Reading & writing development theories Flashcards
What did Heath find?
this is a she
Middle-class kids developed literacy in more formal ways: >parents placed explicit value on books/ literacy activities >children more familiar with type of literacy expected in school
>children more successful in school
In other communities literacy involving oral storytelling MORE THAN book reading:
> children less successful in schl
Argued that schools should value diff types of literacy taking place at home
What did Vygotsky say?
Children seek out ways to make use of symbolic systems whilst enegaged in process of learning
~writing for the benfit of the teacher to help eliminate SPAG errors rather than to communicate info
~ZPD- children reach a stage and can attempt with support ad then do alone ] based on individ. needs RATHER THAN pushing children to reach gov. targets
What is Bruner’s theory of scaffolding?
children are active in own development but seek & need outside support to guide them
What else did Bruner say?
Interaction with books is important for creativity = helps children recreate structure, title, accompanying pictures e.g. once upon a time
What did Fischer say?
children may do ‘mirroring’ beacuse they impicitly extract the statistical regularity that most characters face right = misapply this rule (b ~ d)
What did Frith’s model of acquisition of reading & writing say?
children need to learn:
* logographic skills = recognise word patterns as a whole
* alphabetic skills = matching letters with sounds
If children do not grasp these then they fall behind