Neuro Flashcards
Bicoronal or bi lambdoid synostosis: Flatting of both frontal regions
External capsule disease location is characteristic for
CADASIL and rarely seen with the more common arteriolosclerosis
Diffuse WM disease with assoc lacunar infarcts. WM dx is more prevalent at ant temporal lobes and characteristically involves the external capsule
asymmetric premature closure of the coronal and/or lambdoid suture.
What is sagittal synostosis?
Sagittal, coronal, and lambdoid synostosis.
Ni para alfrente ni para atras ni para el lado
Methanol toxicity and cyanide poisoning affect the:
TB OM from lungs to spine is MC spread through the
lymphatics (spares the disc)
Diff dx for TB OM of the spine
Fungal OM and Brucellar spondylitis
The Spetzler-Martin scale uses a point system to classify AVM grade based on
- size
- eloquent tissue of adjacent brain
- deep venous drainage
Choanal atresia has a (F/M) predilection and is most commonly (membranous, osseous)?
F, osseous (90%)
Facial angiofibromas are a feature of
Cafe au lait
MC assoc w.
- smooth borders (coast of Cali) NF1
- rough boarders (coast of Maine): McCune Albright
What separates L2 from L3 cervical nodes
Hyoid bone
What separates L3 from L4 cervical nodes
Inferior margin of CC
What separates L3 & L4 from L5 cervical nodes
Post margin of the SCM
What separates the level 1B and 2A nodal basins?
Post margin of SM gland (stylohyoid muscle)
What structures are present within the parotid space?
external carotid artery, retromandibular vein, and facial nerve traverse the parotid space
Intraparenchymal hematoma centered in the basal ganglia will be secondary to__________ until proven otherwise.
Dot sign is indicative of
Hyperdense thrombus
Spot sign is indicative of
contrast extrav in the setting of active bleeding
Tumor with key findings of bubbly appearance and lack of mass effect
Two intra-axial Masses w assoc. local bony remodeling
DNET & Ganglioglioma
cortically based tumors
- Oligodendroglioma
- Ganglioglioma
Currarino triad
- Anorectal anomalies (MC anorectal stenosis)
- Caudal regression (Anorectal stenosis most commonly)
- Pre-sarcral mass (anterior sacral meningocele, teratoma, or dermoid/epidermoid cyst)
Gorlin syndrome (Basal cell nevus syndrome) major criteria
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Odontogenic cysts
- Rib anomalies
- Calcifications of the falx cerebri
Germinomas commonly metastasize to ____
CSF. So the entire neuroaxis will need to be imaged.
Prostate cancer metastases are more common in the
posterior fossa
The _____ pterygoids are not contained within the masticator space
What laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma location is associated with the best prognosis?
The multiple benign tumors of TS are:
- cortical or subependymal tubers
- renal angiomyolipomas
- cardiac rhabdomyomas
Concomitant tumors in both the pineal + suprasellar location are most compatible with a
Bilateral optic pathway pilocytic astrocytomas
Layers of skull coverings and beneath
Skin Aponeurosis (Galeal) Periosteum Bone Dura matter Arachnoid Pia
metopic suture synostosis
signal changes in the medial thalami, dorsal medulla, and mammillary bodies, and periaqueductal gray matter
Thiamine (B1) Defficiency
What part of a hemangioblastoma is typically resected?
solid nodule (not the cyst)
Approximately how many hemangioblastomas are sporadic?
the most common conus medullaris/filum terminale malignancy in adults with a more common presentation in younger adults (30s)
Myxopapillary ependymoma
Ankylosing spondylitis is commonly associated with elevated
Facet joint septic arthritis is most commonly caused by
Staphylococcus aureus
DAI grades
2 CC
3 BS
The carotid bifurcation occurs at the ____ level with the ICA oriented ___ and the ECA oriented ____.
C3/4 Level, post, ant
Cavernous Sinus constiutents
3,4,51,52 & 6.
MC TORCH infxn
- Targets the germinal Matrix
- periV calcifications
What TORCH infxn has the highest assoc w polymicrogyria
2nd MC TORCH infxn
- Random Calc pattern
Marker for cell membrane turnover
Marker for Meningioma
Marker for high grade tumor
will go up as a high-grade tumor outgrows the blood supply
Marker for tumor necrosis
Morel-Lavallee lesion?
- Degloving injuries occurring from severe trauma
- The skin and subcutaneous tissue abruptly separate creating a potential space superficial to the fascia.
- Prone to infxn
Spectroscopy for tumefactive demyelination
decreased NAA/Cr ratio (reduced NAA within plaques) and an increased Cho/Cr ratio
Enhancement corresponds to
BBB breakdown
MC post fossa mass in adults and the elderly
NOT hemangioblastoma: that is the MC PRIMARY mass
Classic imaging features of Ependymoma
apical cap and partially cystic.
Ependymomas tend to be multisegmental (typically 3-4 segments), well circumscribed, and with symmetric cord expansion.
MC salivary gland tumor
Pleomorphic Adenoma (BMT)
- MC at superficial parotid lobe
- small malignant potential -> surgical excision
- T2 bright w low rim.
Carotid space contents
carotid artery, jugular vein, cranial nerves 9-11, and lymph nodes
Shiny corner sign with “Romanus lesions”
Ank Spon
IAC lipoma
High T1, non seen on Fat sat
Where do you see the cingulate island sign (hypometabolism in the precuneus with relatively spared metabolism in posterior cingulate).
PET for Parkingsons
Cervical ligament that limits rotation and lateral flexion
alar ligament
avulsion fx of the medial occipital condyle. What ligament?
Which cervical ligament limits rotation and lateral flexion?
The most common cause of brain injury after SAH:
What is gay name of the bony scaffolding separating the individual turns?
Tx of choice for branchial cleft cyst
MRI pic??
orbital cavernous hemangioma MRI
Short stature and T1 bright spot at infundibulum
Ectopic pituitary
Door time to needle time (DNT) for stroke (tx with tPA)?
Door to imaging time (DIT) for stroke?
20 min - at UMC
Guidelines say 25 min
Door to CT scan read time at UMC?
< 45 min.