, a lawyer is not allowed to encourage or assist a non-lawyer in practicing law.
Under CA rules only, a lawyer can hire a former disbarred attorney only if: the CA bar is first notified, any clients work that will be affected by that that disbarred attorney is informed of such, and the work is limited to preparatory work like research or drafting or clerical work like basic scheduling or assisting during a deposition or discovery. Under the ABA, there is no equivalent rule other than the unauthorized practice of law, which is discussed below.
Third party is paying a legal fee
- informed consent from the client
- no interference with lawyers independent professional judgement and client lawyer relationship
- information remains confidential