Random Flashcards
RFM Section 1
RFM Section 2
Emergency Procedures
RFM Section 3
Normal Procedures
RFM Section 4
RFM Section 5
Weight and Balance
RFM Section 6
Systems Description
RFM Section 7
Handling and Maintenance
RFM Section 8
RFM Section 9
Safety Tips
RFM Section 10
- Entering the maneuver at an improper altitude or airspeed.2. Entering the maneuver without a level attitude (or not in coordinated flight).3. Entering the maneuver and not correcting from the initial decelerationto a steady state attitude (which allows excessive airspeed loss in the descent).4. Improper transition into the descent on entry.5. Improper use of antitorque on entry.6. Failure to establish the appropriate crosswind correction, allowing the aircraftto drift.7. Failure to maintain coordinated flight through the turn.8. Failure to maintain rotor rpm within the POH recommended range.9. Excessive yaw when increasing collective to slow rate of descent duringpower recovery autorotations.10. During power recovery autorotations, a delay in reapplying power.11. Initial collective pull either too high or too low.12. Improper flare (too much or not enough).13. Flaring too low or too high (AGL).14. Failure to maintain heading when reapplying power.15. Not landing with a level attitude.16. Landing with aircraft not aligned with the direction of travel.17. Insufficient collective cushioning during touchdown.18. Abrupt control inputs on touchdown.
Auto Common Errors
2 ‘ skid heightFull throttle101% - 102%No windIs it possible to hover IGE at a pressure Alttitude for a given Temp?Start at Alt then slide to temp then drop for allowable weight.
Raven I HIGE Chart
Day - Ceilings 700’ , 1 sm, Sus < 30 Gust < 18 Max < 35.Night - 1200’ (no worse that few below 1500’), 3sm, Artificial illumination, wind same as day.
Personal Minimums
Cleared to land
Steady Green in the air
Cleared for takeoff
Steady Green on the ground
Return for Landing
Flashing Green in the air
Cleared for taxi
Flashing green on the ground
Give way to other aircraft and continue circling
Steady red in the air
Steady red on the ground
Airport unsafe, do not land
Flashing red in the air
Taxi clear of runway in use
Flashing red on the ground
Return to starting point
Flashing White on ground
Exercise Extreme Caution
Alternating Red/ Green
read directly off your altimeter
Indicated Altitude
altimeter set to 29.92
Pressure Altitude
pressure altitude corrected for non-standard temperature
Density Altitude
vertical distance of your aircraft above sea level
True Altitude
Constantly changing, absolute altitude is the distance measurement of your airplane above the ground
Absolute Altitude
Read off the gauge
Indicated Airspeed
Relative to the air you’re flying through, for every thousand feet above sea level, true airspeed is about 2% higher than indicated airspeed
True Airspeed
It’s true airspeed corrected for wind.
Ground Speed
indicated airspeed corrected for instrument and positional errors
Calibrated Airspeed
You have been intercepted.(Daytime) Rock wings to acknowledge.(Nighttime) Rock wings and flash navigation lights to acknowledge.
Intercepting Aircraft: Approaches pilot-side of aircraft and
Follow Me.Match heading and follow. Continue on heading indirection of fighter
Intercepting Aircraft:Initiates a slow, level turn.
Warning! Turn now indirection of fighter.Immediately match heading and follow
Intercepting Aircraft: Initiates abrupt turn across nose; ma
Land at this airport.Lower landing gear (if equipped) and land on runway. If airport inadequate, raise landing gear (if equipped) while flying over runway and flash landing lights.Continue to circle airport between 1,000-2,000 feetuntil fighter signals to follow to alternate airport.
Intercepting Aircraft: Circles airport, lowers landing gear,
Fighter understands intercepted aircraft’s intentions. If cannot comply, switch on and off all available lights at regular intervals.If in distress, switch on and off all available lights at irregular intervals.
Intercepting Aircraft: Performs the breakaway maneuver
Day 1/152Night 3/152
Wx min Class G above 1200 AGL
Day ½/clear of cloudsNight 1/clear of clouds
Wx min Class G below 1200 AGL
Wx min Class G or E above 10,000 MSL