RCC Junior Level - Bonus Flashcards
Our Lady appeared to these two peasant children at La Salette, France in 1846.
Who are Melanie and Maximin?
This Greek word refers to Mary’s divine motherhood and means “God-bearer.”
What is Theotokos?
This doctrine was officially defined by Pope Pius IX in 1854.
What is the Immaculate Conception.
She is called the “Daughter of Zion”.
Who is Mary?
Jesus Christ, as shown by the Hypostatic Union, has two of these.
What are natures?
This term refers to the tomb in which the Body of Jesus Christ was laid after His death upon the Cross.
What is the Holy Sepulchre?
This Latin word refers to a series of reproofs addressed by the Lord from the cross to his ungrateful people.
What are the Improperia?
The Sacrifice of Calvary and the Sacrifice of the Mass differ in these three ways.
What are 1. Bloody vs. unbloody - 2. Offering of Himself by Himself vs. offering Himself through the
priest. - 3. Cross merited graces vs. Mass applies graces?
These 3 renunciations are required by an adult catechumen or infant sponsor before the sacrament of
Baptism may be administered.
What are: 1. Satan - 2. his pomps - 3. his works?
This term refers to a liturgical event which falls on different dates in different years.
What is a moveable feast?
“Twelfth Night” is another name for this feast day.
What is the Epiphany?
These 12 praises are prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament at Benediction.
What are the Divine Praises?
There are nine readings in this liturgy, seven from the Old Testament, one Epistle and one Gospel.
What is the Easter vigil?
The is the meaning of the words “Dona nobis pacem,” uttered during a Mass.
What is “Grant us peace”?
According to “Sacrosanctum concilium”, the Sacred Constitution on the Liturgy promulgated by
the Second Vatican Council, this kind of music is to be given pride of place in Roman Catholic liturgical services.
What is Gregorian chant?
This expression, taken from the Italian words meaning for the chapel, refers to the style of singing
choral music unaccompanied.
What is a capella?
This medieval Advent hymn invokes Jesus by these titles: Branch of Jesse, Light from the East, Key of
What is “Veni veni Emmanuel” (or, O come, o come, Emmanuel)?
This is another name for the Mass VIII, the chants for the Ordinary of the Mass for feast days.
What is the Missa “de Angelis”?
This is the hymn that is sung after the Alleluia and before the Gospel only on certain solemn feasts.
What is the sequence?
This is the sequence for the feast of Pentecost.
What is Veni Sancte Spiritus (or, Come Holy Spirit)?
This feast is celebrated eight days after the Feast of the Nativity.
What is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (or the Circumcision of Jesus)?
This feast is celebrated forty days after the feast of the Nativity.
What is the Purification of Mary (or the Presentation of Jesus)?
This is the paradox which is used during the liturgy of the Easter vigil to describe orignal sin.
What is a “happy fault”? (or, felix culpa)
These are the 5 effects (name at least 3) of reception of the Eucharist.
What are:
1) Gives grace
2) Remits venial sin
3) Strengthens against temptation
4) Faciliates the attainment of eternal life
5) Unites us more closely to Christ and His Church?
This term refers to the calling to mind of the Passion Resurrection and return of Christ during the
eucharistic sacrifice.
What is anamnesis?
This term refers to the calling down of the Holy Spirit on the gifts during the eucharistic prayer.
What is the epiclesis?
These are the two handed vessels for holding oils and burial ointments.
What are ampulae?
This is the container for reserving the sacred host for exposition in the monstrance.
Think of a thing that’s capsules something.
What is a capsula?
This is the vessel use to burn incense.
What is a censer, or thurible?
These are the three valid modes of the sacrament of baptism.
What are sprinkling, pouring (infusion), immersion?
This is the practice of giving communion under both species by dipping the sacred host into the
Precious Blood.
What is intinction?
This is the term given to newly baptized individuals.
Who are neophytes?
This is the colour of the vestments traditionally worn by the priest on Good Friday or at ceremonies for
the dead.
What is the colour black?
“Agnus Dei” is the Latin phrase that means this.
What is “Lamb of God”?
This attribute describes God insofar as he is not limited in space.
What is immensity?
This is the name of the study of God.
What is theology?
This attribute describes God insofar as he is not composed of parts.
What is simplicity?
All fatherhood in heaven and on earth is named after this one.
Who is God the Father?
This person of the Trinity proceeds by way of generation.
Who is God the Son?
This trinitarian heresy states that God is one person and that Father, Son and Holy Spirit as distinct
roles or modes adopted by God for the purposes of our salvation?
What is modalism?
This Jesuit is known for simplifying complicated doctrine of the Church, by writing a Catechism.
Who is St. Robert Bellarmine?
This man from Czechoslovakia went to New York and became the 4th bishop of Philadelphia, and also
the first male American to be canonized.
Who is St. John Neumann?
This saint was the only bishop in England who would not agree to King Henry VIII’s divorce.
Who is St. John Fisher?
This Spanish priest established the first California mission in 1769.
Who is Blessed Junipero Serra?
Isn’t this novice?
Desiring to give her life to God, she was nevertheless married by her parents to a good man and bore
three children. She was aware of the presence of her guardian angel and sometimes received slaps
from him.
Who is St. Frances of Rome?
This saint spoke the words, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
Who is St. Mary?
This saint describe prayer as “a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned towards Heaven.”
Who is St. Therese of Liseux?
This medieval Italian author puts St. Francis of Assisi in a higher circle of heaven than St. Thomas
Who is Dante?
This book was written by St. Augustine as a response to the blasphemies and errors of the pagans.
What is “City of God”?
This saint is known as the “Apostle of Scotland.”
Who is Saint Columba?
This saint is also know by the title “Regina apostolorum.”
Who is St. Mary?
This play by Robert Bolt tells the story of St. Thomas More.
What is “A Man for All Seasons”?
This husband, father and politician is the patron saint of lawyers.
Who is St. Thomas More?
The name of this saint, means “Christ-bearer”.
Who is St. Christopher?
This saint is the patroness of Italy, her native country.
Who is St. Catherine of Siena?
Christ gave these three powers to the apostles, the first bishops of the Church.
What are: 1. Teach - 2. Sanctity - 3. Rule?
These are the 3 attributes (qualities) of the Catholic Church.
What are: 1. Authority - 2. Infallibility - 3. Indefectibility?
The mark of the Church called “Apostolicity” is shown by these two historical facts.
What are: 1. Christ commissioned the apostles to continue the work of building this Church - 2. The
Church has always been governed by their lawful successors?
Name the three stages of Canonization.
What are: 1. Venerable - 2. Blessed (beatification) - 3. Saint (canonization)?
This term refers to the gathering of cardinals for the purposes of electing a new pope.
What is a conclave?
This is the meaning of the Latin word “passio”?
What is “suffering”?
This is the highest court of appeal in the Church.
What is the Holy Roman Rota?
This former Cathedral in Red Square, Moscow, features elaborate onion-shaped domes.
What is Saint Basil’s Cathedral?
This cathedral church is the seat of the Bishop of Rome.
What is the Basilica of St. John Lateran?
This is the pope’s summer residence.
What is Castel Gandolfo?
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is found in this city.
What is Jerusalem?
This glorious church in Constantinople was converted to a mosque by the Muslims.
What is Hagia Sophia?
Mary, Noah’s Ark, and the city of Jerusalem are all “types” of this.
What is the Church?
This doctrine states that when a pope speaks “ex cathedra” defining doctrines regarding faith and
morals, he is protected from error through the assistance of the Holy Spirit.
What is the doctrine of papal infallibility?
King Solomon, during his reign, built a grand temple for worship on the slope of this mountain.
What is Mount Moriah?
The expression, “to see the handwriting on the wall” (meaning some future event is clearly inevitable),
comes from this Old Testament incident involving the prophet Daniel and King Belshazzar.
What is: Daniel interpreted the words written on the wall of Belshazzar’s palace, foretelling the end of
his reign due to misconduct?
When Jesus said, “My temple will be called a house of prayer,” He was quoting from this Old
Testament prophet.
Who is Isaiah?
While fasting in the desert, the devil confronted Jesus with these 3 temptations.
What are:
(1) Changing stones into bread,
(2) Throwing Himself off the pinnacle of a temple,
(3) Worshipping the devil.
This is the Greek word for “revelation”.
What is “apocalypse”?
According to Scripture, prior to Christ’s second coming, this person will offer a false solution to
people’s problems at the price of apostacy.
Who is the antichrist?
In 1 Kings, this evil king of Israel was the namesake of the sea captain who obsessively pursued the
white whale in the novel “Moby Dick”
Who is Ahab?
In the Book of Revelation this occurs after the seventh seal is broken.
What is silence?
According to Philippians 2, every knee shall bend at this.
What is “the name of Jesus”?
In the first chapter of the book of Job, this person tells the Lord that he has been going to and fro on
the earth.
Who is Satan?
According to this book of the bible, God is the potter, and we are the clay.
What is the book of Isaiah? (64:8)
When Jesus cast the moneychangers out of the temple, he accused them of turning it into this.
What is a den of thieves?
According to Luke 22, at the agony in the garden, Jesus was strengthened by this.
What is an angel from heaven? (Lk 22:43)
When Jesus saw this, He said “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
What is the sleeping Apostles? (Mk 14:38, Mat 26:41)
In Philippians 2, Paul admonishes us to work out our salvation in this way.
What is with fear and trembling?
While carrying his cross, Jesus comforts the women of Jerusalem, telling them not to weep for Him,
but for these people.
Who are themselves and their children?
In Chapter 2 of his Gospel, Matthew interprets the Old Testament passage “Rachel weeping for her lost
children” as referring to this.
What is the slaughter of the innocents?
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus admonishes us to seek these things first.
What are: the kingdom of God and His righteousness? (Mat 6:33)
They are symbolized by a lion, a calf, a man, and an eagle.
Who are the four Evangelists?
This is the place where Moses took a census of the Israelites.
Where is Mount Sinai?
This guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were expelled.
What is an angel with a flaming sword?
This object, often depicted in the beak of a dove, is a symbol of peace.
What is an olive branch?
In the Book of Revelation, this great but evil city is destroyed and mourned.
What is Babylon?
This holy man of the Old Testament said, “I know that my Redeemer liveth.”
Who is Job?
This is what St. John was referring to when he wrote in his first letter: “What was from the beginning,
what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked upon and touched with
our hands.”
What is the Word of life? (1 Jn 1:1)
In his first letter, St. John compared God to this thing when he wrote: “in Him there is no darkness.”
What is light? (1 Jn 1:5)
In his first letter, St. John gives this name to anyone who says “I love God,” but hates his brother.
What is a liar? (1 Jn 4:20)
When we pray Psalm 50 (51), we ask God to sprinkle us with this plant.
What is hyssop? (Ps 51:9)
When we pray Psalm 50 (51), we ask God to wash us and make us whiter than this thing.
What is “whiter than snow”? (Ps 51:9)
According to Psalm 42 (43), this is what God gives to my youth.
What is joy? (Ps 42:4)
This is the name of the passage in Genesis that prophesies the coming of Christ.
What is the protoevangelium?
Jesus said to this group of Jews, “You will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power
and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Who are the Sanhedrin?
These were the “brothers” of Jesus referred to in the Gospel of Mark.
Who are James and Joseph, Jude and Simeon?
This is the name of the prayer used by Jesus to consecrate the Apostles.
What is the “High Priestly Prayer?”
This Old Testament canticle has a strong resemblance to the Magnificat.
What is the Canticle of Hanna?
Christ told the Jews, “No sign will be given” except this sign.
What is the sign of Jonah?
This prophet had a vision of God in a chariot of fire.
Who is Ezekiel?
After the Pharaoh’s daughter found the baby Moses, she employed this woman to be his nurse.
Who is Moses’ mother?
These prominent 1st cent religious leaders defended doctrines regarding angels, resurrection of the
dead, and the life after death.
Who are the Pharisees?
This is the first verse of the book of Ecclesiastes.
What is “Vanity of vanity, all is vanities”?
This is the name given to the books of the Bible not accepted by Protestants.
What are the Apocrypha? (or, deuterocanonical books)
Jesus used this title from the Book of Daniel to refer to Himself.
What is “The Son of Man”?
This member of the Sanhedrin spoke in Jesus’ defense with the question, “Does our law condemn a
person before it first hears him and finds out what he is doing?”
Who is Nicodemus?
This was Jesus’ response to the question, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a
second time into his mother’s womb, and be born again?”
What was “Amen, amen I say to you, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he
cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
He is the first shepherd named in Scripture.
Who is Abel?
Jesus used this title from the Book of Daniel to refer to himself.
What is the Son of Man?
In scripture, this man proclaimed Jesus as “the Christ, the son of the living God”.
Who is St. Peter?
The primary theme of this Scriptural book is the activity of the Holy Spirit in the early church.
What is the Book of Acts?
These initials stand for the Jesuit order of priests.
What are the initials S.J. (Society of Jesus)?
These initials stand for the Marists or Marianest priests.
What are the initials S.M. (Society of Mary)?
These initials stand for Benedictine monks.
What are the initials O.S.B. (Order of St. Benedict)?
This is another name for the Order of Friars Minor.
What are the Franciscans?
These are the four chief ways of obtaining grace.
What are 1. Reception of the sacraments - 2. Prayer - 3. Penance (acts of mortification) - 4. Good
These are the words which the poet Dante wrote over the gates of Hell.
What are: “All hope abandon, ye who enter here.”
Summer residence for the popes, situated 15 miles SE of Rome.
What is Castel Gandolfo?
This stone carving of a devil is often seen on Gothic cathedrals
What are gargoyles?
This devotion, originating in Milan and propagated by the Jesuits, commemorates the period that Jesus
was entombed.
What is the Forty Hours Adoration (or Forty Hours Devotion)?
This devout Catholic created a mythical world called Middle Earth in his epic novels The Lord Of the
Rings and The Hobbit.
Who is J.R.R. (John Ronald Reuel) Tolkien?
This book was written by Pope John Paul II in 1994, in response to a set of questions by a journalist.
What is “Crossing the Threshold of Hope”?
According to legend, on this day, the pure in heart can hear animals speak to each other and church
bells ringing from the bottom of the sea.
What is Christmas Eve?
This is the name of the white wool stole worn by archbishops.
What is a pallium?
Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C is named after John Foster Dulles, the father of this Jesuit
Who is Avery Dulles?
This is the small purple skull cap worn by bishops.
What is a zucchetto?
This Italian film director made the film “Jesus of Nazareth.”
Who is Franco Zeffirelli?
This Greek word means manifestation or revelation.
What is epiphany?
This object is a symbol of authority and jurisdiction, in much the same way as Moses staff was the seal
and emblem of his Divine commission.
What is a crosier (or pastoral staff)?
This music term literally means “music of many voices.”
What is polyphony?
In 1688 these two American colonies had laws which ordered the death penalty for being a priest.
What are: 1. Massachusetts 2. New York?
An institute founded in 1946 to pray for the conversion of Russia and for world peace, as urged by Our
Lady of Fatima.
What is the Blue Army?
A circular stain-glass window, found in gothic architecture, with mullions and treacery generally
radiating from the center.
What is a Rose Window?
He was the only Catholic President of the United States?
Who is John F. Kennedy?
This pope was the first to describe himself as the “servant of the servants of God.”
Who is Pope St. Gregory the Great?
These councils of the Church attempted to reconcile the Greek Church to the Latin Church.
What are the Councils of Lyons and Florence?
This pope coined the phrase “Servant of the Servants of God.”
Who is Pope St. Gregory the Great?
This work of spiritual devotion may be the second most widely read book in the world after the Bible.
Its four sections cover the life of the soul, the interior life, internal consolation and the Eucharist.
What is “The Imitation of Christ”, by Thomas à Kempis.
This ecumenical council of the church condemned the iconoclasts, who shunned the use and veneration
of images.
What is the Second Council of Nicea?
He was the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Who is Charlemagne? (or, Carlus Magnus, or Charles the Great)
This was the name assumed by Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli after he was elected pope.
What is John XXIII?
Her claim to the English throne, occupied by Elizabeth I, was based on the fact that she was the granddaughter
of Margaret Tudor, sister of Henry VIII.
Who is Mary Stuart (or Mary, Queen of Scots)?
Father Michael J. McGinney founded this fraternal Catholic organization in 1882.
What is the Knights of Columbus?
This Roman emperor accused the Christians of burning down the city of Rome in 64 A.D.
Who is Nero?
This Latin American bishop was assassinated while celebrating Mass.
Who is Bishop Oscar Romero?
The Great Schism between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church occurred in this century.
What is the 11th century?
This man, born in North Africa, was the most famous Bishop of Hippo.
Who is Saint Augustine?
This is the sin one commits by trusting too much in his own strength, or, in order to attain salvation,
expects God to do something that He would not do.
What is the sin of presumption?
In order to achieve perfection in the service of God and one’s neighbor, these three voluntary vows
known as Evangelical Counsels are taken by most men and women in religious life.
What are: 1. Poverty - 2. Chastity - Obedience?
This is the sin that refuses to accept God’s mercy.
What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
“Fides,” “spes,” and “caritas” are Latin words for these virtues.
What are the virtues of faith, hope and charity?
In addition to the loss of praeternatural gifts (immortality as an example) and the wounding of nature
(ignorance, malice, weakness, concupicence), this is a consequence of original sin.
What is the loss of sanctifying grace?
The Protestant belief which states that the Bible is the sole source of revelation is expressed in this
Latin phrase.
What is sola scriptura?
This Protestant belief which states that man is saved by faith alone is expressed in this Latin phrase.
What is sola fides?
This heresy teaches that salvation can be attained through secret knowledge.
What is Gnosticism?
These are the four “last things” pertaining to the ends of man.
What are:
1) Death
2) Judgement
3) Heaven
4) Hell?
All other virtues are related to or hinge upon these types virtues.
What are the cardinal virtues?
The words of Jesus “I tell you, you will never get out till you have paid the very last penny,” is a
reference to this place.
Where is purgatory?