RAD02 - Lecture 8 - Parallax Flashcards
Define Parallax
The apparent displacement of an object because of 2 different positions of the observer
Explain the how parallax can be seen in radiographs of the same unerupted tooth
2 radiographs of unerupted tooth are taken
The X-ray tubehead was in 2 different positions
The resultant films with show a difference in the position of the unerupted tooth relative to the erupted tooth
Explain how can you use parallax to determine the position of a unerupted tooth
If unerupted tooth moves in the same direction as x-ray tube head -> palatal/lingual
If unerupted tooth moves in the opposite direction as x-ray tubehead -> buccal
If unerupted tooth doesnt move with x-ray tube-head -> in line of the arch
(You can tell which direction the X-ray is moving by looking at the other teeth in the image)
What is the acronym to remember parallax of teeth?
Same -> lingual
Opposite -> buccal
What are the clinical indications for using parallax? (3)
Assess position of unerupted maxillary canines/odontomes and supernumeraries
What are 2 two different methods of parallax’ing unerupted maxillary canines/odontomes?
Parallax -> horozontal plane
2 periapicals are taken (one of upper central incisor, and other on canine)
Central inscisor -> upper standard occlusal
Canine -> PA or upper oblique occlusal
Parallax -> vertical plane
Dental panoramic radiograph + upper standard occlusal