Random Knowledge Flashcards
- Oxygen mask (if required)- Don & 100%
- Crew Communication- Establish
- Oxygen Mask- Don & 100%
- Crew Communications- Establish
- Captain assumes PF duties
- Control Wheel- Assume manual control and override runaway
- Stab Trim Disconnect- Push, hold, and release
- Wheel Brakes- Release momentarily
- PM will select Antiskid to off
- Wheel Brakes- Reapply as required
- Reverse Thrust- Apply maximum until stopping assured
Crew coordination steps
1) PF- maintain aircraft control
2) Identify non-normal (cancel warning)
3) Accomplish immediate action items (if applicable-memorized or QRC)
4) CA assigns PF
5) Complete QRH procedures
6) Analyze and develop plan
Minimum alternate fuel
1500 lbs
Minimum fuel for go around
600 lbs/wing
Max AC load on engine
40 kva
ADG min speed needed
135 kts to power
What does ADG power?
Essential bus
-slats/flaps 1/2 each motor
-hydraulic pump 3B (primary flight controls)
-Stab ch 2
CA does takeoff if vis is?
Less than 1600 RVR or 1/4sm
Steady state idle engine oil pressure
25 psi minimum
Tire limit ground speed (700/900)
700- 182 kts
900- 195 kts
On flight less than 1 hour, which wx do you use?
METAR or TAF- whichever is worse
Pax O2 time
13 minutes
Max DC load on each TRU
120 amps
What does TRU stand for and what do they do?
Transformer rectifier units
Transforms 120 volt AC power into 28 volt DC power
Cargo carry limitation
Flight must be within 60 minutes of a suitable airport if cargo is carried in either cargo compartment.
Slow release cargo fire extinguisher only lasts 60 minutes.
Aircraft required forms/manuals
1) airworthiness cert
2) registration
3) FCC license
4) EFB
5) normal checklist (2 avail, 1 req)
6) QRC (2 avail, 1 req next to PM)
7) QRH
EFB required documents
EFB STAR, POH, FOM, MEL, CDL, GNG, NEF, system resets (manual), HOT tables, RCAM/OLD tables, speed book, air carrier insurance document, international ferry auth letters (if needed)
Air start ITT
Minimum ambient temperature approved for takeoff
Maximum ambient temperature for TOL
ISA + 35*C
RVSM required equipment
1)Autopilot- must be operational
2)Altitude alerting system- must be operational
3)Altitude reporting transponder (2)- 1 must be operational
4)ADC (2)- both must be operational
APU max start and operating altitude
FLEX takeoff limitations
- Anti skid must be operative
- Prohibited on contaminated runways
- Prohibited if airplane has been deiced
- Prohibited if wing or cowl anti ice bleeds in use
- Prohibited if windshear or downdraft warnings in forecast
- Prohibited with engine that can’t achieve full rated thrust
- Prohibited when a special departure procedure specifies full thrust for takeoff
Ground start ITT
Max cruise Mach in RVSM airspace
.82 M
Maximum landing weight (7/9)
700- 67,000 lbs
900- 75,100 lbs
Maximum pressure altitude for TOL
8000 ft
Maximum continuous thrust & APR
APR- 13,790
NLG turning limit with & without torque link
80% with
8% without
Engine starter cranking limits
Dry motoring cycle
- 90 secs. 5 mins OFF
2&sub. 30 secs. 5 mins OFF
Oil pressures (5)
1) Steady state idle: 25 psi min
2) Takeoff power: 45 psi min
3) Maximum continuous: 95 psi max
4) Maximum transient: 156 psi when oil temp is <60*C
5) Maximum transient after cold start (10 minutes max): 182 psi or amber dashes
Cold start oil pressure must remain
At idle until oil pressure returns to normal range
Max time at 2 engine TOGA
5 minutes
When must you do a RAIM check?
If dispatched to a destination with no ground based approaches
EGPWS landing gear
Below 500’
Below 190 KIAS
When is tactile check required?
1) <10C
2) Bulk fuel <0C
3) Conditions favorable to frost formation
4) Ice & frost may adhere to the wings >10*C
Actual pax x seasonal weight
Pax x 1.5 x 34 (bag weight)
+ cargo