Raster Flashcards
Raster Data Model
Spatial data that is made up of pixels. Useful for storing date that varies continuously.
Nodata Pixels
Pixels in a raster whose value is unknown
Value Field
A list of each unique cell value in the raster dataset
Count Field
The number of cells in the raster dataset with the cell value in the value field
Feature to Raster Tool
A tool which converts any feature class that contains a point, line, or polygon to a raster dataset.
Analysis Environments
The workspace into which results will be placed and the extent, cell size, and coordinate system of results.
Raster Zones
Consist of cells that are adjacent, disconnected, or both. Usually represents a single feature of an area, such as a building or road.
Raster Regions
Each group of connected cells in a zone.
Region Group Tool
Geoprocessing tool that records, for each cell in the output, the identity of the connected region to which that cell belongs
Zonal Statistics
A common spatial analysis procedure that calculates statistics on cell values of a raster (a value raster) within the zones defined by another dataset
Zonal Histograms
Creates a table and histogram graph that shows the frequency distribution of cell values on the value input for each unique zone.