Rawls Flashcards
What are the two principles of Justice (Remember Lexical)
1) Each person is entitled to a scheme of equal basic liberties, which is compatible with the same scheme of liberties for others (ex.right to vote, right to property)
2) Social and economic inequalities are only permissible if they satisfy two conditions:
a) careers and positions open to all who are equally talented and equally motivated (Fair Equality of Opportunity)
b) Inequalities are permissible only if they are to the benefit of the least advantaged
What is Formal Equality of Opportunity?
This principle holds that it is enough for there to be a free
market competition for positions etc. to achieve a just result.
- Same legal rights
- Bad because initial luck gives people an advantage
- Don’t care about actual equality just that there are no formal restrictions
What is Fair Equality of Opportunity?
- The goal is to create a “fair” playing field for all
- Not levelling down
- Starting place in society should not influence success
- This principle holds that careers and positions should be
open to all who are equally talented and equally motivated. - Ex public education
What is the difference principle
Inequalities should have the greatest benefit on the least advantaged members of society
What is the principle of Redress
- Eliminate/redress underserved inequalities through compensation and redistribution
- Focus on those with fewer native endowments and/or born into less favorable conditions (e.g. more resources in education, skills training)
- Susceptible to “levelling down” objection
- Similar intent to difference principle, but different mechanisms/rationale