quiz unit 3 Flashcards
what properties make water so unique
states of water
makes up most our bodies and about 80 percent of marine orgnisms
hydrogen bonds
universal solvent
states of water
solid liquid gas
H bonds
moving molecules
temp increases as molecular movment increases
no H bonds molecues spread out FAST
so cold molecules lock into crystal pattern, moleculares farther apart then liquid
Rank states of water from most to least dense
Because of ____ it kaes a lot more _____________ to ____
hydrogen bonds
heat and energy, to change temp of water
takes a lot more heat and energy removal to freeze
the amount of energy needed to raise temp of water 1 degree celsius
for water specific heat very high
water is a universal solvent
can dissove more things than any other natural substance
very good at dissolving salts and ions
NaCl+ and Cl-
charge from water molecules pulls the Na and Cl apart
materials in sea come from:
breakdown of continental crust
carried into sea by rivver
earths interior
also releases into atmosphere by volcanoes then falls in precipitaiton
mass of a gievn volue of a sybstane
salinity of seawater
composed of about 6 diff ions
sodium chlorida 85 percent
salinity varies by body of water
higher salinity=higher density (sink)
where is salinity highest
atlantic because its hotter so evaporates which leaves more salt behind
where is salinity lowest
coastlines because freshwater run off from rivers
deeper it is…
the lower the surface salinity
seawater is relativley transparent so sunlight can ____ this is vital bc
penetrate through the ocean
all photosynthesis organisms need water to grow
different ____ penetrate different depths dependign on the frequency
marine organisms withstand _____
pressure of the atmosphere as welll as ocean on top of them (many organisms have special adaptions to withstand
gasses dissolve better in
cold water
ocean hold stores more than ______ as much as the total CO2 in the atmospherw
ocean circulation
driven by win and is infulenced bu the coriolis affect
cariolis effect
bc the earth is round and rotates anything that moves over its surface tends to turn a little this affects wind patterns and surface currents
what drives ocean currents
wind drives surace currents by pushing water
temp and salinity cause change in
surface currents result from flobal wind patterns which are cuased by
uneven heating of earths suface
what occurs in major ocean basins
ocean gyres
warm equitorial waters are driven
westward by tradwwinfs
ocean gyres play a major role in maintaining
earth’s heat balence
the gulf streams
play role in..
earths climate
transporting large amount of heat energy
warm surface currents
increase rate of evap
heavy rainfall near coasts
high cloud cover
high humidity
cold surface currents
low evap
arid dry coastlines (CALI)
less clouds
deliver cold, nutrient-rich water to surface
occur where wind force water away from coastline or where seamount can deflect water up
water becomes fertilized increasing productivity of plankton and producing strong foodwbs
draw diagram of upwelling on coasline and on seamount
right coastline and upwlling arrows up coastline a d strong plankton on top right next to it and going to left and
sea moutain and upwelling arrow go up left and then strong plankton on topgo to right
sinking of surface water
more dense watwer sinks
global ocean converyer belt
system of slow moving currentts that begin witht he downwelling of the north atlantic deep water current and travels through all the oceans
include surface, deep, and vertical currents
el nino
every 3-7 yrs
chsnge in wind patterns refult in shift in
ocean temp and currents
rain patterns
disrupts gfood wbs
normal conditons in pacific
strong tradwinds blow W across equitorial pacific
upwlling strong along coast of S America
el nino conditions in pacific ocean
tradwinds weaker
eastern pacific becomes warmer bc arent pushes west anymore
more evap in E pacific
food webs collapses
la nina
opposite of el nino
tradwinds stronger
warm water pushed W
cal currents
left of calli
humboldt current
left of S america
gult stream
right of americ and beneath