Race And Racism Ch.6 Flashcards
A flowed system of classification, with no biological basis, that uses certain physical characteristics to classify the humanity
Racial classification by Carolous Linnaeus
European- white skin color- keen minded, leader
African- black skin- lazy, follower
Asain- yellow skin- severe, war- mothering, destroyer
Thoughts and actions that “ discriminated “ one category of people to another
Is a feature of a cell in our body that provides the genetic codes for the organism
Inherited genetic factored ( what’s really inside of our body)
- white people may have black genes and so forth
Physical form ( what we see as a physical form such as color of skin)
Extends political, economic and military power beyond its “ borders “ over an extended time
Colonialism-nation- state
Creation of new racial type through “Interracial”
Example of modern Brazil and their nation of races
In Dominican Republic are similar to social class with historical background
Race and racial relations
Follow Linnaeus classification and insists white race is supreme and meant to rule over humanity
White Supreme
American is a gift from the God to white race and keep this land from other people would be the destiny of white people from coast to coast
Manifest destiny
Favoring certain long-term inhabitants over new immigrants ( European against European as well as any other new comers )
Enforced segregation; Laws that prevents mixed races
Jim Crow Lows
One drop of African ancestry makes a person “Black”
- known as Hypodoscent rule
One Drop Rule
A pseudo- science ( fake) attempting to scientifically prove the existence of separate superior human races
Types of races
Individual racism
Institutional racism
To characterize, differentiate and attribute a particular racial character
Personal prejudices beliefs and discriminatory actions
Individual racism
Patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies and systems of society
Institutional racisms
An idea that racism is “ Normal” and Reasonable “ behavior
Racial ideology
Gradual differences in shape of body including color of skin
* despite of different societies efforts to divide people into different biologically discrete groups, genetic evidence shows that human variations are just Clinal variations
Clinical distribution