Beaverton Extra Studies Flashcards
This is what the good angels do in heaven
What is to see, love, and adore God?
This is the role of the good angels
What is praying for us, acting as messengers from God , and serving as our guardian angels?
This is the definition of angels.
What are created spirits, without bodies, having understanding and free will?
These are the 3 angels of the OT
Who are the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel?
These were the popes during Vatican 2.
Who are..Pope John 23 & Paul 6?
These are the 4 marks of the Church
What is one, holy, catholic and apostolic?
This is how the Catholic Church is one.
What are the same faith, the same sacrifice and sacraments, same visible Pope?
This is why the Catholic Church is holy.
What is founded by Jesus Christ, who is all-holy
This is how the Catholic Church is catholic or universal
What is to teach all nations?
This is how the Catholic Church is apostolic
What is because it was founded by Christ on the apostles?
This is what we mean by the Blessed Trinity
What is one God in three Divine Persons?
This is the role of each person of the Trinity
What is
Father…as creator
Son… as redeemer
Spirit …as sanctifier?
These are the perfections of God EGPAK
What is…God is Eternal ,all Good, all Powerful, Almighty and all Knowing?
These are the 4 main parts of a church
What is
* The nave ..where the people sit.
* The aisles are the sides of the church
* The transept, is an area which crosses the nave near the top of the church.
* the sanctuary…which has the altar
These are the 5 main feast days, titles and privileges of Mary
What are -Jan 1… Mary, Mother of God…which is her greatest privilege
- Aug 15 … Assumption of Mary …where she was privileged to be taken to heaven body and soul
-Aug 22…Queen of heaven…she was privileged to be crowned as Queen.
-Sept 15 Our Lady of Sorrows …she was privileged to suffer with Jesus and be co-redemptrix
-Dec 8…Immaculate Conception…Mary was privileged to be conceived without sin
These are the main feast days of the year…other than Sundays
What are
* January 1: The Feast of Mary, the Mother of God.
* 40 days after Easter Sunday: Ascension Thursday.
* August 15: Assumption of Mary into heaven.
* November 1: All Saints’ Day.
* December 8: The Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
* December 25: Christmas, the Nativity of Our Lord.
These are the 2 languages used at Mass other than the local language.
What are Greek (Kyrie) and Latin (Sanctus etc)?
These are the last 2 Popes before Francis.
Who are John Paul 2 and Benedict 15?
These are the 2 kinds of indulgences.
What are a partial indulgence (which removes part of the temporal punishment due for sins.)…and a plenary indulgence which removes all of the temporal punishment due for sins?
These are the 5 conditions for indulgences.
What are perform the work , go to Confession & Communion, pray for the POPE and detach from all sin?
This is the role of the church
What is the salvation of souls?
These are the 2 main types of grace.
What are…Actual grace… a temporary grace to perform a good act…and Sanctifying grace… that stays in the soul. and makes it holy?
These are the number of apparitions of Mary that have been approved.
What is 12…?
These are 4 apparitions of Mary other than Lourdes and Fatima
What are Guadalupe, Miraculous Medal, La Salette, Laus?
These are the 6 precepts of the Church which give us the minimum that we must do each year for salvation?
What are:
1. Attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation, and rest from servile labor.
2. Confess your sins at least once a year.
3. Receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season.
4. Observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.
5. Help provide for the needs of the Church.
6. Observe the Church’s laws on marriage.
These are the 2 great commandments
What are love God and others?
These are symbols of the Trinity
What are triangle and shamrock?
These are the 2 parts of the liturgy.
What are Liturgy of the Word and of Eucharist?