RCC Novice Level - Bonus Flashcards
This is the contribution of a portion of one’s income (originally 10%) for the purposes of religion and
What is tithing?
This is the Latin title for “at the Cross, her station keeping.”
What is “Stabat Mater?”
We should pray to these three groups because they will intercede for us to God.
Who are the angels, the saints and the holy souls in purgatory ……………
This term refers to the study of Mary.
What is Mariology?
These 3 titles of Jesus, called the Triple Office of Christ, refer back to the roles of many Old
Testament people who prefigured the Messiah.
What are: 1. Prophet - 2. Priest - 3. King?
Name the five predominant wounds on the body of Christ at His crucifixion.
What are: 1. 2 in the hand - 2. 2 in the feet - 3. 1 in the side?
Instruments of the passion.
What are: 1. The Cross - 2. Nails - 3. Hammer - 4. Lance?
Jesus walked on this body of water.
What is the Sea of Tiberius?
This is the approximate number of years of Jesus’ public life.
What were three years?
These are the seven sacraments.
What are: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance (Confession), Anointing of the Sick
(Extreme Unction), Holy Orders, and Matrimony?
The direct transgression against these two commandments is always serious matter.
What are: 1. 6th Commandment - 2. 9th Commandment?
These are the matter and form of the sacrament of Baptism.
What are: 1. Matter (pouring of water) - 2. Form (“I Baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit”)?
This miracle takes place every time Mass is said.
What is transubstantiation?
This is the Latin term for the bowl the priest uses when he washes his fingers (in respect for the fact he
will soon be holding the Body of Christ).
What is the “lavabo?”
This mystery of faith is the conversion of the substance of bread and wine into the substance of the
Body and Blood of Christ while the accidents of bread and wine remain.
What is the transubstantiation?
The only day of the church year on which Mass may not be offered.
What is Good Friday?
These are the two purposes of marriage.
What are procreation and unification.
These are the four purposes for which a Mass is offered.
What are:
(1) Adoration,
(2) Thanksgiving,
(3) Petition, and
(4) Reparation for sins.
This priest taught music at an orphanage for girls in Venice and composed the four violin concertos
known as “The Four Seasons.”
Who is Antonio Vivaldi?
These are the 2 effects of the sacrament of Reconciliation.
What are:
1) Reconciles us with God
2) Reconciles us with His Church?
These are the 2 purposes of marriage.
What are:
1) To unite husband and wife
2) To procreate?
This is a long cloak with a fastening in front worn during during the rite of benediction.
What is a cope?
This vestment is worn by a deacon similar to the chasuble born by the priest.
What is a dalmatic?
This is a band of cloth worn by the priest on the left arm during a Traditional Latin Mass.
What is a maniple?
These are the painted or embroidered images or symbols on a chasuble.
What are the orphrey?
This is the liturgical color is used on Sundays in Ordinary Time.
What is green?
These are the two liturgical colors primarily used during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
What are purple (or violet) and rose (or pink)?
This liturgical colour is used on the third Sunday of Advent and the fourth Sunday of Lent.
What is rose? (Pink is also an acceptable answer)
The stole worn when hearing confessions is of this colour.
What is purple?
This is the meaning of the term “omniscient.”
What is all-knowing?
This is one purpose for which the Holy Spirit was sent.
What is: 1. “He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I have said
unto you.” or 2. To teach and sanctify?
This is the name of the person to whom Mary appeared at Lourdes.
Who is St. Bernadette Soubirous?
He is considered the father of Western Monasticism.
Who is Saint Benedict?
She was the first naturalized-American saint.
Who is St. Frances (Mother) Cabrini?
She is the first person born in the U.S.A. to be canonized a saint.
Who is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton?
This is the name of the man whose wife said to him: “Bless God and die.”
Who is Job?
Jacob passed on the rights of succession to this son.
Who is Juda?
This girl died before her twelfth birthday defending her purity from her neighbour.
Who is St. Maria Goretti?
According to tradition, devotion to the rosary was revealed to this man?
Who is St. Dominic?
The Blessed Virgin appeared to this woman in Paris in 1830.
Who is St. Catherine Laboure?
She founded the Second Order of Franciscans in 1212
Who is St. Clare?
When four soldiers tried to carry this young girl saint away, their combined strength could not move
her. She is known as the “shining light.”
Who is St. Lucy?
This gospel writer was known to be a companion of St. Paul.
Who is St. Luke?
Legend says he preached to the fish to convince heretics. He is pictured holding the baby Jesus as
Jesus is believed to have appeared to him.
Who is St. Anthony of Padua?
Son of a nobleman, he is now the patron of youth. He entered the Jesuits shortly after their
establishment by St. Ignatius of Loyola and died while attending the sick during the plague.
Who is St. Alyosius Gonzaga?
This saint gathered an army of peace to fight the Albigensian heresy. His order was called the Order of
Preachers and dressed in white.
Who is St. Dominic?
“Pray and work” is the motto of an order of monks founded by this saint.
Who is St. Benedict?
The sisters of Lazarus who often had Jesus visit at their home.
Who were: 1. Martha - 2. Mary?
This priest ministered to the lepers on the island of Molokai in Hawaii.
Who is Blessed Damian?
This saint founded the religious order called the Christian Brothers.
Who is St. John Baptiste de la Salle?
He is the Lord of the flies.
Who is the devil?
The colors of the papal flag.
What are white and gold?
The symbols of the bishop.
What are: 1. miter - 2. crosier?
This is sometimes referred to as the bark of Peter.
What is the church?
These are the names customarily given to the three Wise Men.
Who are Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar?
This man knew he would live until he saw the Messiah.
Who is Simeon?
He was the greatest and last of the judges.
Who is Samuel?
Pope John XXIII, in opening the Second Vatican Council, pleaded for renewed fervor rather than for
definitions of new doctrine, and referred to the rosary by this term as an instrument of faith capable of
withstanding the Goliath’s of modern problems.
What is David’s sling?
When the ark containing the tablets of stone was placed inside the tabernacle, God marked His
presence with these.
What are: 1. A cloud 2. Fire at night?
In the parable of the sower and the seed, Christ identified this as the seed.
What is: “The seed is the Word of God?”
In Exodus, these 3 miracles saved the Israelites as they were being pursued by Pharaoh’s army.
What were: 1. Pillar of fire (to light their way) - 2. Cloud of smoke (to hide them from view) - 3.
Parting of the Red Sea (to allow them to cross the waters)?
Waiting upon the mountaintop after the waters of the great flood had begun to recede, Noah sent out a
dove to gauge the condition of the earth. These are the results of each release of the bird.
What is 1. It came back - no dry land - 2. It came back carrying a green twig - life was returning - 3. It
didn’t come back - the land was habitable?
These are the 3 authors of the synoptic Gospels.
Who are: 1. St. Matthew - 2. St. Mark - 3. St. Luke?
One of the three main religious parties in Palestine - this priestly group were most known for their
strict adherence to the letter of the Law.
Who are the Sadducces?
In the book of Genesis, she turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the destruction of
Sodom and Gommorah?
Who is Lot’s wife?
He was the tetrarch of Galilee during the time of Christ.
Who was Herod (or Herod Antipas)?
In Matthew 18, Jesus says to do this, if your eye causes you to sin.
What is pluck it out?
This was the signal that Judas arranged with the chief priests and elders to betray Jesus.
What is a kiss? (Matt 26, Mark 14)
According to Luke 22, prior to His betrayal at the hands of Judas, Jesus was in such agony and prayed
so fervently that this happened.
What is “his sweat became like great drops of blood”?
This is the reason Moses cast the tablets of the commandments out of his hands, shattering them on the
What is “because his people were worshipping idols”?
According to John’s Gospel, this is the first person to pray to Jesus.
Who is Mary?
This New Testament author tells us that faith without works is dead.
Who is James? (James 2:17)
This prayer verse from the Divine Office, taken from Psalm 50, follows the verse “Thou, O Lord, shall
open my lips.”
What is “And my tongue (or, my mouth) shall announce Thy praise”?
In Ch. 3 of the 1st letter of Peter, St. Peter teaches that in the days of Noah, eight persons were saved
through water, prefiguring this sacrament.
What is Baptism? (1 Pet 3:21)
According to the synoptic gospels, Christ said this is both among you and is yet to come.
What is the Kingdom of God?
When Jesus walked on the water, this person came out of the boat to meet Him.
Who is Peter?
This is the variety of the tree that Jesus cursed.
What is a fig tree?
In this parable, Jesus says that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over
ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.
What is the parable of the lost sheep or the parable of the lost coin?
This term refers to drawing out the meaning of scriptual text.
What is exegesis?
This prophet had a vision of God surrounded by smoke and six-winged seraphs.
Who is Isaiah?
This was the first animal Noah sent out to search for land.
What was a raven?
According to tradition, this person wrote the Book of Revelation
Who is Saint John?
These words, recited during the Mass, echo those of the Roman centurion, whose servant was healed
by Jesus.
What are the words “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word, and I (he) shall be
According to tradition, Solomon wrote this book of the Bible which consists of a love poem.
What is the Song of Songs?
This was the first animal that Noah sent out to look for land after the flood.
What was a crow?
This person spoke the words, ““He must increase, but I must decrease.”
Who is John the Baptist?
This person proclaimed Mary as “the mother of my Lord”.
Who is Elizabeth?
This admonishment God gave to Adam and Eve is repeated on Ash Wednesday when our foreheads are
blessed with ashes.
What is, “Dust you are, and unto dust you shall return?”
Necromancy, which is the evoking of the dead in the quest for knowledge of future or hidden things,
was condemned by the Church during the Middle Ages and is now known by this term.
What is spiritism?
These days are never days of fasting or abstinence.
What are: 1. Sundays 2. Holy days of obligation 3. Feast days?
This “cloth medal”, having Mary’s Immaculate Heart on one side and a prayer on the other, is
especially efficacious in bringing those fallen away Catholics back to practice of the faith.
What is the green scapular?
The letters R.I.P., at one time commonly etched into gravestones, is an abbreviation for this.
What is “Requiescat in pace” or “Rest in peace.”
In the devotion of the Stations of the Cross, these are the first and last “stations.”
What are:
(1) Jesus is condemned to death,
(2) Jesus is laid in the tomb.
The Church distinguishes these two types of indulgences.
What are partial and plenary?
This is the number of articles of belief in the Apostles’ Creed.
What are twelve?
This plant is a symbol of martyrdom.
What is the palm branch?
This is the hour of the Divine Office during which the Magnificat (or, the Canticle of Mary) is sung.
What is Vespers (or, Evening Prayer)?
She is the founder of the Eternal Word Television Network.
Who is Mother Angelica?
These are the four traditional forms of prayer.
What are:
1) Petition
2) Intercession
3) Thanksgiving
4) Praise
These are the 3 expressions of prayer.
What are:
1) Vocal,
2) Meditative (or Mental),
3) Contemplative.
A belfry is a structure used to house this instrument.
What are bells?
The two Episcopal Sees occupied by St. Peter.
What are: 1. Antioch - 2. Rome?
This city is considered holy by Christians, Muslims and Jews.
What is Jerusalem?
This Catholic lay apostolic organization was founded by Frank Duff in Ireland.
What is the Legion of Mary?
This general council of the Church dealt with the Doctrine of Justification.
What was the Council of Trent?
Believing in superstitions breaks this Commandment.
What is the First Commandment?
This is the meaning of the abbreviation O.P. which is used by members of the Dominican order.
What is “Order of Preachers”?
These two symbols witness to the eternal divinity of Christ, they are also the fist and last letters of the
Greek alphabet.
What are: 1. Alpha and 2. Omega?