RCC Senior Level - Bonus Flashcards
According to the apocryphal gospel of James, this person lived in the Holy of Holies until the age of 12.
Who is Mary?
This Greek word, referring to Mary, means “full of grace.”
What is kecharitomenne?
Mary is an archetype of this entity.
What is the Church?
This privilege of Mary refers to her intercessory co-operation in the bestowal of graces.
What is mediatrix?
This is the year when the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception was defined.
What is 1854?
This non-canonical book, chronicles the birth and childhood of Mary.
What is the Protoevangelium of James?
Christ taught that he would do this if he be lifted up.
What is “draw all men to myself”?
According to St. Athanasius, this is the reason why God became man.
What is so that “man may become God”?
Icthus, the Greek word for “fish”, is an acronym for this.
What is “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour”?
This is the reason Jesus descended into Hades.
What is “to free the just who had already died”.
The 3 chief effects of grace received in the sacrament of Matrimony.
What are: 1. Love faithfully - 2. Bear faults patiently - 3 Bring up children properly?
This name is given to the daily Mass offered publicly in religious communities.
What is a conventual Mass?
This term is given to the calling down of the Holy Spirit upon the Holy Gifts before the Consecration.
What is epiclesis?
This antiphon is sung in place of the Angelus during the Easter season.
What is the “Regina caeli?”
This is the only Greek prayer used in the ordinary of Latin Rite
What is the “Kyrie”?
In this rite, used by most Lebanese Catholics, the priest speaks the words of consecration in Aramaic.
What is the Marionite Rite?
This Christmas carol compares heaven to a dance, to which God invites us as a lover invites his beloved
What is “Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day”?
According to popular history, no written copies of this piece were allowed to circulate outside of the
Vatican, but the monopoly was ended when Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote out the score from
memory after hearing it only once.
What is Allegri’s Miserere?
According to popular history, this piece, dedicated to a pope who reigned briefly in 1555, is credited
with saving sacred polyphony from being abolished at the Council of Trent.
What is Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli?
This Italian Renaissance composer, 1525-1594, wrote 104 polyphonic masses.
Who is Giovanni Palestrina?
This French Benedictine monastery revived the study and practice of Gregorian chant in the 19th
What is the monastery of St-Pierre de Solesmes?
This hymn, also known as the Paschal Proemium, is sung during the first part of the Easter vigil.
What is the Exsultet?
This hymn is sung during the procession to the altar of repose after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on
Holy Thursday.
What is the “Pange lingua” by St. Thomas Aquinas?
This hymn, whose title is translated “Day of Wrath,” is sung during a Requiem Mass.
What is the “Dies irae”?
This hymn of thanksgiving is sometimes sung at the end of Matins in the Office of Readings.
What is the Te Deum?
According to the Psalmist, this is what we ought to “sing unto the the Lord”.
What is “a new song”?
Many popular modern hymns such as “Be Not Afraid” and “Blest be the Lord” were composed by this
group of mid-West American priests for the post-conciliar liturgy.
Who are the Saint Louis Jesuits?
This music, sung during the veneration of the cross on Good Friday, contrasts the blessings God has
given the Hebrews with their treatment of Jesus.
What are the Reproaches (or, Improperia)?
Before the development of major and minor keys, music, such as Gregorian chant, was written in this
What are the eight modes (or, medieval modes)?
The names of notes of the musical scale, do re mi fa sol la ti do, were originally taken from the first
syllables of the 8 verses of this hymn.
What is “Ut queant laxis”?
The style of singing used in the Milanese liturgy is named after this 4th century bishop of Milan.
Who is St. Ambrose?
This bishop of Rome (reign 590-604) is credited with establishing the repetoire of chants used in the
Roman liturgy.
Who is Gregory I?
This French composer, 1902-1985, wrote a polyphonic Requiem and four motets based on the
Gregorian melodies.
Who is Maurice Duruflé?
This carol for the Feast of the Nativity is mentioned in the Prologue of the Canterbury Tales by
Geoffrey Chaucer.
What is “Quem pastores”? (or, Kwempas carol)
This renowned piece was written by a prolific German Lutheran composer, who presented it in 1749 to
Friedrich August II, the Catholic king of Poland.
What is J. S. Bach’s Mass in B minor?
The Missa “Pange lingua,” a polyphonic mass which is based on the melody of the chant composed by
St. Thomas, was written by this Flemish Renaissance composer.
Who is Josquin Des Pres?
This medieval song for the feast of the Annunciation was written by Philip the Chancellor, of the
University of Paris.
What is “Angelus ad virginem” (or, Gabriel from heaven came)?
This is the sequence for Easter.
What is Victimae paschali laudes?
This is another name for the lectern from which the scriptures are proclaimed.
What is the ambo?
This is the name given to the ceremony performed just before the principal Sunday Mass, wherein the
priest sprinkles the congregation with holy water.
What is aperges?
This rite is most commonly used in the country of Egpyt.
What is Coptic Rite?
The liturgical washing of feet is typically performed on this day of the liturgical calendar.
What is Holy Thursday?
This object used at the altar represents Veronica’s veil which was used to wipe the face of our Lord.
What is the maniple?
This object used at the altar represents the stone which was rolled in front of the entrance of Jesus’
What is the pall?
“Dominus vobiscum” is the Latin phrase for this.
What is “The Lord be with you”?
“Ecce Agnus Dei” is the Latin phrase that means this.
What is “Behold the Lamb of God”?
This is the Latin equivalent of “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
What is “In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti”?
This petitional prayer was adopted into the Roman Rite from the Greek liturgy around the fifth
century, but was kept in its original Greek.
What is the “Kyrie”?
In The Letter to the Ephesians, St. Paul used this metaphor to descibe God, so what we may withstand
the temptations of Satan.
What is “armour”?
This is the primary and formal object of God’s knowledge.
What is Himself? (also: What is God?)
This is the notion of God which is proved in the first way of St. Thomas Aquinas.
What is the first mover?
This is the notion of God which is proved in the second way of St. Thomas Aquinas.
What is the uncaused cause?
This is the notion of God proved in the third way of St. Thomas Aquinas.
What is necessary being?
This is literal meaning of the word “Paraclete”?
What is “consoler”?
This missionary priest, sent to Peru in the late 1500s, is called the “Wonder Worker of the New World.”
Who is Fr. Francis Solano?
Humor was the trademark of this saint who always preached that we should be joyful.
Who is St. Philip Neri?
This is the meaning of the Greek word “martyr.”
What is”one who bears witness?”
This saint and scholastic theologian is called the “seraphic doctor.”
Who is St. Bonaventure?
This term refers to the writing of the lives of the saints or books about the saints.
What is hagiography?
He is the last canonized pope?
Who is St. Pius X?
This saint wrote the words, “Too late have I loved you, O Beauty of ancient days, yet ever new!”
Who is St. Augustine?
This saint and missionary to the Huron natives, adapted a traditional French folk song into the hymn
known as the “Huron Carol”.
Who is St. Jean de Brebeuf?
St. Augustin referred to this as “every action done for the purpose of clinging to God in communion of
What is sacrifice?
This was the motto of Pope St. Pius X.
What is “To restore all things in Christ?”
This comtemplative community was formed by St. Bruno of Cologne, when he retreated with six
others to the Alps of Dauphiné.
Who are the Carthusians?
This saint and martyr, when confronted with the question “Do you think that by dying you will enter
this heaven you talk about?” replied, “I do not think; I know!”
Who is St. Justin?
This 2nd century saint wrote in one of his two Apologies: “We call this food Eucharist; and no one else
is permitted to partake of it, except one who has been washed in the baptism which is for the remission
of sins and for regeneration.”
Who is St. Justin?
This saint proclaimed, “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”
Who is St. Paul?
This English deacon, having taken the Oath of Supremacy acknowledging Elizabeth as head of the
church in England, later became a Jesuit priest, only to become executed under the charge of treason.
Who is St. Edmund Campion?
This Irish saint lived as an anchorite in France, and is the patron saint of gardeners.
Who is St. Fiacre (Fiachra)?
This third-century Roman martyr is the patron saint of actors.
Who is St. Genesius?
“The Triple Way”, a book about approaching God through prayer, was written by this doctor of the
Who is St. Bonaventure?
This martyr shares her feast day with the Nativity of our Lord, and is commemorated in the Roman
Canon (Eucharistic prayer 1).
Who is St. Anastasia?
She is the patron saint of the salt mines.
Who is Saint Kinga?
This saint was given the a name meaning “golden-mouthed” because of his exceptional orations.
Who is Saint John Chrysostom?
This 12th century saint has the reputation for being the first German botanist, zoologist and physician,
as well as having written great works of music and poetry.
Who is St. Hildegard of Bingen?
He became the first monk to take the throne of Peter?
Who is Pope St. Gregory the Great?
This saint invented the Armenian alphabet and translated the Bible and other writing into Armenian.
Who is St. Mesrop?
According to St. Irenaeus, this is the “Glory of God”.
What is “man fully alive”?
This play by T.S. Eliot tells the story of St. Thomas à Becket.
What is “Murder in the Cathedral”?
This former Church of England cleric became a Catholic while writing his Essay on the Development
of Christian Doctrine, and was declared venerable.
Who is John Henry Cardinal Newman?
She founded the Ursulines order.
Who is Saint Angela Merici?
According to St. Teresa of Lisieux, this type of prayer is like “a close sharing between friends”.
What is contemplative prayer?
According to St. Augustine this is a greater work than creation itself.
What is justification of the wicked?
This great pope is famous for his tome, which condemned the monophysite heresy at the Council of
Who is Pope St. Leo the Great?
This order counts among its members, Sts. Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Vincent Ferrer.
What is the Dominican Order or Order of Preachers?
These twins were martyred during the reign of the emperor Diocletian. Their names are included in
the Roman Canon.
Who are Sts. Cosmas and Damian?
St. Verno, born in Cologne, Germany, is the founder of this complemplative order.
What are the Carthusians?
This great bishop and doctor of the Church was elected bishop while still a catechumen and yet
Who is St. Ambrose?
This great Spanish saint, preached penance for sin and preparation for the last judgement. During his
life he raised 40 persons from the dead and cured thousands of the blind, the lame, the deaf and the
Who is St. Vincent Ferrer?
This doctor of the Church is historically closest to our times.
Who is St. Therese of Lisieux?
This saint invented the alphabet used today in Russia and the Ukraine.
Who is St. Cyril?
The liturgy used in the Byzantine Rite, originated with this saint.
Who is St. John Chrysostom?
This woman had eight children, among them St. Catherine of Sweden.
Who is St. Bridget (or Birgitta) of Sweden?
This saint saved the life of a child who was choking on a fishbone.
Who is St. Blaise?
This saint, an officer in the Roman Army, was put to death with arrows.
Who is St. Sebastian?
This saint is the patron of Catholic Youth.
Who St. Aloysius Gonzaga?
This saint is the patroness of television.
Who is St. Clare?
Used to refer to a Bishop’s obligatory visit to Rome every five years.
What is Ad Limina?
A devotional book of practical spirituality based on the life of Christ. Authorship is attributed to
Thomas a Kempis.
What is Imitation of Christ?
This name of a personal prelature of the Church, means “Work of God.”
What is “Opus Dei?”
This is used to signal the election of a new pope to the faithful waiting outside.
What is white smoke?
This is the number of Ecumenical Councils of the the early church, upon which the Eastern and
Western Churches agree.
What is seven?
Pope John Paul II added this symbol to his papal coat of arms to signify his Marian devotion.
What is the letter “M”?
This object, inscribed with a picture of St. Peter fishing, is ceremonially broken at a pope’s death.
What is the papal ring?
This is the literal meaning of the Latin word “pastor”.
What is “shepherd”?
This is the Latin title of the papal encyclical on the Dignity of Women.
What is “Mulieris Dignitatem”?
This is the Latin title of the Apostolic constitution on the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic
Church in 1992.
What is “Fidei depositum”?
This is the year of the first papal visit to Canada
What is 1984?
This religious order of priests was erected by Pope John Paul II in 1988 and was granted exclusive use
of the liturgical books of 1962.
What is the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter? (Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri)
This famous French monastery, named after an archangel, is surrounded by water at high tide.
What is Mont St-Michel? (or St. Michaelis in periculo maris)
This is the meaning of the Latin word “Ecclesia”.
What is “church”?
This is the name given to the officials who assist the Pope with the governance of the Church.
What is the Roman Curia?
This is a canonical act by which a cleric is attached to a diocese or a religious community and
subjected to the authority of its ordinary.
What is incardination?
This treaty between the Church and Italy established the Vatican as a sovereign state.
What is the Lateran Pact of 1929?
The number of appointed cardinals is not to exceed this number.
What is seventy?
This is a formal excommunication and solemn condemnation of a teaching or a position which
obstinately contradicts Catholic faith and doctrine.
What is “Anathema?”
This is the term for those books of the bible which are accepted as authentic by both Catholics and
What is protocanonical?
This is reply of Jesus to the disciples when they were unable to cast out a demon.
What is “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and fasting.” Luke 9:25-29
This is the name given to the first Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), made at
Alexandria in the third century B.C., traditionally by 70 translators.
What is the Septuagint?
In this book of the Old Testament, God proclaimed “I the Lord do not change.”
What is the book of Malachai?
In the book of Genesis, he walked with God and was seen no more?
Who is Enoch?
These are the Hebrew words for “Day of Atonement.”
What is “Yom Kippur?”
This book of the Old Testament recounts the rebuilding of the Temple after the return from the
Babylonian captivity.
What is the book of Nehemiah?
When Jesus said to the apostle Peter, “If I wish him to remain until I come, what is it to you?”, he was
referring to this person.
Who is the apostle John?
They are the brother and sister of Moses.
Who is Aaron and Miriam?
This is the penalty for adultery according to the Mosaic Law.
What is death (by stoning)?
After laying hands on it, the Israelites sent this out into the desert to bear aways the sins of the people.
What is a goat (or scapegoat)?
This term refers to the governing body or supreme council for the Jews during the time of our Lord.
What is the Sanhedrin?
According to the Acts of the Apostles, disciples of Christ were first called Christians at this place.
Where is Antioch?
This book of the Old Testament describes a lover coming to meet his beloved as “leaping the
mountains, bounding the hills.”
What is the Song of Songs?
This epistle says “perfect love casteth out fear.”
What is the 1st Letter of John?
This epistle says “faith without works is dead.”
What is the Letter of James?
This Gospel begins with Christ’s genealogy.
What is the Gospel according to Matthew?
This Gospel begins by quoting the prophet Isaiah.
What is the Mark’s Gospel?
This book of the Bible ends with the words, “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen.”
What is the Book of Revelation?
This phrase, still used today, comes from Daniel’s interpretation of the handwriting on the wall.
What is “Your days are numbered?”
The name “lord of the flies” refers to this person.
Who is the devil?
After receiving the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai, Moses covered his face with a veil
for this reason.
What is “because the skin of Moses’ face shone”?
Jesus used this metaphor to describe the manner in which He will come at the Last Judgement.
What is “like a thief in the night”?
After Jesus told the apostles that he will only be with them a little longer, Peter asked this question.
What is “Lord, where are you going?”
According to the Book of Revelation, this is the amount to time Satan must remain in the bottomless
pit, before he is set loose.
What is “a thousand years”?
According to Scripture, this person will be a Jew from the tribe of Dan, and will rebuild the temple of
Who is the antichrist?
In Psalms 137, the Israelites sat here and wept when they remembered Jerusalem.
What is “by the rivers of Babylon”?
This holy Israelite woman beheaded Holofernes, the commander of the Assyrian army.
Who is Judith?
In the book of Daniel, two elders who were appointed judges, falsely accused this woman.
Who is Susanna?
These this is the meaning of the Latin phrase “Anaethema sit” (often written as A.S.).
What is “let him be anaethema (accursed)”?
The “rose of Sharon” is mentioned in this book of the Bible.
What is the Song of Songs (Canticle of Canticles)?
According to 1 Corinthians 13, love can do these to all things.
What are bear, believe, hope, and endure?
In the Book of Revelation, this occurs after the sixth seal is broken.
What is a great earthquake, the sun turns black, the moon turned to blood, and the stars fall to earth.
According to 1 Corinthians 2, this is what “eye hath not seen nor ear heard.”
What is “what God has prepared for those who love Him”?
This man said, “I came to cast fire upon the earth.”
Who is Jesus?
In Matthew 23, Christ refers to these people as a brood of vipers.
Who are the scribes and pharisees
At the agony in the garden, when Jesus finds the apostles sleeping, he tells them to watch and pray for
What is “that they may not be put to the test” or “that they may not enter into temptation”? (Mark
14:38, Matt 26:41)
On His journey to this place, Jesus said, “The time is coming when people will say ‘blessed are the
barren, the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never gave suck.’”
What is the place of crucifixion (or Calvary)? (Luke 23:29)
The passage, “Rachel weeping for her lost children, because they are no more,” in found in this book of
the Old Testament.
What is Jeremiah?
Grieving over the moral suffering of the Israelites, the prophet Jeremiah refers to balm from this place.
What is Gilead? (Jer 8:22)
In Luke 11, a woman in the crowd calls out to Jesus that these things are blessed.
What are “the womb that bore thee and the breasts that fed thee”? (Lk 11:27)
When Jesus compared the people of His current generation to the children, He said wisdom is justified
by this.
What is “Wisdom is justified by all her children”? (Luke 7:35)
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches that where you find your treasure, this will also be.
What is your heart? (Mat 6:21)
In the Book of Revelation, this number of people were marked with the sign of God.
What is one hundred forty-four thousand?
This holy man of the Old Testament foretold both the resurrection of the body and the beatific vision
when he said, “And in my flesh I shall see God.”
Who is Job?
Quoting the prophet Isaiah, this New Testament author states “All flesh is like grass.”
Who is Peter? (1 Peter 1:24, citing Isaiah 40:6)
The New Testament letter of Jude explicitly quotes from this apocryphal book.
What is the Book of Enoch? (Jude 14)
In his first letter, St. Peter tells us to be like newborn infants and to long for this.
What is pure spiritual milk? (1 Peter 2:2)
Psalm 41 (42) uses this metaphor to describe a soul longing for God.
What is, a deer that long for the streams of water? (Ps 42:2)
According to the accounts of the Last Supper in these two gospels, Jesus and the disciples sang hymns
after the institution of the Eucharist.
What are the Gospels of Matthew and Mark?
In this book of the New Testament, St. Paul admonishes us to sing “psalms, hymns and inspired
What is the Epistle to the Colossians (or, Ephesians)?
This verse of Psalm 117 (118) is the Gradual which is sung for Mass every day of the octave of
What is the “Haec dies”?
According to the gospel of St. John, these are the seven “I am’s”.
What are:
1) I am the the Way, the Truth and the Life?
2) I am the Light of the World?
3) I am the Vine?
4) I am the Bread of Life?
5) I am the Resurrection and the Life?
6) I am the the Good Shepherd?
7) I am the Gate?
These are 3 scriptural terms that are loosely translated into English as hell.
What are:
1) Sheol
2) Hades
3) Gehenna?
This man taught the boy, Samuel, how to listen to God’s call?
Who is the priest, Eli?
This man is called the “father” of the prophets.
Who is Elijah?
God appointed this tribe to act as priests for Israel?
Who are the tribe of Levi.
The main theme of this book of the Old Testament is the renewal of the covenant.
What is the Book of Dueteronomy?
This book of the Old Testament addresses the concepts of holiness, and the rituals of sacrifice and
What is the Book of Leviticus?
The main purpose of this gospel is to show that Jesus is the “Son of God”.
What is the Gospel of St. Mark?
This gospel emphasizes the character and purpose of Jesus as Saviour.
What is the Gospel of St. Luke?
These are 5 signs of the second coming of Christ. (Name 4 of 5)
What are:
1) The preaching of the Gospel to the whole world
2) The conversion of the Jews
3) The falling away from the Faith
4) The appearance of the Anti-Christ
5) Severe tribulations (war, famine, earthquake)
These are the two of the ninechoirs of angels that begin with the letter ‘P’.
What are:
1) Powers, and
2) Principalities.
Latin - “to the city and the world” - names the blessing given by the Holy Father from the balcony of
St. Peter’s on special occasions e.g. Easter Sunday.
What is RBI et Obi?
This name for a law of the church comes from the Greek word for ‘rule’.
What is a canon?
The Praemonstratesian Canons (O. Praem.) are commonly called this (after their founder).
Who are the Norbertines?
This term, meaning “unshod” or “barefoot”, is applied to religious congregations whose rule requires
sandals rather than shoes.
What is discalced?
This nun founded the Eternal Word Television Network.
Who is Mother Angelica?
As part of their duty to evangelize, this American religious order of women works in the media as
writers, musicians, publishers and artists.
Who are the Daughters of St. Paul?
This former Presbyterian minister now teaches at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and is the
author of “Rome Sweet Home.”
Who is Scott Hahn?
King George I of England began the tradition of standing when this piece of music is performed.
What is the Halleluiah Chorus?
This personal prelature was founded in Spain by Saint Josemaria Escriva in 1928
What is Opus Dei?
Bing Crosby plays Fr. Chuck O’Malley in this classic 1945 motion picture.
What is “The Bells of St. Mary.”
This is the internet web address for the Vatican.
What is www.vatican.va?
The symbol of the papal office is comprised of these 2 objects.
What are a set of keys and a papal tiara?
This pope ended the ancient practice of wearing the triple tiara.
Who is Pope Paul VI?
These two letters of the Greek alphabet, one of the oldest symbols of Christianity, form a monogram
for Jesus Christ’s name.
What are “chi” and “rho” (pronounced “key row”)?
These two prayers are also known as the “Lesser Doxology” and the “Greater Doxology.”
What are the “Gloria Patri” (or “Glory be to the Father”) and the “Gloria in excelsis Deo” (or “Glory to
God in the highest”).
This popular English hymn is a loose translation of the fourth century hymn “Te Deum.”
What is “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name”?
This prayer was traditionally recited 150 times by those who were unable to read the 150 Psalms.
What is the “Hail Mary”?
According to legend, Joseph of Arimethea was miraculously kept alive by this while imprisoned for
forty-two years.
What is the Holy Grail?
The ancient practice called tonsure, involved shaving part of the head to symbolize this.
What is the Crown of Thorns?
This common name comes from two Latin words which mean “true image”.
What is “Veronica” (“vera icona”)?
The 10th World Youth Day was held in this city in 1995, with about 4 million people attending the
Mass with the Pope.
Where is Manila?
The 12th World Youth Day was held in this city in 1997.
What is Paris?
This devout Catholic wrote biographies of St. Edmund Campion and Fr. Ronald Knox, as well as the
novel “Brideshead Revisited.”
Who is Evelyn Waugh
This religious order of priests was founded in Mexico in 1941 by Marcial Maciel Degollado
Who are the Legionaries of Christ?
This Catholic author wrote “By Love Refined: Letters to a Young Bride.”
Who is Alice von Hildebrand?
This bird was believed to feed its young with its own blood, and thus was seen as a symbol of Jesus.
What is a pelican?
These symbols represent the virtues of faith, hope and charity.
What are the cross, the anchor and the heart?
According to legend, swallows return here every year on the feast of St. Joseph (Mar 19) and leave on
the feast of St. John of Capistrano (Oct 23) to spend the winter in Argentina.
What is Mission San Juan Capistrano?
This opera is about the persecution of a religious order during the French revolution.
What is Francois Poulenc’s Dialogues des Carmelites?
This English Renaissance composer, 1543-1623, was a Catholic but nevertheless enjoyed the favour of
the anti-Catholic Queen Elizabeth.
Who is William Byrd?
This 19th century English Jesuit priest composed religious poems such as “The Windhover” and “Pied
Who is Gerard Manley Hopkins?
These are the four minor orders of the traditional Roman liturgy.
What are:
1) acolyte
2) exorcist
3) porter
4) subdeacon
These are the 8 liturgical hours.
What are (5 are acceptable):
1) Matins
2) Lauds
3) Prime
4) Terce
5) Sext
6) None
7) Vespers
8) Compline?
This Franciscan gave Juliet the sleeping potion in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.
Who is Friar Lawrence?
The order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance are also known by this name.
Who are the Trappists?
This is a screen covered with icons separating the sanctuary from the rest of the church in Eastern Rite
What is the iconostasis?
This symphony incorporates the melody Gregorian chant hymn to the Holy Spirit, “Veni Creator
What is Mahler’s 8th Symphony? (or, Symphony of a Thousand)
This pope abolished the practice of papal coronations.
Who is John Paul I?
The name of this country, refers to Jesus.
What is “El Salvador”?
This 19th century composer’s 8th Symphony includes the hymn “Veni creator spiritus”.
Who is Gustav Mahler?
This type of prayer is often described as “a gaze of faith, fixed on Jesus.”
What is contemplation?
This is the Latin name given to the prayer said during the Penitential Rite where we confess our sins.
What is the confiteor?
This term refers to the semi-circular or polygonal eastern end of Basilican-style churches.
What is the apse?
This is free and deliberate self-imposition of forms of suffering, pain or self-denial in order to suppress
immoral and sinful inclinations.
What is mortification?
This is the name given to feasts of the liturgical calendar which are not assigned to a specific date, but
which change because their celebration is based on another means of counting time. For example,
What are movable feasts?
This is scriptural origin of the penitential colour of purple.
What is the colour of the robe that Jesus wore on the road to Calvary?
These are the three main reasons why we are obliged to pray.
What are:
1) God commanded it at all times,
2) Jesus taught us to pray through His words and actions,
3) We require the assistance of God to live holy lives.
These are the 2 main reasons why meditative prayer is the most valuable exercise of our faith.
What are:
1) It enables us to reflect on sacred truths, and
2) It permits us to taste God’s goodness.
These are the 3 main end to which all our prayers are directed.
What are:
1) To the glory of God,
2) To our own salvation, and
3) To our neighbour’s salvation.
These two kinds of heresy are based on the knowledge and disposition of the person in error.
What is 1. Formal heresy - 2. Material Heresy?
The encyclical of Leo XIII on capital and labor, 1891.
What is Rerum Novarum?
The literal meaning of this word is “one who breaks images”?
What is an iconoclast?
This is the Latin term for “By this sign you will conquer.”
What is “In hoc signo vinces.”
This Roman Emperor received a vision before the battle of Verona of a crucifix with the words: “In
hoc signo vinces.”
Who is Constantine?
This French Catholic writer revived the custom of the pilgrimage to the Cathedral Notre-Dame de
Chartres in the 19th Century.
Who is Charles Peguy?
Pope Julius II founded this military unit in 1506.
Who are the Swiss guards?
When Rome was sacked on May 6, 1527, 147 men of the Swiss Guard died
defending this pope.
Who is Pope Clement VII?
In Shakespeare’s play, Henry V, the battle of Agincourt takes place on the feast day of these two Saints.
Who are Sts. Crispin and Crispian (or, Crispin and Crispinian)
In the epic Le Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland), this bishop is Roland’s advisor at the Battle
of Roncevaux (or, Roncesvalles).
Who is Bishop Turpin (or, Archbishop Turpin)?
This church was built to commemorate Frontenac’s successful defence of Quebec against attackers
from Massachusetts in 1690.
What is Notre-Dame des Victoires
At the suggestion of Samuel de Champlain, this cardinal formed the Company of One Hundred
Associates (Compagnie des Cent Associes) in 1627 to operate the fur trade in Canada.
Who is Cardinal Richelieu?
In 1679, this bishop obtained a prohibition from King Louis XIV prohibiting the sale of alcohol to the
Indians in the colony of New France.
Who is Bishop Laval (or, Bishop Francois de Laval; or, Blessed Francois de Laval)?
This Brother of the Congregation of the Holy Cross founded St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal in 1904.
Who is Brother Andre Bessette (or, Blessed Andre Bessette)?
Founded in 1852, this Catholic university is located in Quebec City.
What is Laval University?
Five medieval French monasteries were dismantled and shipped across the Atlantic to construct this
branch of the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.
What is the Cloisters?
In his work, “The Provincial Letters”, this French Catholic writer and scientist attacked Jesuit theology.
Who is Blaise Pascal?
This teachings of this 5th century British monk was condemned by St. Augustine.
Who is Pelagius?
This council was summoned in 431 to condemn the heretical teachings of Nestorius, who denied the
What is the Council of Ephesus?
He was crowned “Emperor of the Romans” by Pope St. Leo III in St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Day
in the year 800.
Who is Charlemagne?
This Norwegian author won the 1928 Nobel Prize for literature for her novel “Kristin Lavransdatter”,
and subsequently converted to Catholicism.
Who is Sigrid Undset?
This American Catholic writer who penned “A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories”, died of
lupus at the age of 39?
Who is Flannery (Mary) O’Connor.
This is the name given to a large collection of letters and reports written by Jesuit missionaries in the
17th century concerning the North American missions.
What are the “Jesuit Relations?”
This prayer was devised as a response to the Arian heresy which denied the divinity of Christ.
What is the Nicene Creed?
According to popular belief, Galileo noticed the constancy of pendulum’s swing while observing this
object in a Pisa cathedral.
What is a sanctuary lamp?
The city became home to seven Popes from the years 1309 to 1376 while fighting tore apart the city of
What is Avignon, France?
He was the longest reigning pope in recent history - from the years 1846-1878.
Who is Pope Pius IX?
English mystic and anchoress was the recipient of the “Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love” in 1373.
Who is Julian of Norwich?
This heretical movement began the practice of sitting in pews in church.
What is Protestanism?
This schism was based on the fallacy that the moral character and faith of the priest determined the
validity of the sacraments.
What was the Donatist Schism (or Donatism)?
This was an early Christian manual also known as “The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles.”
What is the “Didache”?
This heresy taught that there is only one will in Christ.
What is monothelitism?
This heresy teaches that there is only one nature in Christ.
What is monophysitism?
This first century Christian epistle is also know as the “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles.”
What is the Didache?
This first century Christian writing contains an early form of the Offertory Prayer.
What is the Didache?
This decree by Emperor Constantine in 313 A.D. legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire.
What is the Edict of Milan?
This papal bull of Pope Pius IX, published in 1854, promulgated the Doctrine of the Immaculate
What is “Ineffabilis”?
This medieval theologian introduced the concept of “preredemption” in order to explain how our Lady
was immaculately conceived through the redeeming sacrifice of Christ.
Who is John Duns Scotus?
This book written by Galileo resulted in his being declared being suspect of heresy by the Inquisition.
What is the “Dialogue of the Two Great World Systems”?
It was at this council of the Church that the Arian heresy was condemned.
What is the Council of Nicea?
This order was the main instrument of missionary work in New France before it became a part of
Who are the Jesuits?
This name is given to those fathers of the Church who either learned Holy Doctrine at the feet of the
apostles, or lived very close to them in time and exhibited a profound understanding of their teachings.
Who are the apostolic fathers?
This artist was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Who is Buonarroti Michelangelo?
This is the name given to the oldest list of New Testament books discovered in the Ambrosian Library
in Milan by L.A. Muratori.
What is the Muratorian Fragment?
This encyclical written by Pope Pius XII, teaches about the chuch as the Mystical Body of Christ.
What is “Mystici Corporis Christi?”
This person’s heresy denied the divinity of Christ in the early Church.
Who is Arius?
General inclination of human nature to sin as a consequence of the sin of Adam.
What is concupiscence?
This is the meaning of the word “acedia”.
What is a result of presumption leading to lax spiritual practices?
This philosophy denies the existence of absolute values.
What is relativism?
This Jesuit theologian was a Lutheran pastor for thirty years before becoming Catholic. He is now
editor of First Things magazine.
Who is Fr. Richard John Neuhaus?
This term refers to the belief that the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity while distinct and separate,
are of one and the same substance.
What is consubstantial?
This heretical theory asserts the coexistence of the substance of the bread and wine with the Presence
of Jesus.
What is consubstantiation?
This name is given to the body of saving truth entrusted by Christ to the Apostles and handed on by
them to the Church.
What is “the deposit of faith?”
This is the study of the Church in all her dimensions, with emphasis on her nature, mission and
What is ecclesiology?
These are the three stages of the spiritual life?
What are the purgative way, the illuminative way and the unitive way?
This heresy claims that God and all of creation are one and the same substance and essence.
What is pantheism?
This term, coined by the philosopher Leibniz, refers to the defense of God’s goodness and omnipotence
in view of the existence of evil.
What is theodicy?
This word means to explain the meaning of a text.
What is exegesis?
This is the notion of God proved in the Fifth way of St. Thomas Aquinas.
What is the governance of the world?
According to the Council of Trent, these are the four properties of the resurrected body.
What are:
1) Impassibility?
2) Subtility
3) Agility?
4) Clarity?
This apologetics classic from the renowned mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal, contains the
original formulation of Pascal’s Wager.
What is the “Pensées?”
These 3 Greek terms, are used to distinguish the manner in which Catholics worship God, honour the
Blessed Virgin Mary and venerate the saints.
What are:
1) Latria
2) Hyperdulia
3) Dulia
This is the Greek title given to our Lady of the Council of Ephesus to express the fact that she bore
God in her womb.
What is theotokos?
This Canadian Jesuit theologian wrote “Insight”, a book which transfomed modern thinking about
religion and science
Who is Bernard Lonergan?
This term used by the Eastern fathers refers to the effect of grace in making us partakers of the divine
What is deification? (or, theosis)
This term refers to the intermediate stage of the mystical life, between the purgative and the unitive.
What is the illuminative way?
This is a area of philosophy concerned with most fundamental aspects of being and existence.
What is metaphysics?
This person is often called the “soul of the church”.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
This is the technical theological term given to the study of doctrines concerning the end times.
What is eschatology?
This is the reason that God wisely hides from us, the time of our death.
What is “so that we may ever be ready and prepared for it.”
This is the meaning of the Latin word “cardo”, which is also the root of the English word “cardinal.”
What is a hinge?
In the Jubilee Year of 2000, the 15th WYD was held here
What is Rome?
In 2002, the 17th WYD was held here
What is Toronto?
In 2005, the 20th WYD took place here
What is Cologne Germany?
In 2008, the 23rd WYD was held here
What is Sydney Australia?
The 1st WYD was held in 1986 in this city
What is Rome?