Radiation dose limits Flashcards
Radiation worker:
Whole body effective dose limit?
20 mSv a year, averaged over defined periods of 5 years with no single year >50 mSv
Radiation workers:
Equivalent dose to the lens of the eye limit?
20 mSv a year, averaged over defined periods of 5 years with no single year >50 mSv (this was previously 150 mSv a year and updated in 2013)
Radiation workers:
Equivalent dose to the skin, liver, extremities (any organ) etc. ?
500 mSv in a year
Occupationally exposed workers:
Equivalent dose to the hands and feet limit?
500 mSv in a year
The ICRP recommends that occupational exposure of pregnant women should fall into the limits similar to that of _______
the public.
Whole body Effective dose limit?
1 mSv
Equivalent dose to the lens of the eye limit?
15 mSv a year
Equivalent dose to the skin limit?
50 mSv a year
What fetal radiation dose is considered the threshold for increased fetal anomalies according to the 2008 ACR guidelines?
50 mGy
Radiation dose limits set by bodies such as the ICRP are set at such levels that, if all personnel were exposed at these levels for a 50 year working life…
the risk of death or injury is comparable to that from any other risk of life
What is the approximate annual effective dose to an individual due to natural background radiation?
2.5 mSv
Dose limits are recommended by the
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
Average annual effective dose limit for pregnant occupationally exposed personnel is…
1 mSv (Same as the general public)
“MQSA requires average glandular dose of ____ if using a grid”
< 3 mGy
“MQSA requires average glandular dose of ____ if NOT using a grid”
< 1 mGy
Major spill of TI201 and Tc99
Major spill of I131
1 mCi
Major spill of everything else (I123, In 111, Ga 67)
For minor spills you tell ____, for mayor
RSO, for mayor possible NRC
With a major spill protocol you DO NOT
Clean, Restrict or detox
Tube leakage should not exceed
1mGy/hr at 1m from the source
If > 70kVp total filtration should be ___ of aluminum equivalent