Random rerenga Flashcards
They fell asleep (were overcome with sleep)
I warea rātou te moe
We have the same nan
Nō tāua te kuia rā
Don’t be the same as your dad
Kaua e pērā i tō pāpā
We are from the same place
Nō te wāhi kotahi māua
Do you still live in the same place?
Kei tērā whare tonu koe e noho ana?
Watch out for that
Kia tūpato koe i/ki tēnā
I’m waiting for the bus
E tatari ana au i/ki te pahi
I’m going for a shower
E haere ana au ki te horoi
He’s looking for his shoe
E rapu ana ia i tana hū
Turned upside down
Kua huri kōaro
topic of the sentence
marau o te rerenga
The children are going to the river to swim
E haere ana ngā tamariki ki te awa kaukau ai
Mel is going to the store to buy food
E haere ana a Mel ki te toa hoko kai ai
The birds sing in the morning
Waiata ai ngā manu i te ata
Every day, the children go to school
Ia rā, haere ai ngā tamariki ki te kura
You dive into the sea, and then come back up
Ka ruku koe ki te moana, ka puta (ake) ai ki runga
I will count it and then let you know the total
Māku e tatau, ka whakamōhio ai ki a koe te tapeke
How are you getting to your destination?
Mā hea koe haere atu ai?
When did you arrive?
Ināhea/nōnahea koe i tae mai ai?
When will you go to Auckland?
Āhea koe haere atu ki Tāmaki?
Why did you go?
He aha koe i haere atu ai?
Why is Pita returning on Saturday?
He aha a Pita e hoki mai ai ā te Rāhoroi?
Why did you stay at home?
Nā te aha koe i noho ai ki te kāinga?
Have strength to eat so that you can play well on Saturday
Kia kaha te kai e pakari ai tō tākaro ā te Rāhoroi
Fill your car with petrol, and then go to Wellington
Whakakīia tō waka ki te penehīni, ka haere ai ki Whanganui-a-Tara
Speak the language in order for it to survive
E ora ai te reo kōrerohia
The way I see it
Ki aku nei titiro
I am able to climb that mountain
Ka taea e au tērā maunga te piki
All my work for the day has not yet been finished
Kāore anō kia oti āku mahi katoa mō te rā nei / Kāore anō āku mahi katoa kia oti mō te rā nei
How do you say…?
Me pēhea te kī/kōrero…?
Remind me, what is the word ____?
Whakamārama mai, he aha te kupu ____?
What kind of car do you have? I have a Volvo
He aha tōu waka? He Volvo tōku waka
I have one pen
Kotahi taku pene
I don’t have a car (any cars)
Kāore aku motokā
Where were you before this?
I hea koe i mua i tēnei?
What will you do before you go to sleep?
Ka aha koe i mua i tō hoki ki te moe?
How long is the journey? Twenty minutes.
Pēhea te roa o te haere? E rua tekau miniti te haere.
I have a lot of love for you (I love you)
Ka nui tōku aroha mōu
You are loved by me (I love you)
Ka arohaina koe e au
Your turn
Kei a koe / Ki a koe
Turn around
Tahuri mai / E huri
Turn the tap off
Tāputia te korerewai
Turn your t-shirt inside out
Kohukia tō tīhate / (Huri) kōarotia tō tīhate
Can you take a photo of us?
Māu māua e whakaahua? / Whakaahuatia māua?
Can you take me to the shop?
Māua ahau e kawe ki te toa?
Take your hat off
Unuhia/tangohia tō pōtae
Just drop it!
Kāti! Whakamutua!
I dropped him (fight)
Nāku ia i hinga / I mīere au i a ia
I dropped her off home
I whakahokia ia e au ki tōna whare / Nāku ia ia whakahoki ki te kainga
My maro dropped on stage
I makere tāku maro i te atamira
Can you help me?
Āwhina mai? / Māu au e āwhina
Can you pass me the salt?
Tēnā, hōmai te tote / Ki a au te tote?
Can we have a break?
Me whakatā tātou?
Can I go with you?
Māku e haere ki tōu taha? / Ka haere ngātahi tāua? / Kei te pai ki te haere au ki tō taha?
There’s no point, it’s no use
Kāore (kau) he take [can use on its own or e.g. Kāore he take o te tangi mō te maringitanga o te waiū kau]
Absolutely nothing, it doesn’t matter to me
kāore (kau) he aha… [e.g. Kāore kau he aha i Taihape - there’s absolutely nothing in Taihape]
Remind me, what’s the word for…?
Whakamārama mai, he aha te kupu … ?