Rapid Review Common Diagnosis Findings Flashcards
gout, intellectual disability, self-mutilation in boy
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (HGPRT deficiency), X-linked
situs inversus, chronic ear infections, sinusitis, bronchiectasis, infertility
Kallman syndrome, dynenin arm defect of the cilia
blue sclera
osteogenesis imperfecta 1 (collagen 1 deficit)
elastic skin, hypermobility, increased bleeding tendency
Ehlers-Danlos (type 5 collagen defect, type 3 collagen defect seen in vascular ED)
arachnodactyly, pectus deformity, lens dislocation downward)
Homocystinuria (AR inheritance)
u/l cafe-au-lait spots, polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, MEN abnormalities
McCune-Albright syndrome (Gs protein activating mutation)
meconium ileus in neonate, recurrent pulm infections, nasal polyps, pancreatic insuffiency, infertility/subfertility
CF (CFTR gene defect, ch7, Ph508 deletion)
calf pseudodystrophy
Muscular Dystrophy (most commonly Duchenne, X-linked R, frameshift mutation in dystrophin gene)
child who uses arms to get up from squat
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Gowers sign)
infant w/ cleft lip/palate, microcephaly/holoprosencphaly, polydactyl, cutis aplasia
Patau syndrome (tri 13)
infant w/ microcephaly, rocker-bottom feet, clenched hands, structural heart defect
Edwards Syndrome (tri 18)
single palmer crease
Downs Syndrome (tri 21)
confusion, opthalmoplegia/nystagmus, ataxia
Wernicke Encephalopathy
dilated cardiomyopathy/HOHF, edema, alcholism or malnutrition
Wet beriberi (thaiamine B1 def)
burning feet syndrome
Vit B5 def
dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea
pellagra (niacin, Vit B3 def)
swollen gums, mucosal bleeding, poor wound healing, petechiae
scurvy (Vit C def, can’t hydroxylate proline/lysine for collagen synthesis); tea & toast diet
bowlegs in children, bone pain, muscle weakness
rickets (kids), osteomalacia (adults), vit D deficiency
hemorrhagic disease of newborn w/ inc PT, inc PTT
vit K def
black-bluish CT, ear cartilage, sclerae; urine turns black on prolonged exposure to air
alkptonuria (homogentisate oxidase def; orchronosis)
chronic exercise intolerance w/ myalgia, fatigue, painful cramps, myoglobinuria
McArdle disease (skeletal muscle glycogen phophorylase def)
infant w/ hypoglycemia, heptaomegaly
Cori disease (debranching enzyme def)
Von Gierke (G6PD, more severe)
myopathy, infantile hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, exercise intolerance
Pompe disease (lysosomal a1-4 glucosidase def)
cherry red spots in macula
Tay-Sachs (ganglioside acculumalation)
Nieman Pick (sphingomyelin acccumulation)
central retinal artery occulsion
hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, osteoporosis, avascular necrosis of femoral head, bone crisis
Gaucher disease (glucocerebrosidase B-glucosidase def)
achielles tendon xanthoma
familial hypercholesterolemia (dec LDL receptor signaling)
recurrent neisseria infection
terminal complement def (C5-C9)
anaphylaxis following blood transfusions
IgA def
male child, no mature B cells, recurrent infections
Bruton dis (X-linked agammaglobulinemia)
recurrent cold, noninflammed abcesses, ezcema, high serum IgE, inc eosinophils
hyper-IgE syndrome (Job syndrome: neutrophil chemotaxis abnormality)
late separation (>30days) of umbilical cord, no pus, recurrent skin & mucosal bacterial infections
leukocyte adhesion def (type 1, def LFA-1 integrin)
recurrent infections & granulomas w/ catalase+ organisms
chronic granulomatous disease (defect NADPH oxidase)
fever, vomitting, diarrhea, desquating rash f/u use of nasal pack/tampon
staph toxic shock syndrome
strawberry tongue
scarlet fever
kawaski disease
colon cancer diagnosed a few yrs after endocarditis
strept bovis
abd pain, dirrhea, leukcocytosis, recent antibiotics
C diff infection
flaccid paryalsis of newborn s/p honey
C botulinum infection (floppy baby syndrome)
tonsillar pseudomembrane w/ bull’s neck appearance
C diphtheria infection
back pain, fever, night sweats
pott disease (vertrbral TB)
adrenal insufficency, fever, DIC
waterhouse-friderischsen syndrome (meningococcemia)
red “currant jelly” sputum in pts w/ alcohol overuse or diabetes
Klebesiella pneumoniae
large rash w/ bull’s eye appearance
erythema mirgrans from ixodes tick bite (lyme disease borrelia)
ulcered lesion on genitals, nonpainful, indurated
chancre (1 syphillis)
ulcerated lesion on genitals, painful w/ exudate
chancroid (hae ducreyi)
pupil accommodates but no react to light
neurosyphillis (argyll robertson pupil)
smooth, moist, painless wart-like white lesion on genitals
condyloma lata (2 syphillis)
fever, chills, headache, myalgia f/u antibiotic tx for sphyllis
jarisch-herxheimer reaction (due to host response to sudden release of bacterial antigens)
slow, progressive weakness in boys
Becker musclar dystrophy (Xlinked non-frameshift, deletions in dystrophin, less severe)
dog/cat bite w/ resulting infection (cellulitis, osteomyeliis)
pasteruella multicida (cellulits at incoluation site)
atypical pneumo w/ xray looking worse than pt
mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
rash on palms/soles
coxsackie A, 2 sphyillis, rocky moutain spotted fever
black eschar on face w/ patient w/ DKA and/or neutropenia
mucor/rhizopus fungal infection
chorioreinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calicifactions
congenital toxo
pruitis, serpingious rash after walking barefoot
hookworm (ancylostoma, necator americanus)
child w/ fever that develops red rash on face then spreads to body
parvo B19, erythema infectiousosm
fever, cough, conjunctivitis, coryza, diffuse rash
small, irregular red spots on buccal/lingual mucosa w/ blue-white centers
koplik spots (measles=rubeola virus)
paramxymovirus (ssRNA linear, enveloped)
bounding pulses, wide pulse pressure, diastolic heart murmur, head bobbing
aortic regurgitation
systolic EJECTION murmur (C-D), narrow pulse pressure, pulsus parvus et tardus
aortic stenosis
continuous machine like murmur
PDA (close w/ indomethacin; open w/ PGE)
chest pain on exertion
stable> w/ moderate exertion
unstable> w/ minimal exertion/rest
chest pain w/ ST depressions on ECG
angina> neg troponins
NSTEMI> pos troponins
chest pain, pericardial effusion/friction rub, persistent fever following MI
Dressler syndrome (autoimmune-mediated post-MI fibrinous pericarditis, 2wk-months after acute episode)
distant heart sounds, distended neck veins, hypotension
beck triad of cardiac tamponade
painful, red lesions on pads of fingers/toes
oslers nodes (infective endocarditis, immune complex deposition)
painless, red lesion on palms/soles
janeway lesions (infective endocarditis, septic emboli/microabcesses)
splinter hemorrhages in fingernails
bacterial endocarditis
retinal hemorrhages w/ pale centers
roth spots (bacterial endocarditis)
telengectiasa, recurrent nosebleds, skin discolorations, AV malformations, GI bleeding, hematuria
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasias (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome)
polyuria (water diuresis), polydipsia
primary polydypsia, DI (central, nephrogenic)
no lactation postpartum, absent menstraion, cold intolerance
sheehan syndrome (PPH leading to pit infarct)
heat intolerance, weight loss, palpitations
cold intolerance, weight gain, brittle hair
cutaneous/dermal edema due to deposition of mucopolysaccharides in CT
myxedema (via hypothyroidism, Graves disease (pretibial))
facial muscle tapping>spasm
Chovstek sign (hypocalcemia)
carpal spasm upon inflation of BP cuff
Trousseau sign (hypocalcemia)
deep, labored breathing/hyperventilation
DKA (Kussmaul respirations)
skin hyperpigmentation, orthostatic hypotension, fatigue, weakness, muscle aches, weight loss, GI disturbances
Addison’s disease (primary adrenal insuff)
inc ACTH, inc alpha-MSH
shock, AMS, vomitting, abd pain, weakness, fatigue,
acute adrenal insuff (adrenal crisis)
pancreatic, pituitary, parathyroid tumors
MEN1 (AD MEN1 mutation)
thyroid tumors, pheochromo, ganglioneuromatosis, Marfanoid habitus
MEN 2B (AD RET mutation)
thyroid + parathyroid tumors, pheochromo
MEN 2A (AD RET mutation)
cutaneous flushing, dirrhea, bronchospasm, heart murmur
carcinoid syndrome (inc 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid)
jaundice, palpable distended non-tender GB
Courvoisier sign (distal malignant obstruction of biliary tree)
vomitting blood 2/2 GE lacerations
mallory-weiss syndrome (alcohol use disorder, bulemia)
dysphagia (esophageal webs), glossitis, iron def anemia
plummer-vinson syndrome (may progress to esophageal SQUAMOUS cell carcinoma0
enlarged, hard L supraclavicular node
virchow node (abd metastsis)
hematemesis, melana
upper GI bleed (ie PUD)
lower GI bleed (ie colonic diverticulosis)
athralgias, adeopathy, cardiac & neurological symtoms, dirrhea
Whipple’s disease (tropheryma whippeli), PAS+
severe RLQ pain w/ palpation of LLQ
rovsing sign (acute appenditicits)
secere RLQ pain w/ deep tenderness
McBurney point (acute appendicitis)
harmatomous GI polyps, hyperpigmented macules on mouth, feet, hands, genitals
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (inherited, benign polyposis can cause bowel obstruction; inc cancer risk, mainly GI)
multiple colon polyps, osteomas/soft tissue tumors, impacted/supernumary teeth
gardner syndrome (subtype FAP)
severe jaundice in neonate
Crigler-Najjar syndrome (congenital unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia)
golden brown rings around peripheral cornea
Wilson disease (K-F rings due to copper accum)
female, fat, forty, fertile
painless jaundice w/ enlarged GB
cancer of pancreatic head obstructing bile duct
blue line on gums
lead poisoning (Burton line)
short stature, cafe-au-lait spots, thumb/radial defects, inc incidence of tumors/leukemia, aplastic anemia
fanconi anemia (genetic loss of DNA crosslink repair> often progress to AML)
red/pink urine in AM, fragile RBCs
paryoxsomal noctural hemoglobinuria
painful blue fingers/toes, hemolytic anemia
cold agglutinin disease (autoimmune hemolytic anemia cause by Mycoplasma pneumo, infectious mono, CLL)
petechiae, mucosal bleeding, prolonged bleeding time
platelet disorders (Glanzmann thrombobasthemia, Bernard Soulier, HUS, TTP, ITP)
fever, night sweats, weight loss
B symptoms of malignancy
skin patches/plaques, Pautier microabsecces, atypical T cells
mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T cell lymphoma)
or Sezery syndrome (mycosis fungoides + malignant T cells in blood)
neonate w/ arm paralysis f/u difficult birth, arm in “waiter’s tip” position
Erb-Duchenne palsy (superior trunk C5-C6 brachial plexus injury)
bone pain, bone enlargement, arthritis
osteitis deformans (Paget dis of bone, inc osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity)
swollen, hard, painful finger joints in elderly, pain worse w/ activity
OA (osteophytes on PIP “Bouchard”, DIP “Heberden”)
sudden swollen painful big toe joint, thypi
gout/podagra (hyperuricemia)
needle shaped monourate sodium crystals, neg birefring
dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis
sjogren syndrome ( autoimmune destriction of exocrine glands)
urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis in male
reactive arthritis w/ HLA B27
cervical lymphadenopathy, desquam rash, coronary aneurysms, red conjunctivae and tongue, hand-foot changes
kawasaki disease (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, treat w/ IVIG + aspirin)
palpable purpura on butt/legs, joint pain, abd pain (child), hematuria
immunoglobulin A vasculitis (Henoch-schonlein purpura, affects skins + kidneys)
dark purple skin/mouth nodules in AIDS+
kaposi sarcoma HHV8
pruritic, purple, polygonal planar papules & plaques
lichen planus
sawtooth inflitrate of lymphcytes at dermal-epidermal junction. associated HepC
ataxia, nystagmus, vertigo, dysarthria,
cerebellar lesion (lateral affects voluntary movement of extremities; medial affects axial & proximal movement)
hyperphagia, hypersex, hyperoral
Kluver-Bucy (b/l amygdala lesion)
lucid interval s/p TBI
epidural hematoma (MMA rupture, branch of maxillary artery off external carotid)
worst headache of life
subarachnoid hemorrhage
dysphagia, horseness, no gag reflex, nystagmus, i/l horner syndrome
lateral medullary syndrome (PICA lesion)
resting tremor, ridigidty, akinesia, postural instability, shuffling gait, micrographia
parkinson disease (loss of dopaminergic neurons in SN pars compacta)
chorera, dementia, caudate degeneration
huntington disease (AD CAG repeat expansion)
urinary incontine, gait apraxia, cognitive dysfxn
normal pressure hydrocephalus
nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech, b/l internuclear opthalmoplegia
rapidly progressive limb weakness that ascends 2/2 GI/URI
guillan-barre (ascending flaccid paralysis, demyelinating)
cafe-au-lait spots, lisch nodules of iris, cutaneous neurofibromas, pheochromo, optic gliomas
NF 1, ch17
port wine stain on face
nevus flammeus (benign, assoc w/ Sturge-Weber syndrome)
RCC b/l, hemiangiblastoma, angiomatosis, pheochrmo
VHL (deletion of VHL 3p)
b/l vestibular schwannomas
NF2, chr 22, merlin
hyperreflexia, hypertonia, Babinski, spastic parylasis
hypotonia, hyporeflexia, fasciculations, atrophy,
flaccid limb weakness, fasciculations, atrophy, bulbar palsy
staggering gait, frequent falls, nystagmus, hammer toes, DM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Fredrick Ataxia (GAA trinucleotide repeat)
u/l facial droop spares forehead
UMN lesion or cortex area infarct
episodic vertigo, tinnitus, sensorineural hearing loss
Meniere disease
ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis,
Horner’s syndrome (cervical chain ganglia)
conjugate horizontal gaze palsy, horizontal diplopa
internuclear ophthalmopelgia (damage to MLF)
waxing/waning level of consciousness (acute onset), dec attention span, dec level of arousal
delirium (2/2 other causes0
polyuria, RTA 2, growth retardation, electrolyte changes, hypoPO34- rickets
fanconi syndrome (multiple combined dysfxn of the PCT)
perioribital/peripheral edema, proteinuria (3.5+/day), hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia
nephrotic syndrome:
1. nodular glomerulosclerosis “kimsel-weil” body
2. focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
3. minimal change disease “effacement”
4. membraous nephropathy “spike & dome”
5. amyloidosis
hereditary nephritis, sensoirneural hearing loss, retinopathy, lens dislocation
alport syndrome (type 4 collagen mutation)
wilms tumor, marcoglossia, organomegaly, hemihyperplasia, omphalocele
Beckwidth-Wiedmann syndrome (WT2 mutation0
streak ovaries, congential heart disease, horseshoe kidney, cystic hygroma, short, webbed neck, lyphmedema
turner syndrome (45, XO)
red, itchy, swollen rash nipple/areola
Paget disease of breast (underlying carcinoma)
ovarian fibroma, ascites, pleural effusion
Megs syndrome
fibrous plauqes in tunica albuginea of penis w/ abnormal curvature
peyronie disease (CT disorder)
hypoxemia, polycythemia, hypercapnia
chronic bronchitis (hypertrophy and hyperplasis of mucous cells, blue bloater)
pink complexion, dyspnea, hyperventilation
emphysema, “pink puffer”
centriacinar> smoker
panaciner> A1A def
b/l hilar adenopathy, uveitis
sarcoidosis (noncaseating granulomas)