Reading 16: Swaps, Forwards, and Future Strategies Flashcards
Volatility Vs Variance Swaps
The payoff on variance swap is based on implied volatility verses realised volatility. The payoff on a variance swap is the difference between implied variance and realised variance. Volatility swap generates linear payoff while variance swap generates a convex payoff (attractive feature that can offset tail risk).
Cheapest to Deliver Bond
The Treasury bond with the lowest basis will typically have the highest implied repo rate and be the cheapest-to-deliver. Basis is defined as the spot price less futures price. This is the cash and carry model.
Cross Currency Basis
Make sure that you subtract the negative basis from the non-US dollar interest payments.
Euro Dollar Futures
Selling futures is notional borrowing, where as buying futures is notional lending.
Hedging a portfolio with Eurodollar futures (interest rate futures) is appropriate when the position is no more than 2-3 years to maturity. They have greater liquidity than bond futures, but liquidity decreases as tenor extends. Bond futures have better liquidity for longer tenors.
Using Derivatives to Increase or Decrease Asset Allocation
The target beta will be zero if you are decreasing, the portfolio beta will be zero if you are increasing.
Interest Rate Swaps
A payer swap pays fixed which decreases duration, a receiver swap receives fixed which increases duration. As interest rates increase the fixed payer will not have to increase payments.
Short Term Interest Rate Futures (STIR)
The futures price is forward interest rate on deposits starting at expiration for 30 days. Based on $1m deposit and priced using IMM Index Convention (100 - annualised forward rate). Future prices will rise and forward rates fall, which is the opposite to long FRAs. One BP change in forward rate will cause a $25 change in contract value.
Fixed Income Futures
There is a basket of bonds that the short can deliver, each assigned a conversion factor to reflect its value relative to the notional bond in contract.
Interest Rate Risk Hedging
Hedge is not always perfect as its uses the CTD bond, if level or slope of term structure rates change the CTD bond may change; duration is not a perfect measure of interest rate changes as it ignores convexity; MD only captures risks of parallel moves in yield curve.
Cross Currency Basis Swaps
Where the notional is swapped at beginning and end. Covered interest rate parity does not hold anymore due to stricter capital adequacy, high demand for USD loans. Meaning basis does exist. Most currencies show negative basis against the dollar since the financial crisis, meaning a USD borrower must accept lower foreign currency interest payment is receives.
Negative Basis
USD fixed income investor can benefit when foreign currencies have negative basis verse the USD. They swap USD for foreign currency and invest in foreign currency bonds using a currency swap to convert returns back to USD.
Equity Swap V Physical Swap
Equity swap gain exposure when using physical markets is prohibited, can avoid tax on ownership, avoid custody fees. But equity swaps typically require collateral, swaps are illiquid, and do not convey voting rights. Sell futures to reduce equity exposure, buy futures to increase equity exposure. Actual futures price is the quoted futures price times the multiplier.
Cash Equitisation
Holding cash balances so purchasing index futures to replicate the portfolio. High liquidity and low transaction costs relative to direct investments. Also known as cash securitisation or cash overlay.
VIX Index
Measures implied volatility inferred from S&P500 over forward period of 30 days. VIX of 20 indicates the S&P will stay within -+20% range over one year with a 68% confidence. Lower than 20 indicates low risk and above 30 indicates high risk, VIX is mean reverting. Investors cannot directly invest in the VIX, but can use VIX futures and options.