RE: AOS #1 Flashcards
a god, goddess, supernatural being
belief in one God
belief in more than one God
no belief in supernatural being
people who search for proof that a God exists before choosing to believe in them
expression of religious beliefs and systems of beliefs eg. apostles creed``
belief and worship of a God/supernatural power/ way of life
the act of being open to perception and experience of everything being interconnected through an ultimate reality
ultimate reality
the underlying cause of all existence
existential questions
An existential question is a deep, philosophical question concerning the nature of someone or something’s existence.
eg. “what is life like after death?”
rites of passage
A rite of passage is a ceremony or ritual of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another.
Everything we think, say, and do now is rewarded or punished later.
Buddhists believe that karma determines where a person will be reborn and their next status in life. Karma is caused by the cosmos - not a God
Christians reject the idea of reincarnation and therefore reject the idea of karma, however, karma is very similar to the idea of purgatory and hell. Good decisions will lead you to a life with God in heaven, bad ones will lead you to hell.
Jesus taught that the quality of our behaviour defines us.
something that belongs to God; holy, sanctified
the belief in the existence of gods/god
a follower or believer in a leader or cause`