Radiation Protection Standards and Regulations Flashcards
Three major causes for action of civil penalties by the NRC
- Failure of management to understand license conditions
- Failure to train workers properly
- Failure to assure that employees follow approved procedures
List the four bases for radiation standards (i.e., regulations)
- Biological
- Comparable risk
- Checks and balances
High radiation area
(from 10 CFR 20)
An area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 100 mrem (1 mSv) in 1 hour at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or 30 centimeters from an surface that the radiation penetrates.
Restricted area
- An area, access to which is limited by the licensee for the purpose of protecting individuals against undue risks from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials.
- Restricted area does not include areas used as residential quarters, but separate rooms in a residential building may be set apart as a restricted area.
Unrestricted area
An area that is not limited or controlled by the licensee.
Very high radiation area
An area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving an absorbed dose in excess of 500 rads in 1 hour at 1 meter from a radiation source or 1 meter from any surface that the radiation penetrates.
What is 10 CFR 19?
Notices, Instructions and Reports to Workers
What is 10 CFR 21?
Reporting of Defects and Reports to Workers
What is 10 CFR 34?
Licenses for Radiography and Radiation Safety Requirements for Radiographic Operations
What is 10 CFR 50?
Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities
What is 10 CFR 61?
Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radwaste
What is 10 CFR 71?
Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials
What is the recommended occupational limit for effective dose?
(ICRP 103)
No year > 50 mSv
20 mSv yr-1 averaged over 5-year periods
What is the recommended occupational limit for annual equivalent dose to the lens of the eye?
(ICRP 103)
150 mSv yr-1
What is the recommended occcupational limit for the annual equivalent dose to skin and extremeties?
(ICRP 103)
500 mSv yr-1
What is the recommended occupational limit for equivalent dose to abdomen of delcared pregnant worker?
(ICRP 103)
2 mSv (for the period of declared pregancy/gestation)
What is the recommended occupational limit for an intake by a declared pregnant worker?
(ICRP 103)
< 1/20 ALI
What is the recommended public’s limit for effective dose?
(ICRP 103)
1 mSv yr-1 averaged over 5 years
What is the recommended public’s limit for annual equivalent dose to the lens of the eye?
(ICRP 103)
15 mSv
What is the recommended public’s limit for the annual equivalent dose to the skin?
50 mSv
Tissue Weighting Factor
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
wT = 0.25
ICRP 103
wT = 0.08
Tissue Weighting Factor
Red Bone Marrow
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
wT = 0.12
ICRP 103
wT = 0.12
Tissue Weighting Factor
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
wT = 0.12
ICRP 103
wT = 0.12
Tissue Weighting Factor
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
wT = 0.15
ICRP 103
wT = 0.12
Tissue Weighting Factor
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
wT = 0.03
ICRP 103
wT = 0.04
Tissue Weighting Factor
Bone surface
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
wT = 0.03
ICRP 103
wT = 0.01
Tissue Weighting Factor
Remainder of body
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
wT = 0.30
Note: 5 organs at 0.06 each
ICRP 103
wT = 0.12
Tissue Weighting Factor
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
ICRP 103
Tissue Weighting Factor
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
ICRP 103
Quality Factor & Radiation Weighting Factor
X-rays, gammas, and betas
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
Q = 1
ICRP 103
wR = 1
Quality Factor & Radiation Weighting Factor
alpha particles, multiple-charged particles, fission fragments, and heavy particles of unknown charge
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
Q = 20
ICRP 103
wR = 20
Quality Factor & Radiation Weighting Factor
Hi-energy protons
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
Q = 10
ICRP 103
wR = 2
Quality Factor & Radiation Weighting Factor
Thermal neutrons (0.025 eV)
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
Q = 2
ICRP 103
wR = 2.5
Quality Factor & Radiation Weighting Factor
Fast neutrons (1 - 20 MeV)
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
Q = 10
ICRP 103
wR = 20 - 7 (determined by eqn)
Quality Factor & Radiation Weighting Factor
Relativistic Neutrons (> 20 MeV)
10 CFR 20 (from ICRP 26)
Q = 3.5
ICRP 103
wR = 7 - 2.5 (determined by eqn)
What is the occupational dose limit for total effective dose equivalent?
(10 CFR 20)
5 rem yr-1
What is the occupational dose limit for committed dose equivalent?
(10 CFR 20)
50 rem yr-1
What is the occupational limit for the lens dose equivalent?
(10 CFR 20)
15 rem yr-1
What is the occupational limit for shallow-dose equivalent?
(10 CFR 20)
50 rem yr-1 to the skin of the whole body or to the skin of any extremity
What is the public’s limit for total effective dose equivalent?
(10 CFR 20)
100 mrem yr-1
2 mrem in any one hour
What are the different inhalation classifications?
(10 CFR 20)
- D (days) ⇒ Less than 10 days
- W (weeks) ⇒ From 10 to 100 days
- Y (years) ⇒ More than 100 days
What are the the three factors that create a successful system of radiation protection?
Justification ⇒ No practice shall be adopted unless the introduction produces a net positive benefit. Societal (not radiation) decision.
Optimization ⇒ All exposures maintained ALARA. Processes, equipment, and operational factors are designed so personnel do not exceed operational dose limits.
Application of dose limits ⇒ Equivalent and effective doses shall not exceed the limits recommended for appropriate circumstances specified by the ICRP/NRC.
What does NCRP 91 recommend for lifetime exposure limits?
Lifetime exposure should be limited to “N rem” where N is the worker’s age
Protection Factors
Full facepiece, negative pressure mode, air-purifying respirator
Protection Factors
Full facepiece, pressure demand mode, self-contained breathing apparatus
Protection Factors
Half-mask facepiece, negative pressure mode, air-purifying respirator
Protection Factors
Half-mask facepiece, positive pressure mode, air-purifying respirator
Radiation area
(from 10 CFR 20)
An area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 5 mrem (0.05 mSv) in 1 hour at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or 30 centimeters from an surface that the radiation penetrates.