Kīwaha Flashcards
not able, not a chance, not at all, missed completely, to no avail, no success, no such luck, no way, no show
auare ake
nd also, and furthermore, as well as that, and what’s more - an idiom used to add a further idea to that which has already been stated.
ka mutu
be watchful! be careful(?)
kia hiwa rā, matāra
See you whenever
Hei te tau tītoki
Go anywhere you like
Haere ki wīwī, ki wāwā
When some problem looks likely
He raruraru kei te haere
With sharp bird’s eyes, and quick moving feet, land at a distance will soon be gained - A saying to inspire the young or to urge travelers on to their destination
Pipitori ngā kanohi, kōkōtaia ngā waewae, henua i mamao tēnei rawa
Supposed to be (We’re supposed to be going to Raglan)
Te tikanga (Te Tikanga, ka haere tātou ki Whāingaroa)
Don’t let it (a mistake made) worry you
Hei aha!
Never mind, not to worry
Aua atu!
How good it that
Auahi ana
That is fantastic
Kia (pai) mai hoki
Going from (bad) to (worse)
Nā wai i (kino) (katahi) ka (kino) kē atu
It’s pretty amazing
Ehara i te hanga
Me uaua ka
Look what (you’ve) got (us) into
Nā wai hoki … i a
An overwhelming feeling
Rere ana te
I’m surprised
Te hia
For a long time
Aua atu
So many (goodness knows how many)
E hia kē nei
Something is about to take place / Something will happen soon
Kua … tonu
You should have (you should have told me)
Ka mahue (ka mahue tō kōrero mai)
In time (give it time)
He wā e taka
Try as you may (until the cows come home) - ‘Try as you may to pull the horse, it will never budge’
Ki konā … ai - Kia konā koe kumekume ai te hoiho, e kore e neke
Expressing a lack of desire to do something
Kāore au mō (te haere atu) (tēnā)
Do it yourself
Māu anō koe e kuhu
What else?
He aha atu?
Poor you / How sad / What a pity
Ka aroha (hoki)
very well, you don’t say, yes indeed, for sure, certainly
āe mārika!
Good job, serves you right
Anā tō kai
Not a chance, no way
Engari mō tēnā
(Trouble) is brewing
He (raru) kei te haere
Whatever, pfft
He aha hoki
Don’t let it bother (you)
Hei aha (māu)
Never mind (yours)
Hei aha (tāu)
Let’s go, we’re off
Hoake taua/tātou
You’re on your own
Hoea tō waka
Angry, annoyed
Ka puku te rae (o Rona) - also Ka puku tōna rae, etc.
Dog tucker (a curse)
Kai a te kurī
Thank goodness, phew
Nothing can be done
Kāore e taea te pēhea
(You’re) great at (haka)
Kei a (koe) mō te (haka)
(I’m) down in a heap, defeated
Kei raro (ahau) e putu ana
(You’re) amazing
Kei runga noa atu (koe)
Kei tawhiti
(They’re) one and the same
Ko (rāua rāua)
Who knows?
Ko wai e mōhio?
Straight to it
Kotahi atu (e.g. kotahi atu a Claire ki a Diego, kotahi atu ia ki te take)
Full as a bull
Kua puta a Pito
What good will that do?
Mā tērā ka aha?
Get on with it
Mahia atu
Thank goodness for (you)
Mei kore ake (koe/ingoa)
Don’t go yet
Taihoa e haere
I’ll get you, just you wait
Taihoa koe i a au
It seems as though
Te āhua nei
What a load of (rubbish)
Tēnā (rūkahu) tēnā
Supposed to
Tōna tikanga [e.g. ka ua i tēnei rā]
Be quiet
Be quick
Kia kakama
Lost the plot
Kua hē ngā rā
No wonder
Nā whai anō
That’s beautiful!
Te ātaahua hoki!
Out in the beyond
Kei tua o tāwauwau
I couldn’t say anything for the hospitality
Kāore i kō atu i a koutou mō te manaaki manuhiri
At sometime in the future
Ā tōna wā
What a stubborn person
Te mutunga mai o te ūpoko mārō!
The forehead has become furious - denotes a person is angry
Kua puku te rae
You can talk!
Māu te kōrero!
As if…
Anō nei…
What are you going to do?
Māu ka aha?
All over the place (e.g. when someone is late)
Kua hē ngā rā
Tū te ihu
I’ll get you
Akuni koe i a au
Skux delux
Taiea ana
Better than nothing, at least that’s something
Mā te aha i tēnā
You bet
E mea ana koe
although, in spire of, even though
You’d better watch it!
Ākuanei / Ākuni / Ākene / Ēkene koe i a au!
Really? Is that so? Well I never!
I nē?