Kupu Whakarite Flashcards
People that question, challenge, and encourage discussion, ‘ruffle feathers’.
manu tutetute
The sun is at its zennith.
Kua noi te rā ki runga.
hard worker/leader
ringa whero / ringa raupaha
speaker/orator on behalf of iwi/hapu
kākā tarahae
tauihu o te waka taua/leader/canoe figurehead
pītau whakareia
leader who has many followers (apataki)
taniwha hikuroa
someone will a beautiful singing voice
manu tioriori
someone or something who leads
He whetu takiaho
glimmer of light, one of the shining stars
I tōna wā he hīnātori [koutou] i te pōuri, ināianei he whetū mārama [koutou] [mō te kaupapa]
brightest star in the sky [person]
He whetu tāraki ki runga
Shooting stars - when a person is all over the place
Me te kōtiritiri
a dreamer, someone with their head in the clouds
Waewae kai kapua / Waewae kaipukiaka [“Hoki mai ki te aroaro whenua!”]
the sheltering cloud (return to the hau kainga/maunga)
te kapua whakapipi
two whakapapa lines
Uenuku tuwae[wae]rua
morning, a new day, a good day for kids to play outside
He rangi mokopuna
when someone or some event is the reason for one’s happiness
[E tama/hine] whakawhiti o te rā
a leader, instructor (day or night)
He rite kōrua ki te marama rāua ko te rā
moon has pulled the nighttime up from the earth/day
Kua tōia mai te kākahu o te pō e te marama
Tama-nui-te-rā (sun) rising
Tōia mai na e tama i te rā kahu o te awatea
We need your help
He kākano o te pūriri mātou, kei te hiahia mātou i tāu āwhina / Ko mātou ngā rākau pūriri, ko koutou ngā kererū whakahora kākano
A peacemaker, a person who can settle disputes
E te whakaaio i te whenua
Hospitable person
He tangata marae koe
Annoying person
He namu ngau
The anger has been settled
Kua huripokia te waka tauā
Someone with a beautiful reo/karanga/waiata voice
E ngā reo wainene o te motu
Mihi to the wai, iwi of the motu
E ngā rau roma o te motu
A liar, cunning, deceiving
He waha hukahuka
A hard worker (the hand that pulls the weeds)
Tēnā te ringa tango parahia
A good person at saying yes, but doesn’t do the work (accept in the evening, reject in the morning)
Tūtohu ahiahi, whakarere hāpara
Addressing people from all over the country / all directions
E ngā hau e whā…
The multiple rivers affiliated with the many canoes across the country, multitudes of people
Ngā rau awa o ngā waka o te motu
Elevated mountains of ancient times, a mihi to the maunga whakahī of each person
Maunga whakahī o tāukiuki rā anō
Multiple knots of the vigorous tōtara - i.e. many skills, experience
Pūioio rau o te tōtara haemata
The many spirals of the tattooed face - ‘two-faced’
Ngā rauru o kurumatarērehu
Just like someone who sings like a bellbird at dawn
He rite ki te kōpara e kō nei i te ata
First victim
Ika i te ati / mātāngaohi