Radiation Quantities Flashcards
1 amp = _____
1 amp = 1 Coulomb sec-1
1 watt = _____
1 watt = 1 Joule sec-1
1 eV = _____ ergs
1 eV = 1.6 x 10-12 ergs
1 eV = _____ Joules
1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 Joules
1 Å (angstrom) = _____ m
1 Å (angstrom) = 10-10 m
1 inch = _____ cm
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 ft = _____ cm
1 ft = 30.48 cm
1 u = _____ kg
1 u = 1.66 x 10-27 kg
1 u = _____ MeV
1 u = 931.5 MeV
1 Ci = _____ dps
1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 dps
1 Ci = _____ dpm
1 Ci = 2.22 x 1012 dpm
1 R = ______ C kg-1
1 R = 2.58 x 10-4 C kg-1
1 rad = _____ J kg-1
1 Gy = _____ J kg-1
1 rad = 0.01 J kg-1
1 Gy = 1 J kg-1
1 rad = _____ MeV g-1
1 rad = 6.242 x 107 MeV g-1
1 rad = _____ erg g-1
1 rad = 100 erg g-1
1 R = _____ ergs g-1 of air
1 R = 86.9 ergs g-1 air
* based on 33.7 eV/ion pair
1 R = _____ ergs g-1 of soft tissue
1 R = 98 ergs g-1 soft tissue
* based on 33.7 eV/ion pair
1 dpm = _____ pCi
1 dpm = 0.45 pCi
1 day = _____ sec
1 day = 86,400 sec
1 day = _____ min
1 day = 1,440 sec
1 year = _____ sec
1 year = 3.15 x 107 second
What does exposure measure?
The ability of photons to produce ionizations in air.
Three major limitations for the use of the roentgen
- The roentgen applies only to photons.
- The roentgen applies only in air.
- The roengten is defined only for E<3MeV
Absorbed Dose
- Unit: rad (“Roentgen Absorbed Dose”)
- Measures the energy which is actually deposited in some given mass.
- One rad is equivalent to 100 ergs of energy deposited per gram of material.
Quality Factor
Radiation Weighting Factor
It is a modifying factor by which the absorbed dose at a point can be multiplied to determine the risk of biological injury corresponding to the irradiation conditions. Values are a function of LET.
- Symbol: Q
- Unit: rem rad-1
2007 ICRP
- Symbol: wR
- Unit: Sv Gy-1
Dose Equivalent
Equivalent Dose
Biologically weighted absorbed dose. Takes absorbed dose (in rad/Gy) and converts to a risk factor.
- “Dose Equivalent”
- Symbol: HT
- Unit: rem, Sievert
- Equation: HT = D Q
2007 ICRP
- “Equivalent Dose”
- Symbol: HT
- Unit: Sievert
- Equation: HT = ΣwRD
Tissue Weighting Factor (wT)
Takes into account the reduced risk of cancer mortality and genetic effects when only some body organs receive a dose.
Effective Dose Equivalent
Effective dose
Whole body dose equivalent of partial exposure.
- Symbol: HE
- Unit: rem, Sievert
- Equation: HE = ΣwTHT
2007 ICRP
- Symbol: E
- Unit: Sievert
- Equation: E = ΣwTHT
Committed Dose Equivalent (CDE)
Committed Equivalent Dose
Pre-2007 ICRP
- Symbol: HT,50 or CDE
- Unit: rem, Sievert
- 50 year organ dose from internal emitters
2007 ICRP
- Symbol: HT(50)
- Unit: Sievert
- 50 year organ dose from internal emitters
Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE)
Committed Effective Dose
Pre-2007 ICRP
- Symbol: HE,50 (CEDE)
- Unit: rem, Sievert
- Equation: HE,50 = ΣwTHT,50
- 50 year body dose from internal emitters
2007 ICRP
- Symbol: E(50)
- Unit: Sievert
- Equation: E(50) = ΣwTHT(50)
- 50 year body dose from internal emitters
Thumb Rule
When can you treat a line source as a point source for calculation purposes?
As long as the distance away from the source is at least three times the longest dimension of the source, then inverse square law calculations will give the correct answer to within one percent.
Calculate Dose Rate using the Bragg-Gray equation
Through the use of this equation, an exposure or exposure rate measurement in air can be converted into an accurate dose or dose rate in tissue.
- S = stopping power
- W = erg/ion pair
- e = Coul/ion pair
Relaxation length
- The thickness of a shield for which photon intensity in a narrow beam is reduced to 1/e (0.368) of its original value.
- One relaxation length is the mean free path (1/µ)
- µx = # of mean free paths
How do absorbed fractions compare between α/β and X/γ-rays?
Charged particles (α/β)
- AF(T←S) = 1 if T = S
- AF(T←S) = 0 if T ≠ S
X-ray and γ-rays
- 0 < AF(T←S) < 1
What is the ICRP 26 risk factor for stochastic effects?
1×10-4 rem-1
Explain why the equation I = I0e-µx does not apply in relation to photon shielding for broad beam conditions or for very thick materials.
- Primary interaction of photons is Compton scattering which leads to scattered secondary photons referred to collectively as buildup.
- The given equation does not include the variable B and therefore only accounts for initial/uncollided photons