135 (14 - 53 backwards) Flashcards
Required report for deviation from regulations for an emerge
File report to local FSDO within 10 days, covering:Aircraft operationDetails of deviation and reason
PIC should keep a copy of what in the Helicopter? (135.63)
Copy of any load manifest in helicopter to destination. Cert holder to keep record 30 days.
PIC should do what for each mechanical irregularity during flight
Log irregularity in aircraft mx log
What should PIC determine regarding MX log from previous flight
Status of each irregularity entered in MX prior to next flight.
Who should PIC notify if he encounters potentially hazardous
Notify an appropriate ground station (EFAS/EFAS/ATC) as soon as practical.
Who should PIC notify if he encounters irregularity in a ground navigation station
Notify an appropriate ground station (EFAS/EFAS/ATC) as soon as practical.
What should PIC do if he knows of conditions hazardous to safety of flight
Restrict/suspend ops as need be until corrected.
Can PIC continue to airport of intended landing if current conditions are hazardous to safety of flight
Yes, if hazards expected to be corrected by ETA, or there is no safer procedure, in which case it become an emergency (and a report must be filed), else no.
What airworthiness inspections must PIC determine have been completed prior to flight
Either annual/100 hr under part 91.409Or FAA approved inspection program under 135.419
Can PIC fly without FAA flight plan filed? (135.79)
Yes, if certificate holder has:Procedure for locating each flightInformation required for VFR flight planProvides notification to SAR for overdue aircraftProcedure (time/location) to reestablish comms for aircraft operating out of range
What 2 items are required to be in the aircraft and available for the pilots use
Cockpit checklist
Aeronautical charts
Are the charts required by 135.83 required to be up to date?
Yes - they must be “current”
Who can be carried aboard the aircraft without complying with passenger carrying requirements
Crew member / other certificate holder employee
Person required for safe handling of animals or hazardous material on the aircraft
Security / Honor Guard for USCG
Crew member / other certificate holder employee
Person required for safe handling of animals or hazardous material on the aircraft
Security / Honor Guard for US Gov.
Military Courier / Route Supervisor on military cargo contract FAA/DOT on route inspection
FAA authorized cargo personnel
Stowed in cargo bin/rack/compartment/ secured by approved means orsecured with safety belt/tie down/stowed to avoid passenger injury & movement with turbulenceDoesn’t block no smoking, seat belt or exit signs or block exit routes/emergency equipment & not directly above passengers
No carrying of cargo/carry-on, unless (135.87)
If between 10,000 and 12,000’ MSL for more than 30 minutes.Anytime above 12,000’ MSL
At what altitudes are pilots required to use oxygen in non-p
Pilot authorized by certificate holder & qualified to fly aircraftFAA safety representative checking flight operations who is qualified to fly aircraft
Who can PIC allow to manipulate flight controls in flight? (
Exits/doors and how to use themSeat belt useEmergency/survival equipment & fire extinguisher locationsNo smokingUse of PFDsLocation of supplemental briefing cards
What must passengers be orally briefed on prior to flight? (
No, they are required to be carried in the aircraft in locations convenient for the use by each passenger.
Can you take off with passengers on board without supplement
No, but it is a good idea!
Are you required to brief passengers on the location and use
No, only:City/ State/ Federal officers authorized to carry arms or crew / employees authorized by certificate holder
Can passengers take deadly or dangerous weapons on board? (1
Can general public passengers with a concealed carry licence
No person while on board can assault, threaten, intimidate or interfere with crew duties.
Can a passenger legally intimidate crew members? (135.119)
Only if the certificate holder has served that beverage.
Can passengers drink alcohol on board? (135.121)
Can passengers be served alcohol if already intoxicated? (13
Can passengers be allowed to board the aircraft if intoxicat
Yes, unless under 2 years and held by an adult.
Is every passenger required to wear a safety belt? (135.128)
During ground movement, takeoff and landing.
When during flight are passenger required to wear a safety b
10,000 to 15,000’ MSL for over 30 minutes = oxygen for 10% of passengersAbove 15,000’ MSL = oxygen for all passengers.
What are the passenger oxygen requirements? (135.157)
GASH FIBGenAISlip skidHsi or DGFlashlightIns lights BeaconDirectional gyro Attitude indicatorGeneratorSlip/skid indicatorNight:Anti-collision & instrument lights & flashlight
Additional aircraft equipment for carrying passengers day VF
If operated beyond auto glide to shore:each occupant must wear PFD and aircraft must have an ELT
Equipment requirements for over water rotorcraft operations?
Does the PFD required by 135.168 need to have a locator ligh
Auto glide distance as described by RFMShoreline = above high tide mark on suitable landing spot (not cliff face etc)
What does 135.168 mean by autorotational glide distance to s
Batteries must be replaced if used for cumulative 1 hour or beyond 50% their useful lives.
What are the battery requirements for an ELT required by 135
Yes, if:An approved MEL exists for that specific aircraftThe flight crew have access to the MEL prior to flightThe pilot has access to records of any MEL equipment inoperableOr with a special flight permit
Can PIC take off with inoperable equipment? (135.179)
300’ AGL except for takeoff and landing.
What is the minimum VFR altitude over congested areas? (135.
1/2 SM day1 SM night
What is the minimum visibility requirement for helicopters i
No, you must have visual surface reference sufficient to safely control the aircraft.
Can you operate a helicopter VFR over the top of an undercas
No, you must have night surface light reference sufficient to safely control the aircraft.
Can you operate a helicopter VFR at night over the desert wi
20 minutes of cruise flight reserve fuel, after flying to first intended landing, taking in to account weather and wind forecasts.
What is the night/day VFR fuel reserve? (135.209)
The pilot must use US National Weather Service or sources approved by FAA or NWS.Unless those sources are unavailable, then the pilot my use own observations or those competent to make them
When required to get WX reports/forecasts, can a pilot use a
No - all ice, frost & snow must be removed from rotor blades, airfoils, windshields, engines & instrument ports (pitot/static).
Can pilot take off with frost on the vertical stabilizer? (1
3 takeoffs and landings in same category and class in past 90 days
What is the daytime passenger carrying currency requirements
500 hours in any calendar quarter.
Unscheduled crew flight time limitation per quarter? (135.26
800 hours
Unscheduled crew flight time limitation in two consecutive q
1,400 hours
Unscheduled crew flight time limitation in any calendar year
8 hours
Unscheduled crew flight time limitation in 24 consecutive ho
10 hours
Unscheduled crew minimum rest period in 24 consecutive hours
Yes, for circumstances beyond control (wx/mx/etc)Up to 30 mins = 11 hours rest30+ mins to 1 hr = 12 hours rest+1 hr = 16 hours rest
Can unscheduled crew over fly the 8 hours limit? If so, what
13 x 24 hour rest periods per calendar quarter
How many rest periods are unscheduled flight crews required?
Every 12 months (+/- 1 month grace provision 135.301)
How often must a pilot take a 135 recurrent test? (135.293)
The PTS requirements of the required pilot certificate for that operation (Commercial for VFR day) and the pilot should be the “obvious master of the aircraft, with the successful outcome of any maneuver never in doubt”.
To what standard must the flight portion of the 135 checkrid
In the past 12 months a flight check to include at least:1 flight over 1 route segmentTakeoffs and landings at 1 representative airport
What are the route & airport line check requirements of 135.