marine fishes chapter 8 Flashcards
varies, some use it for camouflage, soe fish are brightly colored
specialized cells that are irregular in shape and radiate from the center
contracting and expanding pigment in chromatophore
what gives fish their color
combination of chromatophores and pigment
specialized chromatophore that contains tiny crystal to make iridescents
salmon, tuna, sword fish
how fish use color - warning
color poisonous or bad taste
how fish use color - cryptic cloration
blending into the enviorment
how fish use color - disruptive cloration
stripes or other patterns to break up the outline of the fish
common in open water predators
white/silver belly and gray/blue back to bled in with light or sea floor
what can affect color
stress mood and reproductive conditions
what makes a fish a fish
vertebrata (have backbone)
contain backbone, nerve chord, and brain
have bilateral symmetry
half of all species of vertebrates on earth
jawless // agnatha
most primitive group
lack true jaws, feed by suction
lack paired fins and scales
skeleton made of cartilage
paired lateral fins
placoid scales or dermal denticles
sharks, rays, and skates and rat fishes
bony fish
23,000 species
skeleton made of bone
96% of fish in this
have swim bladder
body shape is related to
fast swimmers
streamlined/torpedo body
leisurley swimmers
laterally compressed - still enough speed to get away from predators
bottom swimmers
dorsoventrally flattened
eel-like fish
ribbon like bodies - good for hiding in small places
irregular shapes
puffer and seam horse
how fish move
fish swimming constantly
cartilagenous fish have to swim non stop to keep water moving over gills
bands of muscle that contract rythmically allowing the trail to move side to side
swim bladder
lift it
caudal fin
move it forward
pectroal fins
provide lift
dorsal and anal fins
balence and streering
turn balence and brake
shark teeth
carnivores, teeth adapted to prey
sharp teeth take bites of large prey
sharp and serrated for tearing large prey
flath teeth
crushing crustaceans common in bottom feeding sharks
bony fishes eat
larger variety of food and have various means of catching food
filter feeding
water flows throgh mouth and gills and food is caught by the gill rakers and food is swallowed
whale sharks, basking shark, many rays
food passage
esophogus, stomach, and intestine
digestive enzymes secreted by
plyoric caeca and pancreas
live secrets
bile and contains oil for buyoncy for sharks