Reading 7 Behavioral Finance and Investment Processes Flashcards
Barnewall Two-Way Model
- distinguishes two relatively simple investor types: passive and active.
- passive investors include corporate executives, lawyers with large regional firms, certified public accountants (CPAs) with large CPA companies, medical and dental non-surgeons, small business owners who inherited the business, politicians, bankers, and journalists.
- the smaller the economic resources an investor has, the more likely the person is to be a passive investor. The lack of resources gives individuals a higher security need and a lower tolerance for risk.
- Active investors have a higher tolerance for risk than they have need for security.
- By their involvement and control, they feel that they reduce risk to an acceptable level, which is often fallacious
BB&K Five-Way Model
- BB&K model features some of the principles of the Barnewall model, but by classifying investor personalities along two axes—level of confidence and method of action—it introduces an additional dimension of analysis.
- The Adventurer: Adventurers may hold highly undiversified portfolios because they are confident and willing to take chances. Their confidence leads them to make their own decisions and makes them reluctant to take advice. This presents a challenge for an investment adviser.
- The Celebrity: Celebrities like to be the center of attention. They may hold opinions about some things but to a certain extent recognize their limitations and may be willing to seek and take advice about investing.
- The Individualist: Individualists are independent and confident, which may be reflected in their choice of employment. They like to make their own decisions but only after careful analysis. They are pleasant to advise because they will listen and process information rationally.
- The Guardian: Guardians are cautious and concerned about the future. As people age and approach retirement, they may become guardians. They are concerned about protecting their assets and may seek advice from those they perceive as being more knowledgeable than themselves.
- The Straight Arrow: Straight arrows are sensible and secure. They fall near the center of the graph. They are willing to take on some risk in the expectation of earning a commensurate return.
Behavioral Investor Types
- Pompian (2008) identifies four behavioral investor types (BITs).
- Pompian (2008) introduces a behavioral alpha (BA) approach.
- It is a “top-down” approach to bias identification that may be simpler and more efficient than a bottom-up approach.
The Behavioral Alpha Process: A Top-Down Approach
- Step 1*: Interview the client and identify active or passive traits and risk tolerance.
- Step 2*: Plot the investor on the active/passive and risk tolerance scale.
- Step 3*: Test for behavioral biases.
Biases Associated with Each Behavioral Investor Type
Passive Preserver (PP)
Basic type: Passive
Risk tolerance level: Low
Primary biases: Emotional
Advising Passive Preservers: Passive Preservers may be difficult to advise because they are driven mainly by emotion. Although this characterization is true, PPs still need good financial advice.
Friendly Follower (FF)
Basic type: Passive
Risk tolerance level: Low to medium
Primary biases: Cognitive
Advising Friendly Followers: Friendly Followers may be difficult to advise because they often overestimate their risk tolerance. Risky trend-following behavior occurs in part because FFs often convince themselves that they “knew it all along” when an investment works out well, which increases future risk-taking behavior.
Independent Individualist (II)
Basic type: Active
Risk tolerance: Medium to high
Primary Biases: Cognitive
Advising Independent Individualists: Independent Individualists may be difficult clients to advise because of their independent mindset, but they are usually willing to listen to sound advice when it is presented in a way that respects their intelligence. IIs have faith in themselves and their decisions, but may be unaware of their tendency to take a contrarian position.
Active Accumulator
Basic type: Active
Risk tolerance: High
Primary Biases: Emotional
Advising Active Accumulators: Active Accumulators may be the most difficult clients to advise. They like to control, or at least get deeply involved in, the details of investment decision making. They tend to be emotional and display overconfidence, which often manifests itself as optimism.
Biases of PP
- Endowment
- Loss aversion
- Status quo
- Regret aversion
- Mental accounting
- Anchoring and adjustment
Biases of FF
- Regret aversion
- Availiability
- Hindsight
- Framing
Biases of II
- Overconfidence and self-attribution
- Conservatism
- Availiability
- Confirmation
- Representativeness
Biases of AA
- Overconfidence
- Self-control
- Illusion of control
Limitations of Classifying Investors into Various Types
The limitations of behavioral models include the following:
- Individuals may exhibit both cognitive errors and emotional biases.
- Individuals may exhibit characteristics of multiple investor types.
- Individuals will likely go through behavioral changes as they age.
- Individuals are likely to require unique treatment even if they are classified as the same investor type because human behavior is so complex.
- Individuals act irrationally at different times and without predictability.
How Behavioral Factors Affect Adviser–Client Relations
Every successful relationship shares a few fundamental characteristics, including the following as outlined by Pompian (2006):
- The adviser understands the client’s financial goals and characteristics. These are considered when developing the investment policy statement.
- The adviser maintains a systematic (consistent) approach to advising the client.
- The adviser invests as the client expects. Results are communicated on a regular basis and in an effective manner that takes into account the client’s characteristics.
- The relationship benefits both client and adviser.
Naive Diversification
- 1/n diversification strategy - evidenced by invesors` behavior
- Not all researchers support the idea that investors follow a 1/n strategy. However, they do find evidence of members following a conditional 1/n strategy, by allocating equally among their chosen subset of funds. In other words, once they have selected their funds, they allocate the invested amount equally among the chosen funds.
Company Stock: Investing in the Familiar
Explanations given for investment in employer’s stock include the following:
- Familiarity and overconfidence effects
- Naive extrapolation of past returns
- Framing and status quo effect of matching contributions
- Loyalty effects
- Financial incentives
Excessive Trading
The main findings are that investors trade too much—damaging returns—and tend to sell winners and hold on to losers—the disposition effect.
Home Bias
A large body of literature exists showing that many investors maintain a high proportion—often 80 percent or more—of their investments in securities listed in their own country
Behavioral Portfolio Theory
- The theory is intended to reflect how investors actually form portfolios rather than how traditional theory suggests they should
- Investments are allocated to discrete layers without regard for the correlations among these investments.
- The failure to consider diversification benefits is an implication of the mental accounting bias.