Reading: Sapolsky Chapter 2 - Glands, Gooseflesh, and Hormones Flashcards
o Stress and the autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system manages actions we do not have complete volitional control over.
One half of this system is activated in response to stress and one half is suppressed
* The sympathetic nervous system is activated during stress
o Maintains; vigilance, arousal, activation, mobilization
o Aka the four f’s; fight, flight, fright and sex
o The nerve endings of this system release adrenaline and noradenaline
* The parasympathetic nervous system is suppressed
o It’s involved in mediating calm, vegetative activities including growth, energy storage and optimistic processes
= any chemical or messenger secreted by a cell that percolates into the bloodstream and affects events far and wide
o Your brain; The real Master Gland
Was believed inititally the brain was not involved in hormone secretion and that this was regulated bia the pancreas, adrenal glands and ovaries/testes. However, we now know there are hormonal or endocrine axis in the brain to regulate this.
Once identified that the pituitary gland is involved in these axis, scientists thought this was the master gland. However, a study in which the pituitary was removed, it was found that hormonal secretion went haywire in such conditions as the pituitary gland didn’t have the ‘hormonal game plan’
* This informed that the brain (aka hypothalamus) instructs the pituitary and the pituitary is simply part of the downward cascade
o Hormones of the Stress-Response
During stress certain hormone pathways are stimulated and others are supressed
Hormones involved include
* Hormones secreted
o Glucocorticoids
Group of steroids
Secreted by adrenal glands and act similarly to epinephrine
Secreted in the presence of CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone) along with smaller synergins like ACTH (corticotropin)
o Adrenaline and noradrenaline (aka epinephrine and norepinephrine)
o Glucagon
Released by the prancreas
Raises circulating levels of glucose in the bloodstream (aka mobilising energy)
o Prolactin
Supressing reproduction during stress
o Endorphins and enkephalins
Blunt pain perception
o Vasopressin (ADH)
Role in cardiovascular stress response
* Hormones Supressed
o Secretion of reproductive hormones like oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone are inhibited along with growth hormone, insulin and pancreatic hormone
There are five groups of hormones;
- Androgens (anabolic steroids like testosterone)
- Oestrogens
- Progestins
- Mineralocorticoids
- glucocorticoids