R&A Part 2 - Informal Fallacies (Definitions 1st) Flashcards
Moves between two or more different meanings/interpretations of one word when only one definition is required for validity.
Attempts to discredit an argument by drawing attention to the circumstances or situation of the opponent.
Circumstantial ad Hominem
Assuming a causal link when there is no need to.
False Cause
Attempt to gain acceptance of a view by invoking popular opinion.
Appeal to People
Exploits ambiguity in an entire sentence rather than the word with a double meaning.
Attempts to discredit a view by pointing to an inconsistency in those who hold the view.
Tu Quoque
Involving the opinion of a person or group of people that have no special claim to the truth of the subject at hand.
Appeal to Unreliable Authority
A refutation of a view that misrepresents/oversimplifies.
Straw Man Fallacy
A personal attack on one with an opposing view.
Abusive ad Hominem
Asking a question that contains an unwarranted assumption.
Complex Question
An inference made from the properties of parts to the properties of a whole.
An argument against a person.
Argumentum ad Hominem
The assumption that there are 2 and only 2 alternatives when there are in fact many more.
False Dilemma/Dichotomy
To assume the very thing you are trying to prove.
Begging the Question
An attempt to advance a view through threatening those that disagree.
Appeal to Force
The claim that a statement is true simply because it has not been proven false, and vice versa.
Appeal to Ignorance
An inference made from the properties of a whole to the properties of parts.
An attempt to advance a view by invoking pity.
Appeal to Pity