RA 5527 Flashcards
first clinical lab in the Philippines
Manila Public Health (Quiricada St., Santa Cruz, Manila)
PAMET symbols:
symbolizes the continuous involvement where practice and education must always be integrated
PAMET symbols:
symbolizes the science of medical technology profession
microscope and snake
PAMET symbols:
the year when the 1st election of PAMET was held
PAMET symbols:
symbolizes the trilogy of love, respect, and integrity
PAMET symbols:
color of health
green letters
founder of pathology
Marcello Malphigi
father of cytopathology
founded the archives of pathology
Rudolph Virchow
father of PAMET
Crisanto G. Almario
first PAMET president
Charlemagne Tamondong
PAMET music
Francis Jerota Pefanco
PAMET lyrics
Hector Sentapanan Gayares Jr.
computerization of the med tech licensure exam under PRC
EO 200
RA 5527
Section 1
Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969
RA 5527 amendments and date
RA 6132
PD 498 - 09/21/1972
PD 1534 - 06/11/1978
RA 5527
Section 3
Council of Medical Technology Education, and Its Composition
CMTE Chairman
Director of CHED
CMTE Vice Chairman
Chairman of PRC
CMTE Members
- Director of the Bureau of Research and Laboratories of the DOH
- Board of MT
- Representative of the Deans of Schools of MT and PH
- President of PSP and PAMET
RA 5527
Section 7
MT Board (in office for 3 years)
MTB Chairman
MTB Members
RA 5527
Section 8
Qualifications of Examiners
Section 8 requirements
- Filipino citizen
- Good moral character
- Qualified pathologist or RMT
- in practice for at least 10 years
- not a member of a faculty for at least 2 years
RA 5527
Section 11
Functions and Duties of the Board
RA 5527
Section 12
Removal of Board Members
RA 5527
Section 13
Accreditation of Schools of Medical Technology and of Training Laboratories
RA 5527
Section 14
Inhibition Against the Practice of Medical Technology
No person should practice MT w/o valid COR except:
- Duly registered physician
- MTs from other countries
- MTs in the service of the US Armed Forces station in the PH
RA 5527
Section 16
Qualification for Examination
Qualifications for Examination
- in good health and has good moral character
2. completed 4 years in MT
RA 5527
Section 17
Scope of Examination
Scope of Examination
CC - 20% Microbiology - 20% Hematology - 20% ISBB - 20% AUBF - 10% Histo/MTLE - 10%
RA 5527
Section 19
Rating in the Examination
GWA - at least 75%
Major subjects - 50%
Not failed in at least 60%
RA 5527
Section 20
Oath Taking
take a professional oath before the MT Board or any person authorized
RA 5527
Section 21
Issuance of Certificate of Registration
- at least 21 years old
- COR must be placed in conspicuous area (ex: OPD)
Signatories in COR
- Board chairman
- Board members (2)
- PRC chairman
COR is valid until death
RA 5527
Section 23
Refusal to Issue Certificate
- Convicted by the Court (Criminal offense)
- Unsound Mind
- Incurable communicable disease
RA 5527
Section 24
Administrative Investigation (Revocation or Suspension of Certificates)
- Board members (2) + Legal Officer (1)
- Revocation - unanimous vote of MTB
- Reprimand/Suspension (2 years) - majority vote of MTB
COR should be surrendered within 30 days
RA 5527
Section 25
- President of the PH
RA 5527
Section 26
Foreign Reciprocity
RA 5527
Section 28
Roster of Medical Technologist
MTB > PRC > Office of the President > PRC (announcement)
RA 5527
Section 29
Penal Provisions