Philosophy final Flashcards
Free Will + Moral Responsibility (Two Questions)
- What is it to act (or choose) freely?
- What is it to be morally responsible for one’s actions (or choices)?
What is a necessary condition for moral responsibility?
Free will
What is determinatinism
History of the universe is fixed; everything that happens is necessitated by what happens before; nothing can happen otherwise
- We live in a universe that is (as far as we know) governed by mechanistic laws
The Basic Argument
Step 1: You perform action X in situation Y because of the way you are (ex brain chemistry, early up bringing, genetic inheritance, etc)
Step 2: Genuin responsibility requires being responsible for the way you are
Step 3: You can’t be responsible for the way you are: Therefore you are not responsible
Step 4: The way you are is fundamentally shaped by your factors you do not control
Step 5: Any attempt to change the way you are (or any level of success you can achieve) constrained/determined by the way you are
What is the problem of free will?
Setting off potential infinite regress
Requires “self-origination” - one would have have to be CAUSA SUI (self caused cause…which is self-contradictory/unitelligible)
- Self-origination a NECASSARY CONDITION for moral responsibility…therefore no moral responsibility
What is the role of Luck or Chance
Everything comes down to good/bad luck (e.g initial circumstances, mental nature, etc)