Race Flashcards
a definable group of people who are socially disadvantage
not about size
lack of social power
distinct from the majority
a definable group of people who are socially advantage
have social power
historically, a group of people that was physically and genetically distinguished from other groups
appearance: skin color, hair etc.
process of attributing complex characteristics (eg. intelligence, athletic abilities) to racial categories
Ex. All black athletes are better than white athletes
internalized racism
occurs when members of a racial group assume that attributes associated with that racial classification and internalized them as part of their identities
multidimensional concept that includes one’s minority or majority status, ancestry, language + often religious affiliation
ethnic group
a collection of people who identify with each other and share a common culture
a negative prejudgment about a person or group that is irrational, long lasting, and not based on fact
ecological fallacy
drawing conclusions about INDIVIDUAL attributes from data gathered from entire group
exception fallacy
drawing conclusions about an ENTIRE GROUP based on observations of individuals
a stable and sweeping generalization about a category of people
an ideology that maintains that one “race” is inherently superior to another
democratic racism
a system that advocates equality but in fact perpetuates minority differentiation and oppression
actions that deny or grant advantages to members of a particular group
- individual discrimination
occurs when an individual advantages or disadvantages another b/c of that person’s group membership
EX. don’t hire teacher b/c Italian
- Direct institutional discrimination
occurs when an institution employs policies or practices that are discriminatory towards a person or group a right/freedom
EX. residential schools