Real Ear Measurements Flashcards
The frequency Response of the patient’s ear canal including any amplifications produced by the HA is tested with the use of this
Real Ear Measurements
In order to have accurate, repeatable REM’s, it is critical to have a good test environment. What should the ideal test room look like
- Large room as possible (Sound booth is ideal)
- Free of vertical and horizontal reflective surfaces such as chairs and desks and other office furniture
- Reflective surfaces should be at least twice as far away from pt as the sound field speaker
- Sound treated ceiling if possible
- Carpeted floor and curtains
What position should the sound field speaker be during a REM
-pointed away from any nearby walls or corners
How should the specialist performing the measurement be position
Should be where they can operate the real analyzer and yet out of the way of the path of the sound field speaker
How should the pt be positioned during a REM
- Position pt 12-30” from sound field speaker
- either at 0 degrees (in front of pt) or 45 degrees (off to the side) is debatable so specialist should use their discretion.
What should be done before REMS can be performed
The real ear analyzer microphones should be calibrated and the sound field leveled.
REMS typically use two speakers what are they?
- a reference microphone speaker outside the ear and a probe microphone inside the ear canal
What is positioned in the Pt’s ear to measure the signal exactly as the pt hears it
Probe tube which is connected to the probe microphone
How should the probe tube be positioned inside the canal
As close to the ED as possible
The end of the probe tube should be within 5mm from the eardrum
What are the two methods of probe insertion
Otoscopic Examination-
1.use otoscope to examine and estimate length to ED, still using otoscope carefully advance it until it reaches within 6mm of ED, then mark tube at intertragal notch.
Unaided measurement-
Set up REM including calibration and leveling and place pt in front of speaker ear hook on ear and probe ready for insertion, introduce continuous broadband and slowly insert probe
What are the most commonly encountered real ear targets
- NAL-RP- Most common and verified RE target
- 1/2 Gain- Gain of HA should equal 1/2 of hearing loss
- Berger-one of the first comprehensive procedures
- POGO- Prescription of Gain Output- it is an insertion gain method similar to 1/2 gain rule
- POGO II- For severe Hearing losses
- Libby- 1/3 Gain, 2/3 Gain- Moderate Losses should be fit equal to 1.3 of loss and severe at 2/3 of the loss
What does the Insertion Gain Method
Specialist measures Pt’s Real ear Unaided gain (REUG) then the Real ear aided gain (REAG) the analyzer calculates the differences between the two measurements to obtain the Real ear Insertion Gain (REIG)
Real ear insertion Gain- The amount of gain that the HA is providing above and beyond the natural resonance of the ear.
Real Ear Unaided Response- the measured frequency response in dB SPL with a probe tube microphone int he unaided, unoccluded ear canal- used to measure ear canal resonance
Real Ear Occluded Response- Measures the frequency response in dB SPL with a probe microphone in the canal with the earmold in place and HA turned off- measures resonance breathed by interaction between earmold and canal volume