RCC Novice level Flashcards
This prayer is composed of the words of the Annunciation addressed to the Blessed Virgin by the angel
Gabriel, and of the words of Mary’s cousin Elizabeth, and a supplication added by the Church.
What is the Hail Mary?
These are the 5 Joyful Mysteries of the rosary.
What are: (1) The Annunciation (2) The Visitation (3) The Birth of Christ (The Nativity) (4) The
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. (5) The Finding of Jesus in the Temple?
These are the 5 Sorrowful Mysteries of the rosary.
What are: (1) The Agony in the Garden. (2) The Scourging at the Pillar. (3) The Crowning with
Thorns. (4) The Carrying of the Cross. (5) The Crucifixion and Death of Christ?
These are the 5 Glorious Mysteries of the rosary.
What are: (1) Jesus Rises from the Dead. (2) Jesus Ascends into Heaven. (3) The Holy Spirit
Descends upon the Apostles. (4) Mary is Assumed into Heaven (The Assumption) (5) Mary is
Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth?
This mystery describes the visit made by the Blessed Mother of Christ to her cousin, Elizabeth, while
Mary was with Child, as recorded in the Gospels.
What is the Second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation of Mary.
This medal was struck after the apparitions of St. Catherine Laboure in 1830.
What is the Miraculous Medal?
The Third Commandment declares we must “Keep Holy the Sabbath.” We obey this commandment by
following this precept of the Church.
What is “attend Mass on Sundays and other holy days of obligation.”
This sacred Marian shrine is located in Portugal.
What is Fatima?
This is possession of a human person by the devil
What is diabolic possession?
This saint founded the Society of Jesus.
Who is Saint Ignatius of Loyola?
This revered Franciscan established nine missions in California.
Who is Blessed Junipero Serra?
It was to this person that the Virgin Mary declared herself as the Immaculate Conception.
Who is St. Bernadette (Soubirous)?
The Church has dedicated the month of May in honor of this person.
Who is Mary, the Mother of God?
Catholics believe that this condition existed of Mary before and after the birth of Jesus, but Protestants
think that it contradicts the idea of her as a mother.
What is Mary’s perpetual virginity?
A portrait of the Blessed Virgin appeared on the mantle of this Mexican peasant.
Who is Saint Juan Diego?
These were the month and year of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima.
What is May 1917?
The Blessed Virgin requested that this prayer be inserted between the mysteries in reciting the rosary.
What is: “0 My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven,
especially those in most need of Thy mercy?”
These commandments forbid coveting.
What are the Ninth & Tenth Commandments?
Saying, “I am not worthy to die as my Lord did,” he asked to be crucified upside down.
Who is St. Peter?
It was here that the Blessed Virgin appeared in 1858 in France to St. Bernadette.
What is Lourdes?
Other than God Himself, our greatest help against the temptations presented by the devil.
Who is the Blessed Virgin? (Mary our Mother).
The fact that Mary was conceived without original sin is this dogma.
What is the Immaculate Conception?
This pope solemnly defined the Assumption of the Blessed Mother as dogma in 1950.
Who is Pope Pius XII?
This Person gave us The Lord’s Prayer.
Who is Jesus?
This person is truly God and truly Man.
Who is Jesus Christ?
This person was always God but he was not always man. He became man at the Incarnation, and will
remain God and man forever.
Who is Jesus Christ?
This is considered the moment that the Son of God became man?
What is the moment Mary agreed to become His Mother or “ Incarnation?”
They are known as Jesus’ Father and foster father.
Who is God and Saint Joseph?
This miracle of Jesus was doubted by Thomas the Apostle.
What is His Resurrection from the dead.
This term refers to the sufferings of Jesus before His death.
What is the Passion?
This Person is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.
Who is Jesus?
This is the feast day on which is celebrated the Nativity of Jesus Christ.
What is Christmas?
She had her first apparition of Our Blessed Mother on February 11, 1858.
Who is Saint Bernadette?
These are the meanings of the words Jesus and Christ.
What are “the Savior” and “Messiah?”
All the apostles were present at this event which occurred 40 days after Christ died.
What is the Ascension?
By order of Pilate, the four letters I.N.R.I. were placed on Christ’s Cross and they stand for this.
What is: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews? or What is: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum?
These words were used by Christ to describe Himself as a response to those who don’t know how to get
to the Father’s “House.”
What are: “I am the way, the truth, and the life?” (Jn. 14:6).
The Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, true God and true Man.
Who is Jesus Christ?
These wounds of head, heart, hands and feet, inflicted on Our Lord during His passion and death, are
sometimes offered to “victim souls” to make reparation for sin.
What is the stigmata?
At this event God said. “This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.”
What is the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River?
After Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, these came to attend Christ.
Who are angels?
This mystery teaches that Jesus is truly Divine and Human.
What is the mystery of the Incarnation?
This is the reason for the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross.
What is sin?
These are the words the priest speaks during absolution.
What are the words: “I absolve you from your sins, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Spirit?”
This is a person “appointed in order to aid the deacon and to minister to the priest.”
What is an acolyte?
A legal term for an accident that occurs without the cause or foreknowledge of man.
What is an Act of God?
On this day we commemorate Christ’s passion and death.
What is Good Friday?
This is the feast day which we celebrate to commemorate Jesus’ visible departure from the world 40
days after Easter.
What is the Feast of the Ascension?
This is imprinted on our soul at Confirmation.
What is a character?
This devotion to the Eucharistic Christ in the Roman Rite consists of Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament in the monstrance, or a pyx, adoration of the faithful, hymns, the blessing where the priest
makes the Sign of the Cross with the Blessed Sacrament over the people, and recitation of Divine
What is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament?
These are the holy days of obligation in the United States.
What are all the Sundays of the year, January lst (the Solemnity of Mary), the Feast of the Ascension
(40 days after Easter), the Feast of the Assumption (August 15th), All Saints Day (November lst), the
Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th), and Christmas Day (December 25th)? (Canada:
Sundays, Christmas, New Year’s)
This sacramental, consisting of two small pieces of cloth, is fastened by strings and worn around the
neck in front and back.
What is a scapular?
This sacramental reminds us of our Baptism.
What is holy water?
This is the part of the Mass where the priest explains the Word of God.
What is the homily?
This is something done or accepted to make up for sin.
What is penance?
This person acts for Jesus in the sacrament of Penance.
Who is the priest?
This means “releasing,” that is, we are set free (or absolved) from our sins.
What is absolution or when the priest absolves us from our sins?
This is the most joyous season of the Church year.
What is Easter?
The Last Supper was held on this day of the week.
What is Thursday?
Each sacrament has matter and form. These are the four sacraments that use Chrism or Holy Oil as
their matter.
What are: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction (or Anointing of the Sick)?
This is the sacrament of God’s forgiveness.
What is Penance, Reconciliation or Confession?
This man climbed a tree to see Jesus because he was too short.
Who is Zaccheus?
These are the names given the three types of holy oils used in the Church’s worship today.
What are chrism, oil of the sick, and oil of the catechumens?
The place, usually in the center of the sanctuary, in which the Blessed Sacrament is contained.
What is the tabernacle?
This name is given the special vessel for presenting the Eucharistic Host for adoration by the faithful.
What is the Monstrance?
This event marked the beginning of God’s work of salvation in Christ.
What is the Incarnation (or the Annunciation)?
This is considered the birthday of the Church, the day the Holy Spirit was sent to earth.
What is Pentecost?
This is the light that is kept burning above or before ore the tabernacle in which the Blessed Sacrament
is reserved.
What is the sanctuary lamp?
An outward sign instituted by Christ, to give grace.
What is a sacrament?
The introductory rites of a solemn “Novus Ordo” Mass are these four prayers.
What are: 1. Entrance Antiphon - 2. Penitential Rites - 3. Gloria - 4. Opening Prayer?
“Amen” in Hebrew means this.
What is: “So be it?”
At the beginning of the Gospel, the priest and the congregation trace this symbol on their forehead, lips
and breast.
What is the Sign of the Cross?
This is the part of the Mass when the priest teaches and talks about the Readings and the Gospel.
What is the homily (or sermon)?
In the offertory of a Solemn Mass, the priest incenses these with a Sign of the Cross.
What is the bread and wine?
This the English translation of the Latin words, “Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus.”
What is “Holy, Holy Holy?”
This is the most solemn moment of the Mass.
What is the consecration?
This is the part of the Mass which Christ instituted at the Last Supper.
What is the consecration?
This is the supreme act of worship in the Church of Christ.
What is the Mass?
This sweet odour, along with the chanting of the Mass represents prayers rising to God.
What is incense?
This is what “Mea Culpa,” means on English.
What is “through my Fault?”
Jesus asked St. Peter this many times, “Simon, son of John doest thou love Me?”
What is three times?
These are the matter and form of the sacrament of Baptism.
What are: 1. Matter (pouring) - 2. Form (“I Baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and
of Holy Spirit?”)
These are a record of what Jesus wants us to believe and do in order to be saved and reach Heaven as
well as an account of how, out of great Love He died for us.
What are the Gospels?
Instituted by Christ and administered by His Church, these are the ordinary means of obtaining grace.
What are sacraments?
A plenary indulgence is attached to this special blessing.
What is an Apostolic blessing or Papal blessing?
A day preceding certain feasts (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost). It is a day of preparation, and
sometimes involves some penance.
What is a vigil?
This is the moment of forgiveness in the sacrament of Reconciliation. (Penance)
What is absolution?
This is the oil used in the sacrament of Holy Orders.
What is chrism?
This is recommended to help a person prepare for confession.
What is the examination of conscience?
This is the recommended age for a child to receive First Holy Communion.
What is the age of reason? (around 7 years of age).
This is the only day in the Church’s year on which Mass is not offered.
What is Good Friday?
This is the official language of the traditional Roman Rite Mass.
What is Latin?
A short rectangular piece of white cloth, worn beneath the alb to cover the shoulders with two ends
tied at the waist of the priest.
What is the amice?
This is a table which has been specially dedicated to God for the offering of sacrifice.
What is an altar?
They are two small vessels that contain the water and wine to be used at Mass.
What are the cruets?
This is the light that is kept burning near the tabernacle in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserved.
What is the sanctuary lamp?
Jesus is kept in this place, so we can visit Him in the church.
What is the tabernacle?
This is a sacrifice and a sacrament.
What is the Holy Eucharist?
This is a sacred cup in which the wine becomes the true Blood of Christ at the consecration.
What is the chalice?
St. Thomas Aquinas spoke of these as the instruments God uses in causing in us or communicating to
us the graces of salvation.
What are the sacraments?
Through this sacrament a baptized person is sealed with the Holy Spirit.
What is Confirmation?
This sacrament brings us intimately close to Jesus.
What is Holy Communion?
This type of grace is increased in our soul after Confirmation.
What is sanctifying grace?
This sacrament completes the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us in Baptism.
What is the sacrament of Confirmation?
This type of grace is increased in our soul after Confirmation.
What is sanctifying grace?
This is the first time that the “profession of faith” is made.
What is during Baptism?
This word describes God’s unlimited perfection.
What is infinite?
This is the mystery of the Blessed Trinity.
What is one God in Three Divine Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
This is something that takes place outside of the ordinary working of nature’s laws - something only
God can do.
What is a miracle?
These are some other names for the Holy Spirit.
Who is: Spirit of God, Gift of God, Spirit of Truth, Giver of Life, and the Paraclete? (Give two)
Because Adam and Eve sinned against God, they lost this gift.
What is sanctifying grace or the right to Heaven?
He is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
This is a person who does not believe in the One True God.
What is a pagan or atheist?
This is the only attribute of God named in the Creed.
What is Almighty?
This gift of the Holy Spirit is God’s help to know when our soul (a soul) is in danger of sin.
What is counsel?
This is the meaning of “Pater Noster.”
What is “Our Father?”
The human soul shares in the dignity of this image.
What is the image of God?
We are created in His image and likeness.
Who is God?
Yahweh is the name used for this Being.
Who is God?
This is the Third Person in the Blessed Trinity.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
This is the only attribute of God named in the Creed.
What is Almighty?
He is everywhere.
Who is God?
In our Catholic belief, we acknowledge Jesus to be both God and this.
What is Man?
This is an extraordinary act of God.
What is a miracle?
This Person in the Holy Trinity is usually listed first.
Who is God the Father?
This is the place where one can see God face to face.
What is Heaven?
This son of the priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth was born a half year before Jesus Christ.
Who is Saint John the Baptist?
This is a representation in Christian art of a circle of gold or light surrounding the head of a saint.
What is a halo?
He is the patron saint of Russia.
Who is St. Nicholas?
She greeted Mary as “Mother of my Lord.”
Who is Saint Elizabeth?
This female saint was at the foot of the cross with Mary.
Who is Saint Mary Magdalene?
This saint’s father beheaded her for being secretly baptized. After her death fire came from heaven and
consumed her father.
Who is Saint Barbara?
He is the patron saint of policemen.
Who is St. Michael?
He is the patron saint of firemen.
Who is St. Florian?
She is the patron saint of young girls.
Who is St. Agnes?
This is the patron saint of messengers.
Who is St. Gabriel the Archangel?
This man was called the precursor of Christ.
Who is St. John the Baptist?
These were the parents of Our Blessed Mother.
Who is St. Ann and St. Joachim?
These were the names of the parents of St. John the Baptist.
Who is St. Elizabeth and St. Zachary?
She helped establish the first parochial school in the United States
Who is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton?
This man said “Behold the Lamb of God.”
Who is St. John the Baptist?
She greeted Mary as “Mother of my Lord.”
Who is Saint Elizabeth?
He is the patron saint of desperate causes.
Who is Saint Jude?
This saint’s feast day is February 14th.
Who is Saint Valentine? Who are Sts. Cyril and Methodius? (also acceptable).
After being given 30 pieces of silver for Jesus’ betrayal, he hanged himself.
Who is Judas Iscariot?
This Old Testament figure fooled his aged father into thinking he was a first-born son
Who is Jacob?
As a baby, he was put in the bulrushes
Who is Moses?
This modern saint, who died of tuberculosis, is known for her humility, simplicity, piety and patience
in the Carmelite Order.
Who is St. Thérèse of Lisieux or “The Little Flower?”
The band of men chosen by Christ to be His companions during His public life.
Who are the apostles?
This inspired book has mentioned the angels over 300 times.
What is the Bible?
This man was excluded from the Promised Land because of his lack of confidence at the “Waters of
Contradiction.” (Num. 20:12-13).
Who is Moses?
This man led the Israelites into battle when they conquered the city of Jericho.
Who is Josue?
God promised this man that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of heaven.
Who is Abraham?
This was the mountain upon which God spoke from the burning bush and commanded Moses to go
lead the Israelites to freedom.
What is Mt. Sinai (or Horeb)?
This is what Christ said we must do if we are to be His disciples.
What is deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him?
He devoted his life to caring for the poor and unfortunate of Lima, and he was known as the “Saint of
Universal Brotherhood.” He was a Dominican lay brother.
Who is St. Martin de Porres?
This saint was imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, and was the founder of the
Knights of the Immaculate One.
Who is St. Maximilian Kolbe?
This is a title given to Mary after her appearance to Saint Juan Diego in what is known today as
Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe?
Of these three totals, this most closely approximates the number of Catholics in the world: 2 billion, 1
billion, 500 million.
What is 1 billion?
He was the apostle of the Indies and of Japan.
Who is St. Francis Xavier?
He alone of the apostles remained faithful to Christ during his Passion, and Christ entrusted to him the
care of His Mother.
Who is St. John the Evangelist?
This patron saint of South America was the first American saint to be canonized.
Who is St. Rose of Lima?
According to tradition, this is the way Peter died.
What is: he was crucified upside down?
This modern Carmelite saint, who died of tuberculosis, is known for her humility, simplicity, piety and
Who is St. Teresa of Lisieux, or the Little Flower?
This is the meaning of the name Michael.
What is “Who is like God?”
This is how old Abraham was when Isaac was born.
What is 100 years?
Believed to have the privilege of bilocation, this 20th century Italian priest also had Christ’s stigmata.
Who is Saint Padre Pio?
Angels came to him and gave him Holy Communion when no priest was available.
Who is St. Stanislaus?
She was the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Who is St. Anne?
This name meaning “Who is like God?” refers to a battle between the fallen angels, Satan and his
followers, and the angels who were faithful.
Who is Michael?
In 258 A.D. this boy saint, while carrying the Eucharist to condemned Christians was stoned because
he would not reveal the Eucharist to some boys who were taunting him.
Who is St. Tarcisius?
Kinsman of Jesus, he was one of the 12 apostles and a martyr. He is patron of the impossible.
Who is St. Jude?
Deacon of the Church of Rome, the Romans believed him to be church treasurer. After his capture and
roasting on their fire, he jokingly said, “Turn me over, for I think I’m done on that side.”
Who is St. Lawrence?
Captured by pirates as a boy and sold, he escaped and returned later to convert the country. He became
the apostle of Ireland.
Who is St. Patrick?
He was crucified on an X-shaped cross and was one of the apostles.
Who is St. Andrew?
Imprisoned in a tower by her father, she was converted by a singing priest. While being martyred,
tradition says the soldiers saw angels coming to carry her soul to Heaven.
Who is St. Barbara?
She was married to the first Catholic king of France, named Clovis.
Who is St. Clotilde?
A Society which today helps the poor is named after this saint who spent his life helping the poor.
Who is St. Vincent de Paul?
This Hungarian saint was loved by the poor. One day according to tradition, while taking food to the
poor, she was stopped and flowers fell out of her cloak.
Who is St. Elizabeth of Hungary?
This saint worked among the galley slaves of the West Indies.
Who is St. Peter Claver?
Patron of the cancer-stricken, he physically attacked a visiting priest before his conversion. He is said
to have been cured of a cancerous sore by Jesus Himself.
Who is St. Peregrine?
A victim soul for God’s divine justice, this young Italian woman suffered the agonies of Christ’s
passion and when she died, became a jewel in Christ’s crown.
Who is St. Gemma Galgani?
This Bishop of Antioch was also a disciple of St. John the Apostle.
Who is St. Ignatius of Antioch?
In the sixth century this Italian monk wrote a Holy Rule for the monastic way of life.
Who is St. Benedict?
This saint made the first manger scene for Christmas.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
As brother and sister who died as children, they were both declared venerable on May 1990. Along
with their cousin, they witnessed six apparitions of our Blessed Mother in Fatima.
Who are Venerable Francisco and Venerable Jacinta?
This saint was a Roman soldier who was put into prison for refusing to fight. To prove he was not a
coward he stood in the front line of a battle field with a cross. He also shared his cloak with a beggar.
Who is St. Martin of Tours?
These saints are the grandparents of Jesus.
Who are St. Ann and St. Joachim?
This saint claimed that he was married to “Lady Poverty”.
Who is St. Francis of Assisi?
This saint and Archangel is represented by the Scales of Justice.
Who is St. Michael?
This is how we refer to the differences between the two apostles named James.
Who are St. James the Greater and St. James the Less?
This saint was declared patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX.
Who is St. Joseph?
This group is traditionally known as God’s Army?
What are angels?
This Archangel is the Prince of Angels because he led the fight against Lucifer and the fallen angels.
Who is St. Michael?
Speaking to Jesus, this saint repeated thrice, “You know that I love you.”
Who is St. Peter?
At the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped and sold into slavery. Legend says that he drove serpents out
of Ireland.
Who is St. Patrick?
This is a symbol of both Christ as well as of St. Agnes.
What is a lamb?
This is the term given to person who dies for his faith.
What is a martyr?
This along with Sacred Scripture, is a source of Revelation.
What is Divine or Sacred Tradition?
This is a mixture of pure olive oil and balm, blessed by the bishop on Holy Thursday, and used in the
administration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and at the consecration of
What is Chrism?
He is known as The Bishop of Rome, with the Eternal City as his diocese.
Who is the pope?
This is the bishop’s staff, symbolic of his pastoral office, used at liturgical functions.
What is a crosier?
This is the declaration made by the pope that one of the faithful, because of a life of virtue or the
heroic death of martyrdom, is entitled blessed, i.e. is living in the happiness of Heaven.
What is beatification?
This religion denies the goodness of creation and believes in reincarnation.
What is Hinduism?
This one word means the same as pope.
What is pontiff?
At the death of a pope, the College of Cardinals gather in this chapel to elect a new pope.
What is the Sistine Chapel?
Christ appointed him to be the first shepherd of the Church.
Who is St. Peter?
This first “ex cathedra” pronouncement in church history was made by St. Peter at the Council of
Jerusalem in 51 AD.
What is the decision to release Gentile Christians from the ceremonial observances of Mosaic law i.e.
Taken from the Greek word meaning “overseer,” he is a divinely instituted member of the Church
hierarchy, having full and complete authority over his appointed territory and under the supreme
authority of the pope.
What is a BISHOP?
This is a declaration made by the pope that one of the faithful, because of a life of virtue or the heroic
death of a martyrdom, is living in the happiness of heaven and may be honored locally or in a religious
community by the title “Blessed”.
This is the written history of God’s saving actions in the lives to the “chosen people”…(the Hebrew or
Jewish people)…preparing them and the world for the coming of the Savior.
What is the Old Testament?
A non-baptized person who is taking instruction to enter the Catholic Church.
Who is a catechumen?
This person is the head of the Ecumenical Council.
Who is the pope.
These are the four marks of the Church.
What are: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic?
This is the feast celebrated 40 days after Easter.
What is the Ascension?
This solemnity honors the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
What is Corpus Christi?
He is the father of the Jewish people.
Who is Abraham?
This book in the New Testament follows in sequence the four Gospels.
What is the Acts of the Apostles?
These are the four Evangelists.
Who are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
This word in Hebrew means “man”.
What is “Adam”?
These are the two main parts of the Bible.
What are the Old Testament and the New Testament?
These are two other names for the Bible.
What are: Scripture or the Word of God?
This is the name for the place of happiness of the first man as recorded in the first two chapters of
What is the Garden of Eden?
Also known as Holy Scripture or the Scriptures, it is the collection of the sacred books of the Jews and
What is the Bible?
This term describes the territory, ecclesiastical province of jurisdiction, governed by an archbishop.
What is an archdiocese?
He was the one who slew Abel.
Who is Cain?
This is the type of wood used to construct the ark.
What is gopherwood?
These small pitchers contain the wine and water which will be used during the Holy Sacrifice of the
What are cruets?
This is a cup with a matching lid, used to hold the Body of Christ which will be given to communicants.
What is the ciborium?
This a piece of linen cloth on which rest the vessels holding the Sacred Species during Mass.
What is the corporal?
This is the dish upon which the Body of Jesus is placed.
What is the paten?
This is a small linen towel the priest uses to cleanse the sacred vessels
What is the purificator?
This is the sacred cup in which the wine becomes the true Blood of Christ during the consecration.
What is the chalice?
This is a linen card about six inches square used to cover the chalice containing the Precious Blood.
What is the pall?
This was Abraham’s name before God changed it to Abraham.
Who is Abram?
This was his name before God changed it to Israel.
Who is Jacob?
This apostle kept the purse for the Apostles.
Who is Judas?
This king was the one who executed John the Baptist.
Who is King Herod (son of Herod the Great)?
This is the term used to describe the children murdered by King Herod the Great.
Who are the Holy Innocents?
This is the country to which Jesus, Mary and Joseph fled to avoid Herod.
What is Egypt?
These are the gifts of the three Wise Men.
What are gold, frankincense and myrrh.
This was the title given to the ancient kings of Egypt.
What is a Pharaoh?
The gift of the Holy Spirit that enables one to be understood by others in whatever language one
What is the gift of tongues?
In the gospel by Matthew, Jesus says that we should forgive our brothers this many times.
What is seventy times seven?
Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, was stricken with this affliction prior to the birth of his son.
What is muteness?
This was the tenth and most devastating plague sent upon Egypt by God.
What is the death of the first born.
This is another name for the Book of Revelation.
What is Apocalypse?
This Moabite woman was admitted to the Davidic line.
Who is Ruth?
Samuel appointed this man the first king of Israel.
Who is Saul?
He was the brother of Moses and high priest of the old Law.
Who is Aaron?
The wife of Abraham gave birth to Isaac in her old age.
Who is Sara? (Gn. 21:2)
On this day of creation God made man.
What is the sixth day? (Gn. 2:24-31) or “What is Friday?”
She is known as the mother of Cain, Abel, and Seth.
Who is Eve? (Gn. 3:20, 4:1)
This high priest and king of Salem prefigured the Eternal High Priest, Jesus Christ, by his sacrifice of
bread and wine.
Who is Melchisedech? (Gn. 14:18-20)
Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice this son.
Who is Isaac? (Gn. 22:2)
This man gave his son Joseph a coat of many colors.
Who is Jacob? (Gen.37:3)
It was she who found Moses in the river. (Ex 2:5-6)
Who is the daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt?
After killing an Egyptian who had struck an Israelite, this Old Testament figure fled to the land of
Who is Moses? (Ex. 2:11-15)
Jesus commisioned Peter as the chief shepherd of His Church with these words.
What are: “Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.” (Jn. 21: 15-17)
This was the son who came to his senses, after leaving home and squandering his inheritance.
Who is the Prodigal Son?
This man knew he would live until he saw the Messiah.
What is St. Simeon?
In the Old Testament, this young son of Jacob was sent to Egypt as a ransom for the food which his
brothers purchased from Joseph during the famine.
Who is Benjamin?
This is what God created on the first day.
What are the heavens, the earth, light and darkness?
The collection of the truths of God recorded under His inspiration.
What is the Bible? (Sacred Scriptures) * only Old or New Testament is incorrect. Old and New T. is
He is better than a strong man.
What is a wise man?
This is the place where Christ said to Peter: “What? Could you not watch one hour with me?”
Where is the Garden of Gethsemani on Mount Olivet or Mount of Olives?
This saint was originally named Saul of Tarsus.
Who is St. Paul?
He was the son of Abraham and Sarah and the father of Esau and Jacob.
Who is Isaac?
He was solemnly commissioned to succeed Moses.
Who is Joshua or Josue?
This text contains the words: “The Lord is my light and my salvation: Whom shall I fear?”
What is Psalm 26?
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were sentenced to burn to death in a furnace. They came out of the
furnace and weren’t harmed at all. This king had sentenced them to die.
Who was Nebuchadnezzar?
This is the Gospel containing the phrase “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.”
What is St. John’s Gospel?
This is the special guidance given by the Holy Spirit to the human authors that allowed them to write
everything God wanted them to write and only that.
What is Divine Inspiration?
This written history is about the birth, life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of
God; as well as the life and growth of the early Church He founded.
What is the New Testament?
He is the son of Adam and Eve who murdered his brother out of jealousy.
Who is Cain?
Sacred enclosure which housed the tablets upon which were inscribed the Ten Commandments.
What is the Ark of the Covenant?
When Adam sinned, God did not abandon mankind. He made this promise to our first parents.
What is: He would send a Redeemer?
This woman called Jesus to her home by saying, “The man you love is sick.”
Who is St. Martha?
This apostle was a fisherman; he followed Our Lord up the mountain to the Transfiguration; he was
present when Jesus brought the dead girl to life; and was near Jesus when He suffered His agony. He
had a fierce temper and was called the son of thunder.
Who is St. James the Greater?
The man who offered his own burial spot for the body of Our Lord.
Who is Joseph of Arimathea?
This book is the written Word of God, committed to His Church for the instruction and sanctification
of mankind.
What is the Bible?
Jesus told this person, “Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.”
Who is St. Martha?
Mary Magdalene poured this on Jesus’ head, a few days before He was put to death.
What is expensive perfume? (Mk 14:3-4)
This is how many days the children of Israel walked around Jericho.
What is seven days?
The meal, to this day, that the Israelites celebrate once a year to thank God for leading them out of
What is the Passover meal?
This is the upper room in Jerusalem where the Last Supper was celebrated and where the Holy Spirit
descended upon the apostles and Our Lady.
What is the cenacle?
At the first Passover, the Angel of Death passed houses that were marked with this.
What is the lamb’s blood?
This king of Babylon made people worship a golden image.
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
This word, taken from the Old English, means “good tidings” or “good news.”
What is the word “Gospel?”
In this sacrament, man and woman are united to bring children into the world and bring them to God.
What is matrimony?
The day on which Jesus rose from the dead.
What is Easter Sunday?
Feast known as “little Christmas.”
What is the Epiphany? (or the feast of the Three Kings)
This is how God created the world.
What is out of nothing?
These are the personal teachings of Jesus, written down by the Evangelists.
What are the Gospels?
This brother of Martha and Mary was brought back to life by Jesus.
Who is Lazarus?
He was responsible for sentencing Jesus to crucifixion.
Who is Pontius Pilate?
After Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, these came to attend to Him.
Who are the angels?
Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see this.
Who is God?
St. Peter, the rock, is the first head of this Church.
What is the Catholic Church?
This term refers to the refraining from eating meat, soups and gravies made from meat.
What is abstinence?
This word describes a priest, brother, or sister who belongs to a religious congregation.
What is a religious?
This is God’s calling of a person to a particular way of life, especially the priesthood or religious life.
What is a vocation?
This is the prayer before meals.
What is: “Bless us, 0 Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty,
through Christ our Lord. Amen”?
These are the four major prayers that constitute the rosary.
What are: “The Apostles’ Creed”, “The Lord’s Prayer”, “The Hail Mary”, and the “Glory be to the
This number constitutes the total number of mysteries in the entire rosary.
What is 15?
These are three vows taken commonly by religious men and women.
What are: poverty, chastity, and obedience?
This prayer is also called the Angelical Salutation.
What is the Hail Mary?
This term describes the calling of one to a religious life, particularly the calling to the priesthood.
What is vocation?
It is made from the hardened resins of various plants or trees that give off an aromatic smoke when
What is incense?
Q:This is the bending of the knee in adoration when one enters a church or passes before the tabernacle,
which contains the Body and Blood of Christ.
What is genuflection?
These are the number of Hail Marys said during a complete 15-decade rosary.
What are 153?
These are the number of Our Fathers said during a complete 15-decade rosary.
What are 16?
This is normally the last prayer said during the recitation of the rosary.
What is the Hail Holy Queen?
This is the decade of the rosary that remembers Christ’s intense spiritual suffering where HE sweat
What is the Agony in the Garden? (or lst Sorrowful Mystery)
This is what we call days on which we are not allowed to eat meat.
What are days of abstinence?
These can be gained for the remission, in whole or part, of sin.
What is an indulgence?
The pope is elected by this body of men.
What is the College of Cardinals?
This is the religious garb of a monk, nun or priest.
What is a habit?
The power to expel demons is given in this Person’s name.
What is Jesus’ name?
This is another name for the Order of Friars minor.
What are the Franciscans?
Raymond’s father told him that he was going to punish him. So, Raymond went to his mother saying
that he was sorry for what he had done, and asked her to speak to his father for him. She did and
Raymond was not punished. This reminds us of our reason for praying to Our Blessed Mother and the
What is to speak for us? (to intercede).
We must do this if we want to receive the graces we need.
What is ask? (ask and you shall receive).
The words in the Act of Faith by which we tell God the reason why we believe in Him.
What is, “You have revealed them. Who can neither deceive, nor be deceived?”
When you say, or hear this Holy Name, it is a sign of reverence to bow your head.
What is the Name of Jesus?
This is the type of prayer in which we ask God to grant our needs.
What is petition?
This prayer contains the chief doctrines of the Catholic faith.
What is the Apostles’ Creed?
These are burned into ashes on Ash Wednesday.
What are last year’s blessed palms?
This is a band or circle of green foliage with three purple candles and one rose candle.
What is an Advent wreath?
This is the Joyful Mystery and the Feast Day on which we celebrate Mary’s visit to her cousin
What is the Visitation (second Joyful Mystery)?
“Amen” means this in Hebrew.
What is “So be it?”
On the first Friday and Saturday of the month, we venerate these aspects of Jesus and Mary.
What are: His Sacred Heart and Her Immaculate Heart?
This is the black ankle length gown worn by clergy.
What is a cassock?
These were the three children of Fatima.
Who are Venerable Jacinta, Venerable Francisco, and Lucia?
Of the three Fatima children, Lucia was related to Francisco and Jacinta in this way.
What is a cousin?
This classification of sin refers to the personal act of sin.
What is actual sin?
This is deciding for oneself what one shall believe and practice instead of accepting the Truth taught
by Christ.
What is heresy?
These are called the seven spiritual works of mercy.
What are: (1) Admonish the sinner. (2) Instruct the ignorant. (3) Counsel the doubtful. (4) Comfort
the sorrowful. (5) Bear wrongs patiently. (6) Forgive all injuries. (7) Pray for the living and the dead?
These are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What are: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel (Right Judgement), Fortitude (Courage), Knowledge,
Piety, and Fear of the Lord?
This is the First Commandment.
What is: I am the Lord your God. You shall not have other gods besides me?
This is the Second Commandment.
What is: You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God, in vain?
This is the Third Commandment.
What is: Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day?
This is the Fourth Commandment.
What is: Honour your father and your mother?
This is the Fifth Commandment.
What is: You shall not kill?
This is the Sixth Commandment.
What is: You shall not commit adultery?
This is the Seventh Commandment.
What is: You shall not steal?
This is the Eighth Commandment.
What is: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour?
This is the Ninth Commandment.
What is: You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife?
This is the Tenth Commandment.
What is: You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods?
This is the virtue by which we truly know ourselves and see that whatever is good in us comes from
What is humility?
This is the special gift that the Holy Spirit gives us.
What is grace?
This word means “loving favour”, and it is a special gift allowing us to share in God’s happiness.(life)
What is grace?
When we are in this state we are sharing in God’s own life - a state of friendship with Him.
What is the state of grace?
This will drive sanctifying grace from our souls.
What is mortal sin?
This is the place of eternal fire.
What is hell?
This is a power to do good or a habit of doing good
What is a virtue?
These are known as the seven capital sins.
What are: pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth?
This sin is inordinate or uncontrolled self-esteem.
What is pride?
This sin is an excessive desire for worldly goods.
What is covetousness?
This is the sin of impure desires.
What is lust?
This sin is the strong, uncontrolled passion of displeasure.
What is anger?
This sin is excessive indulgence in food and/or drink.
What is gluttony?
This sin is sadness at another’s good fortune.
What is envy?
This sin is spiritual, mental or physical laziness which causes a person to neglect his duties.
What is sloth?
This is the chief capital sin.
What is pride?
This is any willful thought, desire, word, action or omission forbidden by the law of God.
What is (actual) sin?
These are called the Cardinal Virtues or Four Chief Moral Virtues.
What are: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance?
This is the official body of Ecclesiastical Law for the Latin Church gathered in a single volume known
as the Code.
What is canon law?
This commandment forbids lying on the witness stand in court.
What is the Eighth Commandment?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and the reign of God is theirs.
Who are the poor in spirit, or those persecuted for holiness’ sake?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and shall be consoled.
Who are the sorrowing? (those who mourn).
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and shall inherit the land.
Who are the lowly? (meek).
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and shall have their fill.
Who are they who hunger and thirst for holiness?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and mercy shall be theirs.
Who are they who show mercy?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and shall see God.
Who are the single-hearted? (pure of heart).
According to the beatitudes, they are blest and shall be called the sons of God.
Who are the peacemakers?
According to the Beatitudes, they are blest and should be glad and rejoice, for their reward is great in
Who are those who are insulted, persecuted, and slandered because of their love of Christ?
This commandment forbids cheating in exams.
What is the Seventh Commandment?
This commandment obliges us to be truthful in taking oaths and faithful in fulfilling vows.
What is the Second Commandment.
This is a theological virtue, a supernatural gift of God by which we love God above all things, and our
neighbor as ourselves for God’s sake.
What is charity (or love)?
A sin against the Second Commandment, it is any thought, word, or action showing contempt for God,
the Blessed Virgin, angels, saints, or religion.
What is blasphemy?
This prayer, said at the beginning of the rosary, encompasses the major beliefs of the Catholic Faith.
What is the Apostles’ Creed?
This is a sin against the First Commandment, in which persons or things are worshiped in the place of
What is idolatry?
One of the seven Capital Sins, it is a sin against justice and charity that consists of an outburst of
emotion followed by a great desire for revenge.
What is anger?
When he came down from Mt. Horeb, Moses found the Israelites practicing this form of worship.
What is idolatry?
They are the invisible and visible head of the Church.
Who are Christ and the pope?
This is the sin one commits by receiving a sacrament unworthily.
What is a sacrilege?
The state of never-ending torments.
What is hell?
Because they indicate the lowest standard of Catholicism, transgression against these laws are grievous
What are the precepts of the Church?
If a person deliberately does something they know to be seriously wrong, he has committed this kind of
What is a mortal sin?
Deliberate refusal to hope in God.
What is despair?
This is temporary help from the Holy Spirit, which tells us what God expects at a certain moment.
What is actual grace?
The theological virtues of faith, hope and charity will no longer be necessary to these souls.
Who are the souls in hell?
When Albert’s mother was sick, he never went to see her or ask how she was. He is guilty of
disobedience, disrespect, or unkindness?
What is unkindness?
This virtue obliges us to love God and our neighbour.
What is charity?
This cardinal virtue enables one to be moderate and controlled in actions and thoughts.
What is temperance?
This is how we should bear wrongs.
What is patiently?
Hatred of God or neighbour, sloth, envy, and scandal, are all sins against this theological virtue.
What is charity (love)?
This is the name given to the virtues of faith, hope and charity.
What are the theological virtues?
This sin destroys Sanctifying Grace and causes the death of the supernatural life of the soul.
What is mortal sin?
This sin is the lying about another person and injuring his good name.
What is calumny? (slander)
This is the Seventh Commandment.
What is “You shall not steal?”
This is the symbol of Hope.
What is an anchor?
This commandment prohibits usury.
What is the Seventh Commandment: “You shall not steal?”
Because Adam and Eve sinned against God, they lost this gift.
What is sanctifying grace or the right to Heaven?
This sin is irreverence to consecrated persons, places or things.
What is sacrilege?
This is the Third Commandment.
What is, “Keep Holy the Lord’s Day?”
This sin was passed down to the whole human race by Adam and Eve.
What is original sin?
An offence against God which does not deprive the sinner of sanctifying grace.
What is venial sin?
These sins are the source of all other human failings.
What are capital sins?
This is Whom we should love with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind and with all
our strength.
Who is the One Lord?
These sacraments are known as the sacraments of the dead.
What are Baptism, Reconciliation, and Anointing of the Sick?
This is the belief in God which we must have in order to save our soul.
What is faith?
This virtue obliges us to trust in God.
What is hope?
They are prudence, justice, temperance and fortitude.
What are the cardinal virtues?
We should go to confession regularly, especially if we commit this.
What is a mortal sin?
This sin is so named because it came down to us through our origin, or descent, from Adam and Eve.
What is original sin?
This is insulting language which expresses contempt for God either directly, or through His Saints and
Holy objects.
What is blasphemy?
This is a bad habit that leads us away from Christian happiness.
What is a vice or sin?
This cardinal virtue is the constant and permanent determination to give everyone his or her rightful
What is justice?
They are faith, hope and charity.
What are the theological virtues?
This is a great truth revealed by God which our limited minds will never be able to wholly understand.
What is a mystery?
By these two ways we can know there is a God.
What are (natural) reason and Revelation?
This is our power to think.
What is reason?
He was the leader of the fallen angels.
Who is Lucifer?
These are spirits or real spiritual beings, without bodies, who have understanding and free will.
What are angels?
This is the most recent doctrine defined by a pope, and is celebrated on Aug. 15 (also a feast day).
What is the Feast of the Assumption?
Ash Wednesday ashes are made from these.
What are palms used on Palm Sunday?
Christ sent to earth this Person so that we might unceasingly be renewed in Him.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
This is how we learn the truth about God apart from what we know by reason.
What is revelation?
Revelation is divided into these two categories.
What are scripture and tradition?
This liturgical symbol has one pink candle and three purple candles.
What is an Advent Wreath?
The Third Commandment declares we must “Keep Holy the Sabbath and attend Mass every Sunday according to the law of this institution.”
What is the Catholic Church?
When Bernadette first saw Our Lady, this was the type of expression on Our Lady’s face
What is a smile?
Our Lady appeared to these two peasant children at La Salette, France in 1846
Who are Melanie and Maximin?
This is known as Jesus’ greatest miracle
What is His Resurrection from the dead?
The act whereby a priest, acting as a judge, representing Christ, passes on to the penitent the remission of sin.
What is absolution from sin?
It was on this day that the Holy Spirit first made Himself known to Jesus’ followers
What is Pentecost?
This, when lighted, indicates Christ is present in the tabernacle
What is the sanctuary lamp?
The term LAVABO refers in this part of the Latin Mass
What is the Ceremony of Purification or Washing of the Priest’s Hands?
This is the day the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles
What is Pentecost?
This is a vessel or device for sprinkling holy water
What is an aspergillum?
We stand at the Gospel to signify this
What is: That we are the followers of Christ?
This is a utility room in which the vestments and sacred vessels are kept and the clergy vest for sacred functions.
What is the sacristy?
Of Noah’s sons, this one’s descendants were the Israelites, God’s “chosen people”
Who is Sem?
This man prophesied that the scepter would not disappear from the line of Juda until the expectation of the nations had come
Who is Jacob?
This Jesuit is known for simplifying complicated doctrine of the Church, writing a Catechism.
Who is St. Robert Bellarmine?
This man from Czechoslovakia went to New York and became the 4th bishop of Philadelphia, and also the first male American to be canonized.
Who is St. John Neumann?
This saint was the only bishop in England who would not agree to King Henry VIII’s divorce.
Who is St. John Fisher?
This missionary priest, sent to Peru in the late 1500s, is called the “Wonder Worker of the New World.”
Who is Fr. Francis Solano?
St. Teresa of Avila, St Catherine of Siena, St. Gertrude and St. Catherine of Genoa all attained a high level of sanctity in their lifetime, and they mystically communicated with God as a supernatural gift. The privilege of this sanctity is also known as this
What is mysticism?
These are the followers of the rule established by St. Benedict shortly before his death in 547
Who are Benedictines?
These are the followers of Mohammedanism
Who are Muslims?
The members of this church are referred to as Mormons
What is the Church of Jesus of Latter-Day Saints?
Before Pope John Paul II, he was the last non-Italian pope to reign
What is Adrian VI (from Holland)?
This is the official teaching office, or authority in the Church, exercised by the pope and the bishops united with him. By Christ’s command, all Christians are solemnly obliged to obey the teachings of this authority.
What is the magisterium?
He was the husband of Salome, and father of James the Greater and John the Evangelist
Who is Zebedee?
This king of the Hebrew nation is considered the most important composer of the Psalms
Who is David?
King Solomon, during his reign, built a grand temple for worship on the slope of this mountain
What is Mount Moriah?
While in prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of these two servants of the Pharaoh
Who are the chief butler and baker?
This king danced before the Lord
Who is King David?
It is here that the just in the Old Testament were received by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
What is Abraham’s bosom?
This is the meaning of the name Lucifer
What is “Light Bearer”?
This is what members of a religious community do in a refectory
What is eat?
This article, made of wool, was given to St. Simon of Stock
What is a Brown Scapular?
This is a term applied applied to representations of the dead Christ in art
What is the Pieta?
Before the bishop gives a book his imprimatur, it is examined by this cleric for error
What is a censor?
These are the words which define imprimatur
What are “Let it be printed?”
The high priest who condemned Jesus was Caiphas, however, before being brought before Caiphas, Jesus was brought before this man, the father-in-law of Caiphas.
Who is Annas?
This is a judgement of the intellect, dictating what is to be done as a morally right, or what is to be avoided as morally wrong according to the Law of God
What is conscience?
This is a penalty inflicted by the Church for a grave and unrepented crime
What is excommunication?
He is the head of the Body, the Church
Who is Christ?
A sin against the virtue of charity whereby a person furnishes the occasion of sin to another
What is scandal?
This is the study of God and His attributes
What is Theology?
Agnes says: “I hate to tell lies because I know they offend God. But just the same I do tell lies because I am weak that way. I do not know what to do.” Give two ways Agnes could get help
What are: 1. Pray- 2. Receive Sacraments - 3. Penance - 4. Good works (any two of these)?
This is what helps us judge whether our actions are good or bad
What is conscience?
The place of rest where the souls of the just awaited their redemption
What is Limbo?