Radiology Terms Flashcards
ALARA principle
Acronym referring to the principle of keeping exposure to ionizing radiation As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Bitewing radiograph
Interproximal radiographic view of the coronal portion of the tooth/teeth. A form of dental radiograph that may be taken with the long axis of the image oriented either horizontally or vertically, that reveals approximately the coronal halves of the maxillary and mandibular teeth and portions of the interdental alveolar septa on the same image. Useful for detecting caries and evaluating crestal bone levels
cone beam computed tomography; used for 3D imaging of head and neck area
Complete series
A set of intraoral radiographs usually consisting of 14 to 22 periapical and posterior bitewing images intended to display the crowns and roots of all teeth, periapical areas and alveolar bone crest (source: FDA/ADA radiographic guidelines).
Coronal View (also called frontal)
Vertical aspect of the anatomy, in sectioning radiographically, as viewed from the face, front to back.
Diagnostic imaging
A visual display of structural or functional patterns for the purpose of diagnostic evaluation. May be photographic or radiographic.
Digital Sensor(CMOS)
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, which is a sensor used in dentistry to capture dental images; it contains an electronic chip that converts photons to electrons for digital processing.
Frontal View (also called coronal)
Vertical aspect of the anatomy, in sectioning radiographically, as viewed from the face, front to back.
Full mouth series
a series of 18-22 diagnostic intraoral radiographs, both periapical and bitewing, showing the complete dentition.
Imaging, diagnostic
This would include, but is not limited to, CAT scans, MRIs, photographs, radiographs, etc.
the decision process used whereby it is determined that the diagnostic benefit gained from taking a radiograph outweighs the risk from receiving the ionizing radiation
A handheld, battery-powered intraoral x-ray system that produces high-quality radiographs with digital sensors, standard films, and phosphor plates. It weighs just over 8 pounds, and can easily serve multiple operatories. Internal x-ray shielding and a backscatter shield protect the user from direct and scattered radiation
Occlusal radiograph
An intraoral radiograph made with the film, phosphorous plate, emulsion or digital sensor being held between the occluded teeth.
Panoramic radiograph
A 2D extraoral projection whereby the entire mandible, maxilla, teeth and other nearby structures are portrayed on a single image, as if the jaws were flattened out.
Periapical radiograph
radiographic image of entire tooth, from crown to apex; useful for viewing the entire tooth and supporting structures.